I'm searching a KDF fleet which has a tier 4 or 5 starbase / tier 3 embassy / tier 3 dilithium mine or slightly less than this.
Unfortunately I'm not in a very good fleet right now, where no one is spending materials to progress. I WANT to spend, but I don't want to do it myself.
So if you're an english or german speaking KDF fleet, let me now. If you have an entry fee, I'm also considering it.
The UFP may be a nice fit for you. We are:
- International community. Plenty of people to play with at all times!
- Beautiful website and forums: www.ufplanets.com
- A genuinely friendly group of people to get to know
- Events running throughout the week: http://ufplanets.com/events.php
- and finally yes, we have Tier 5 starbase on FED & KDF sides
Take a look at the website and feel free to throw me any questions you might have.
Hope that helps!
That's Tier II embassy now ... we sent it to timer.
AND ... we plan to progress quickly through the Spire Holding ... resources are being saved up for it.
U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
That'll be a hard decision where to go. I will think about it carefully
FED: Matt Torell, Lavinia Molinero, Zindox
KDF: Che'ko Tenda'All
ROM: Ecural Mendak
If you haven't already made a decision I would strongly recommend telling everyone a little more about what sort of experience you are looking for as it might well help you narrow down your options.
Do you focus on PvE or PvP or do you like to balance both?
Is there any time of day when you tend to play?
Do you like to socialise with other players via forums?
Do you ever use voice chat?
Do you want a group that has support for roleplaying?
etc etc
The more information you can provide about what it is you want the easier it should be for you to make an informed decision.