so to start off im doing this review not to bring you all the little details but just some of the things ive come across using the ship. mind you im not super great at review so bare with me.
the Palisade Science Vessel
going to be blunt, unless you a big fan of the ship from the Voyager episode you going to be getting a ship thats about the same as the fleet deep space science vessel. witch leads me to a question for anyone looking to buy one. "are you going to get both ships?" this is a very big question when i look at the voth sci ship by itself. other then the aceton console i feel you can spend less money getting a fleet sci ship then a lobi one. at the end this is going to be your best bet if you must have a voth ship, Why? the overall cost. if you already did the lobi event then your well on your way to getting the ship anyways, this means less money spent on lockbox's. Also on the exchange for far less then the flight deck cruiser (about 78m ec last time i checked)
Bastion Flight-Deck Cruiser
This is the ship, by far the better one of the two voth ships. granted there are fleet cruisers that have stats of the same level you must look at the ships potential past its stats alone. It's console is by far one of the best i have ever seen on a lockbox ship, with a 3min cooldown it can't be used often but when it is active its so strong of a shield not even the elite crystalline entity's shockwave can damage you. This is great for dealing with spike damage but keep in mind it can only handle 100,000 damage witch does sound like a lot but faced with large number of borg can quickly add up and drop the shield. Moving on to the main point of the flight deck, the fighters! If you have the dil dismiss the stock and go right to the adv. This will not only give you both emergency power to shields/weapons 2 but also give beam overload 1. For a large fighter that can heal itself it feels more like a BoP pet then a fighter.
the biggest drawback to the flight deck is the vast cost gap between its sci counterpart. besides needing to be lucky and getting it out of a lockbox one the exchange this ship runs 110m ec on up. so one has to look at if the cost is going to be worth it.
Now onto the the question of if it's going to be worth getting both, well this is the odd part. As a 2p set it will give you a
standard cloak not a battlecloak so you can live without it if you get only one but, and here is where i find it odd. The two consoles make the flight deck one hell of a ship, draining power and immune to damage for short periods of time can help get the ship out of harms way if need be.
Palisade Science Vessel
-5 sci console slots
-great looking voth ship (if looks matter to you)
-cost less if you did the lobi event
-great console
-if you don't have access to fleet shipyards its a great sci ship
-fleet sci ships out perform it
-fleet sci ships will always cost less (2000 zen 500 if you have a retro)
Bastion Flight-Deck Cruiser
-great tank
-good dps
-nice Boff layout (looks that way to me anyways)
-overpowered console of doom
-over the top fighter pets (when using adv)
-the cost :0
-some fleet cruisers are better (stats i mean)
-turn rate (if you don't mind then not a con)
buying both
-2 great consoles on one ship
-cloak (like i said you can live without it)
-my god the cost
-2p set is a bit of a let down if your hoping for something like a battlecloak
well there ya go everyone, just a review from my point of view on the new voth ships.
Commander science
Lt com engine
Lt com tac
Lt science.
Then you could go all out science and run all positions science except the lt commander eng spot. This in PvP might replace the Wells, which is a awesome PvP ship.
thanks for the feedback, i'll give the sci ship a bit more looking over. I never owned a Wells so i couldn't say on one or the other. Maybe it's just that im naturally biased when it comes to cruisers. In it's own right it's a great sci ship but as you pointed out i'll go back and work with the ship a bit more. Also do remember i took consoles into account and by far the flight deck win out with the Reactive Shield Amplifie. lol but i'm not going to compare a sci ship to a cruiser, wouldn't do much good. :P
cool, i still need to do a bit more testing with energy siphon and aceton field generator stacking when used together but if it does it maybe a great leech ship.
All the CC in the world won't help you bring down multiple enemies in a timely manner if you only have 2 Tac slots and one-trick-pony long CD console skills. Currently the Vesta has the best dps potential, while the Wells has superior mobility. The Palisade doesn't come close to either parameter.
It would however make a good PvE support ship in a pre-made team because it has better tank. But the reality for PUGS is you have to be able to bring down craft reasonably quickly by yourself, and heal/tank sufficiently. With the exception of the novelty factor, or ship collecting, personally this ship doesn't appeal to me at all. It doesn't really excel at anything useful that can't be done better by other sci ships.
The palisade only worth if you can't really access any kind of fleet sci ship.
But there's another thing which makes it worth: cross-faction.
There's still a HUGE lack of proper sci ships both in the romulan AND the klingon side (unless you want the entire collection of gorn ships).
For someone who wants to play a proper sci vessel on those factions without having to resort to the infamous amount of EC it takes to buy a temporal science vessel, then the palisade's worth the hassle.
Let's be honest:
If you already got 800 lobi to get one 800 lobi (science) ship, go for the recluse.
The recluse is a powerhouse with universal commander boff.
Now get some "Tholian mesh weaver" frigate class hangar pets, preferably the elite ones if you can get your hands on them
The Recluse has clearly PROVEN itself as one hell of a ship in the right hands
Voth flight deck cruiser...
It is a solid ship, but it is not really worth it because it only has one hangar bay
Advanced Obelisk...
Strongest tank of all playable starships, but pretty much useless in anything but support due to lack of dps (unless you got the elite swarmers of course)
My recommendation:
If you want a carrier powerhouse, get either the Recluse (mesh weaver pets) or the Jem dread (Swarmer pets or Jem attack ship pets if you happen to have a Jem attack ship)
If you are foing for pure firepower, you can take the Kumari (If you don't mind it being a glass cannon), Fleet Avenger (great tank AND dps) or the Scimitar (with romulan drone ship pets)
I still say the Vesta and the Wells are the best science ships in the game, but considering the price and being cross faction the Palisade is a good option. I would never spend Lobi on it, but 78 million that I would. (The price I got mine at). I also play heavy in the science side of the game and this let me have another ship that I could try different builds with. While I have to agree the the obelisk and recluse are the two best tank and healers in the game they're not science ships. They are carriers. Yes most carriers are science based but, there is a difined difference. After playing in it for about a week I would rank it third on my list. The best thing about the Palisades is also the best thing about the Wells, you can go heavy science builds. No tactical position needed. While I still use one, I have seen pleanty of PvP Wells builds that would out dps a average PvE escort, and the Wells would never have a tatical position. Now the Paisades is not a Wells and I think the Wells is the best science ship in the game, behind it a very close Vesta. But he Palisades is a cheap option for someone that does not have the keys, or real life money for the other ships, and can do what the others can, maybe not as well, but it can hang in there.