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What ship would you use?

kb21kb21 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
edited November 2013 in Klingon Discussion
I am just coming back from a long hiatus... now not sure what ship to run anymore on my science officer. I like the carriers but have a few of them and don't know what would be the better bet on running. I am currently in a Mirror Vo'quv with 1 bay advanced BOP other bay advanced slavers (I know get rid of them but I had them pre nerf) with three dbb and three turrets on back and to keep things immobilized in front of my nose trac beam 3 and grav well 3, I do pretty well with it, but not sure I want to keep going with that ship.
My alternative ships are : Veranus, Obelisk, Kar'Fi, Vo'Quv, or Marauder FDC.

What ship would you go with out of those?

I also have a 50 tactical officer in a Hegh'ta Heavy BOP and she just melts stuff... quad cannon plus DHC's and a torp launcher and turrets with csv2 torp volley 2 and attack pattern omega3 going nothing lasts long against it (until the boss focuses me then respawn time). Would I be better off in exactly the same choices of ships as the science officer except no Vo'quvs on the tac officer to survive better? or should I just stay with the Hegh'ta?
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    alfamegaalfamega Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    kb21 wrote: »
    Veranus, Obelisk, Kar'Fi, Vo'Quv, or Marauder FDC.
    varanus - support only. so meh....
    voquv - all time solid choice. there are mirror voquv's to buy on exchange way cheaper then with dili.
    marauder - is a cruiser with some pets and nothing more.
    obelisk - actually not bad at all. tho very engi oriented. may be not bad for a2b setup.

    karfi - should be the ship of choice.
    1. fast and nimble comparable to other carriers.
    2. doing lot of damage. +10 weapon power. 4/3 weapons. lot of tac skills.
    3. debuffing frigates.
    4. strong shielding, field generators are mandatory assets.
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Out of those you offered I'd say either stay with the Hegh'ta if you find it fun to play or try the Kar'fi.
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    zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The hegh''ta is a good ship, I flew one since they have been around on my sci main.

    Recently I swapped it out to the Peghqu' though which is also a very good ship. It doesn't turn as fast as the BoP but has more health and an extra bo slot with only a small turn rate difference. Plus you get to keep the battlecloak.
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    kb21kb21 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    what loadout would you use as far as crew skills and such for a kar fi? what weapons, DHC or DBB or what?
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    tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,656 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    kb21 wrote: »
    what loadout would you use as far as crew skills and such for a kar fi? what weapons, DHC or DBB or what?

    I use this loadout on mine, though a bit expensive with 600 Lobi worth of stuff, on top of fleet gear:

    Though dropping the Elachi Crescent Cannon --which I'd consider it and the two-piece Elachi set bonus optional-- would put you at 400 Lobi, which should be doable before the current featured episode rerun promotion ends.
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    alexveccialexvecci Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    alfamega wrote: »
    varanus - support only. so meh....

    what's so wrong with it?

    The varanus can easly outclass the nebula AND the d'kyr put together when it comes to both heal support AND debuffs.

    My best bet is that you tried it without even trying to optimize your build specificaly for it, right?

    Also, even if the varanus is indicated as a support vesel, most of the job is done by the drones, not the BOff's skills, so it'll still leave you a VERY wide range of flexible buids to use besides the typical support healer.

    And btw, the varanus is the closest thing to an actual science vessel that the KDF got, so don't discard it with a simple "meh".
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    alfamegaalfamega Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    alexvecci wrote: »
    The varanus can easly outclass the nebula AND the d'kyr put together when it comes to both heal support AND debuffs.
    except the fact that no one needs it by now. only hardcore science lovers.
    with a little effort everyone can tank nearly anything, even in an escort.
    and debuffs are either weak, long cd or too easily to get rid off.
    its not like in wow with affliction warlock who can kill just by doting in to oblivion.
    kb21 wrote: »
    what loadout would you use as far as crew skills and such for a kar fi? what weapons, DHC or DBB or what?
    i got full borg setup, both def and weapon set.
    DBB fore with omega torp and normal beams aft with cutting beam.
    reason is simple, karfi is too slow for positioning with cannons/turrets, most of the time they barely scratch because of falloff. also science abilities need forward arc.
    i got 2 copies of TT1, beta2, BFAW2, TS3 on tac, ep2sh and aux2struc on eng, 2 hazards1, tss2 and gw1 + gw3 on sci. worked quite good for me.
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