Understanding the plot of an MMO like STO is very important to me, and I have a few questions from the new mission. Maybe I just missed reading an explanation during the mission, or maybe I'm just dense, but I'd appreciate any insight people have!
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1) It's said multiple times during the mission that we had to open all Iconian gateways (in the galaxy?) to save New Romulus - I don't understand the connection. How does opening all of them save the planet?
2) "Servitor species" are mentioned - the implication is that the Iconians use other races to do their dirty work. Are the Elachi one of these servitor races for the Iconains?
3) We see the table from the TNG clicky-alien episode. Is the implication that the clicky-aliens are another Iconian servitor species?
Sorry if they're dumb questions :cool:
Answers in red.
Edit: Wrong smiley face lol
Mine Trap Supporter
I remember seeing Romulans (the bad ones) and Elachi together when my Fed VA went to Nimbus to do that new chain a couple months back. It looks like they're working TOGETHER, but the console text you mention says the Elachi are supposed to be taking them down. So, what's the relationship between Romulans and Elachi?
I presume that's because the gate was set to lead to this "subspace hub" that acts as a nexus for the entire gate network, instead of a more typical destination.
By resetting the NR gate to standard functioning, it calmed down the cataclysmic effects ti was having on the planet.
As mentioned, activating the rest of the network was an unintended side effect.
The Tal Shiar (more specifically, Taris) are cooperating with the Iconians/Elachi (Taris has been obsessed with the Iconians ever since TNG: "Contagion") in order to bring down the Romulan Republic.
In effect, Taris allowed the Tal Shiar to become a Servitor race.
The console in question was talking about the Romulan Republic. The Tal Shiar are working for the Iconians. At the end of the mission Cutting the Cord, Hakeev says something along the lines of "The Iconians are coming back and nothing can stop them. The only way to survive is to find a place for yourself in their regime!"
So the Iconians sent the Elachi to assist the Tal Shiar. That way the Iconians themselves can control things from the shadows. People would just think that it's the Tal Shiar doing stuff.
Mine Trap Supporter
The Tal Shiar are the only romulans helping the elachi. They know about the iconians and are helping them to return, effectively becoming another servant race.
that makes the tal shiar and the elachi allies. normal romulans who have broken away from the tal shiar and are being targeted because they pose a threat by no longer being the tal shiar slaves.
My impression was that they're Servitors, just like everyone else. I'm betting it'll be a long, long time before we encounter any real Iconians. Presumably, they're all in the Andromeda galaxy.
Personally, I prefer this theory, because the more we see of the Iconians, the less interesting theyr'e bound to become.
In the romulan rep episode story we see the shadow of an iconian, and they look a little bit like the concept art that was thrown around a few years ago. Although they are often covered up, I dont think they will be the clickly aliens.
They feel like yet another servant race who do the work rather than pull the strings.
There's some concept art about what the Iconians look like floating around.
If you have T5 Romulan rep, the holographic display where you watch the Dewans messing around with the gateway shows an unknown figure that looks very similar to the concept art. So I'm going to go with the Solanogen aliens just being another servitor race.
Mine Trap Supporter
They also sent a message out at the end of schism to somebody in this reality which was presumably the iconians.
Not necessarily. The entry on Iconia in the nexus states that the world is "not suitable" for Iconian habitation, and will need to be converted. Additionally, there's nothing ruling out that the Iconans started out as a "prime material" (for lack of a better term) species, but something happened to potentially force them into living in subspace.
Now that I think about it...converting worlds, hiding things in subspace, servitor species...
Anyone getting a Sphere Builder vibe here?
Or the Elachi, or any other servitor race
Yes I know it's so players can get the ship but the temporal paradox in itself spoils what is going to hit them at lv50
There are actual some subtle differences in the dialogue with the first NPC you speak to if you haven't reached T5 Romulan reputation. It explains a little bit more what the place is, wherease if you've reached T5 it acknowledges that you've been there before (but still gently "reminds" you what it is :P).
