Recently I've read the forums about new content (namely ships) for KDF and Rom. I realize that it takes a while for the design team to make the ships that they release, and I assume that it includes the sketches, the CGI models, and fleshing out the stats/classes. Now, I have an idea that could potentially relieve part of that issue (this was used before by the company): let fans design the ships and choose from that. Given that it would add others to the process, and it would be free.
That is what they did for the Design The Next Enterprise contest. It went badly, but the Odyssey and Chimera came out of that contest. Numerous contestants were using designs that they didn't own. Cryptic has to figure out if a design is legal for them to use and even when a fan designs a ship, there is a ton of work to do before it is available for us. All that fan submissions do is let the devs skip the rough concept art phase. They still have to come up with an updated concept art that works for them, put a 3-D model of the ship into the game, and decide what stats the ship will have.
That is what they did for the Design The Next Enterprise contest. It went badly, but the Odyssey and Chimera came out of that contest. Numerous contestants were using designs that they didn't own. Cryptic has to figure out if a design is legal for them to use and even when a fan designs a ship, there is a ton of work to do before it is available for us. All that fan submissions do is let the devs skip the rough concept art phase. They still have to come up with an updated concept art that works for them, put a 3-D model of the ship into the game, and decide what stats the ship will have.
Not to mention that this contest was open only to US residents which alienated a large portion of players. That in of itself caused a firestorm and the Dev's more or less said that is would not happen again.
Not to mention that this contest was open only to US residents which alienated a large portion of players. That in of itself caused a firestorm and the Dev's more or less said that is would not happen again.