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What I'm Thankful for in Season 8

mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
I want to say thank you to the Cryptic crew for the following:

*The Reputation Token - I'm finally doing rep on my 15 alts because it seems within reach now. This is the best for me from season 8.

*S8 Battlezone - Over the last several months I have found myself enjoying ground more and more. I probably play ground more than anything now.

*Voth Rep - The Voth rep progression is much better without commodities and with the ability to do the hourly and daily projects allowing for real progress based on your time commitment. I will be done with tier II tomorrow. Now if we could get rep on the gateway so I can do it from work or the beach.

*Dilithium in the Missions - What I like most about the Sphere is the ability to earn 60 dilithium as well as 10 marks at every capture point. It adds up quickly and allows me to accomplish both rep and dilithium grinds at the same time. I'm able to get my marks and my dilithium in a couple hours and can then either play other missions like foundry or level another toons rep. I always thought that all missions should provide at least a small amount of dilithium.

*Many Mini Missions - I like as I walk around the Battlezone there are a myriad of side missions from mini bosses to healing injured personnel to scanning consoles. There are many accolades and things to uncover.

*Scaling - I like that the mission and capture points scale to how many players are at that capture point. This allows solo players on a slow map to still get the job done.

*New Traits - I like the new traits you can get from the Voth box and now the exchange. Especially the orbital strike beam that follows the target.

*New Tactical Consoles - Finally something you can get for putting in the work instead of chasing EC to buy an overpriced consoles from the exchange.

*Fleet Version of the Atrox - I bought this ship when it came out but hadn't really used it. With the fleet version and the new turn buffs that have come out I decided to pull it out of mothballs. I might even fly the Chimera too but its just so dang ugly. I will however be using the Romulan fleet vet ship.

I know I can whine with the best of them sometimes but I wanted to tell you about all the things I appreciate this season. Not much to say about the Space zone as I haven't even had time to play that one and it still seems somewhat confusing.
Gold Sub since March 2010
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
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  • lordlalolordlalo Member Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mikefl wrote: »
    *Dilithium in the Missions - What I like most about the Sphere is the ability to earn 60 dilithium as well as 10 marks at every capture point. It adds up quickly and allows me to accomplish both rep and dilithium grinds at the same time. I'm able to get my marks and my dilithium in a couple hours and can then either play other missions like foundry or level another toons rep. I always thought that all missions should provide at least a small amount of dilithium.

    I really, really, really wish this were true for space caps as well.
    Said NO to Arc. Gets punished by not being given a free outfit, free lobi, and free shuttle. Now forced to use Arc's site when trying to get to STO site. Still not rewards for beta testing the Arc website by force. Bravo Cryptic.
  • grendelthewise#0990 grendelthewise Member Posts: 640 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am about to hit tier two by the end of the weekend and I have to say I really enjoy the revamped reputation system for the Dyson Sphere. I just do my selected missions in the sphere and wait the 19 hours.
    Fleet Admiral of the U.S.S. ATTILA KHAN-CDA (NX-921911).
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The rewards for the space contested zone capture is a bit rubbish compared to ground. Not sure if it's an attempt to funnel people towards ground but it could do with a buff. Either gear, dilithium, marks, Voth cybernetic things.

    Then again the rewards seem so inconsistent across the game. They all need looking at really.
  • captrott1captrott1 Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mikefl wrote: »
    *Scaling - I like that the mission and capture points scale to how many players are at that capture point. This allows solo players on a slow map to still get the job done.

    I agree with all of your other bullet points. However, I haven't noticed the scaling really in effect. I attempted to capture a point solo on ground, it was not doable. Not saying it can not be done but it isn't an easy thing.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    captrott1 wrote: »
    I agree with all of your other bullet points. However, I haven't noticed the scaling really in effect. I attempted to capture a point solo on ground, it was not doable. Not saying it can not be done but it isn't an easy thing.

    Yes it does scale, and yes its doable.

    now i dont know if every point is set up the same so some may be harder than others and it is a little on the tricky side even at the best of times, and certainly ground tends to be harder than space generally as people dont often spec as much into it, but it can be done.
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I agree with the OP with beening thankful with everything but those fleet tac consoles, but lets not bring that up again :P
    Yes it does scale, and yes its doable.

    now i dont know if every point is set up the same so some may be harder than others and it is a little on the tricky side even at the best of times, and certainly ground tends to be harder than space generally as people dont often spec as much into it, but it can be done.

    Sure its doable, did it a few times, but it seems its a 2 way street, becouse scaling can get u killed. Saw this (and happened to me a few times) when there are lets say 3 players with their boffs in one capturing point. 2 players, along with their boffs, leave or die, and you remain alone in that spot. Now the enemies that are allready there are scaled for the difficulty of 3 players, and will more likely kill you aswell. Probably this could end up in a form of grefing...
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    captrott1 wrote: »
    I agree with all of your other bullet points. However, I haven't noticed the scaling really in effect. I attempted to capture a point solo on ground, it was not doable. Not saying it can not be done but it isn't an easy thing.

    You can solo but I usually use my engineer with the shard and bring two engineer boffs to add turrets or I bring my tactical with escorts and the shard and two engineer boffs for the same.

    The easiest capture point for solo is the open kill zone one where you don't bother with consoles. The cannon capture point barely affords you enough time to run around to the five devices and shut them down and the omega particle point can be done but usually has harder enemies at it as well as consoles to scan. I usually team with a friend and run the missions.

    A solo player usually has to defeat one easy mech and a group of five players or more would have three hard mechs. That's the scaling I'm talking about
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2013
    mikefl wrote: »
    *Voth Rep - The Voth rep progression is much better without commodities and with the ability to do the hourly and daily projects allowing for real progress based on your time commitment. I will be done with tier II tomorrow. Now if we could get rep on the gateway so I can do it from work or the beach.

    Given the hoard of marks and tokens people can amass, adding it to the gateway would be a welcome change. I hate having to leave the game running in the background and having to step back in the room every hour just to fill out the same mission over and over.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    There are bugs- there are always going to be bugs- but overall this has been the smoothest Season launch I can remember. No problems logging in at all.
  • lystentlystent Member Posts: 1,019
    edited November 2013
    *S8 Battlezone - Over the last several months I have found myself enjoying ground more and more. I probably play ground more than anything now.

    It's sorta like the deep space encounters, but there are side missions, AND the enemies never run out.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    captrott1 wrote: »
    I agree with all of your other bullet points. However, I haven't noticed the scaling really in effect. I attempted to capture a point solo on ground, it was not doable. Not saying it can not be done but it isn't an easy thing.

    engineer with trans bomb and mines armed with pulsewaves. enemies including mechs are turtle soup and scrap.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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