you know,
that awesome moment after playing a new FE Mission and then one of the rewards is a TOS Hand Phaser Replica, so you want to run it on all your chars 10 more times just to give every BOff one those Replicas?
When was the last time something like that happened?
I mean, it is pretty pimp running around in MACO XII gear and using those Elite Fleet Phaser Rifles with the chrome-ish look and so on...
...but i also want more such Replicas (and preferably TMP or TNG, we had plenty of TOS already), after all this is supposed to be STAR TREK, right?
i just went through this Blog where they auction off Star Trek Props from the Show (didn't read, was just picture hunting really) and wow... there is still a LOT of Props missing in STO.
just to point out a few on my personal wish list:
after 4 years, you would think all this stuff would already be in STO.
Feel free to add any Props that you would like to see that are not in STO yet.
(heck at this point i'd probably be happy about some Guinan Hats)
Back to topic though I'd love to see more TOS Phasers that are mark 12 lol that would be pretty nice