I said a while back that in light of this FE, the instances should be uncoupled from rep advancement and folded into the episode progression. It was cool that they tied storyline to the reputation, but it seems to be something they're not doing with future reputations and which isn't strictly necessary for the mission flow.
Edit: Yes, there is some dialog difference if you didn't do the tier 4 mission and the tier 5 cutscene, but there's still the same plot hole: you still discover it after Sphere of Influence. Tying the rep missions and FE into a series would better resolve any issues.
I refer you to Voyager: Workforce.
i looked at that pic and all i could think was flame atronach from The Elder Scrolls universe lol
thanks for the concept image though ^_^
Also, pretty sure that one of the consoles in the bridges area says that the ship you end up taking is a solanagen ship and in the same entry says that the solanagen aliens are a servitor race.
Overall, pretty cool story line. It now seems the implication is that the sphere in season 8 was built by the Iconians, given that the Iconian gate we found in Tau Dewa has a lot of the same look as the stuff in the sphere, and the Iconian drone things are also in the sphere. This would also make sense with there being large amounts of omega particles there, since omega particles destroy the ability travel at warp when detonated. That would leave the Iconians with the ONLY faster than light travel available via their gates, assuming their gates work in a different way, which seems likely. That would pretty much force every major power in the galaxy to surrender, since I doubt many have planets that are self supporting any more.
Nouveau riche LTS member
On the other hand, one of the console text states that the Iconians can't trust Sela to do their bidding, and that she may have to be eliminated. So they Elachi may serve the role of Iconian 'insurance' against the Romulan Empire..
Yeah, Taris and Hakeev were the true servants of the Iconians. Sela certainly isn't going to accept Iconian rule. Wheels within wheels...
So we have 6,000+ open gateways? Okay... so... scale of 1 to 10... how bad of a state have we put the galaxy in?
11. Unquestionably 11.
It then make sense that perhaps the voth, one of the few species who might be able to go one on one with the Iconians and win, will eventually become allies with the Federation and Klingons.
The gateways use subspace for transportation between locations, unstable omega molecules destroys subspace, which should theoretically destroy the Iconian transportation technology.
It possible that the Voth were once a servitor race or help start the rebellion. They may have taken over the Dyson Sphere an are going to set off a Omega bomb to prevent the Iconian invasion of the galaxy, destroy subspace for and entire galaxy. Perhaps they plan to move their entire race to the Dyson sphere to protect them from the fallout of the Omega bomb.
If the Voth turn out to be another servitor race, then we are truly in trouble. on the other hand, the gates are link together, may be they could turn that Iconian virus against the Iconian gate network.
Other than that, I agree with the above poster who said 11. Eventually the borg will start walking through one, even if they can't assimilate it. Eventually lots of other horrible creatures will start using them to get where no one wants them to end up.
The Voth are so much older than the Iconians that I really can't see them ever being willing to accept the Iconians as overlords. Also, thanks to Doctrine they psychologically aren't really likely to accept anyone over them. An alliance may be possible, but I can't see them as servitors.
The Iconian empire was destroyed a few hundred thousand years ago. The Voth have been interstellar travel capable for tens of millions of years. That makes them, nearly a hundred times older than the fall of the Iconian empire.
The way I see it, its the Iconians who want to set off the omega molecules and the voth are gathering it for them.
they always relied on their gateways to travel the galaxy, and their homeworld was bombed by starships. if they destroy warp travel then they dont have to fear an orbital bombardment again as no one will be able to reach them, and they can use their gates to invade anyone.
The Iconian empire fell 200'000 years ago but we have no idea when they came into being. They may also have been tens of millions of years old. perhaps hundreds of millions.
From what we can see, the iconians may very well have had control over the whole galaxy at one point jusding by how far their gates extend. maybe even several galaxies.
Agreed. There is nothing that says the Voth are older than the Iconians.