Sounds amazing! Quick question, what are the prizes?
Probably S8 stuff that'll be revealed closer to S8's release. Hence, he probably won't be able to say until some of next week's Dev Blogs have come out.
You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
Cool, so 19th of November will be the release of the S8.
(as last time the livestream was 4th of may and 17 days later the LoR was released, but that was a saturday, now its friday so we need to add 18 days.)
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
Lets hold an event 3-5 pm my time and give away prizes.. 1st off i can't wait for the new season to get here but A. I have to be at work and being most adults have to work till 5pm and usually have a 30+ min drive to get home. B. most students are probably still in school I guess the people they are targeting for this event is the elderly and retired. You can do better guys
You should be able to watch the recorded version later via our Twitch channel.
Brandon =/\=
It would be nice if you could also make a short post to tell us when it is uploaded and maybe how to access it because I could not see any possibility to watch uploads when I checked your companys twitch channel.
It would be nice if you could also make a short post to tell us when it is uploaded and maybe how to access it because I could not see any possibility to watch uploads when I checked your companys twitch channel.
I'll post it up on the site the following week, but you should be able to go to the Twitch page later in the day to watch it. It typically saves and posts the file shortly after recording.
I'll post it up on the site the following week, but you should be able to go to the Twitch page later in the day to watch it. It typically saves and posts the file shortly after recording.
Season 8 is not releasing on 10/31 -- "Sphere of Influence," our upcoming Feature Episode, is.
EDIT: P.S. The channel is once again public
Brandon =/\=
Hey Brandon... In regards to this... and in correlation to LoR (Legacy of Romulus) are there going to be similar rewards, Legacy Packs, Starter Packs.. but for Season 8 or will it still be Legacy pack or Starter packs?
Hey Brandon... In regards to this... and in correlation to LoR (Legacy of Romulus) are there going to be similar rewards, Legacy Packs, Starter Packs.. but for Season 8 or will it still be Legacy pack or Starter packs?
It's a Season, not an expansion. LoR was an expansion that introduced a new faction, hence the starter pack and legacy pack. Seasons typically introduce new content and progress the storyline of STO. There will probably be new lockboxes and new stuff for the c-store, but it won't be on the scale the Legacy Bundle was.
You'll probably have to wait until they introduce the next faction expansion before you get a new faction based bundle like that.
It's a Season, not an expansion. LoR was an expansion that introduced a new faction, hence the starter pack and legacy pack. Seasons typically introduce new content and progress the storyline of STO. There will probably be new lockboxes and new stuff for the c-store, but it won't be on the scale the Legacy Bundle was.
You'll probably have to wait until they introduce the next faction expansion before you get a new faction based bundle like that.
I was referring to the Twitch Livestream... As they always grant Items to viewers...
Probably S8 stuff that'll be revealed closer to S8's release. Hence, he probably won't be able to say until some of next week's Dev Blogs have come out.
I also remember my bitter disappointment at failing to get the packs. Twice.
1 in a million, folks. 1 in a million...
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
(as last time the livestream was 4th of may and 17 days later the LoR was released, but that was a saturday, now its friday so we need to add 18 days.)
They'll start streaming on Friday, November 1st, 2013 at 12pm PDT.
Not like it's posted anywhere, so hope this helps :P
i meant getting a automated update on my Twitch iPhone App in case i forget the time
From the OP
It should be set back to public later today.
Brandon =/\=
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
You should be able to watch the recorded version later via our Twitch channel.
Brandon =/\=
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
It would be nice if you could also make a short post to tell us when it is uploaded and maybe how to access it because I could not see any possibility to watch uploads when I checked your companys twitch channel.
I'll post it up on the site the following week, but you should be able to go to the Twitch page later in the day to watch it. It typically saves and posts the file shortly after recording.
Season 8 is not releasing on 10/31 -- "Sphere of Influence," our upcoming Feature Episode, is.
EDIT: P.S. The channel is once again public
Brandon =/\=
Hey Brandon... In regards to this... and in correlation to LoR (Legacy of Romulus) are there going to be similar rewards, Legacy Packs, Starter Packs.. but for Season 8 or will it still be Legacy pack or Starter packs?
It's a Season, not an expansion. LoR was an expansion that introduced a new faction, hence the starter pack and legacy pack. Seasons typically introduce new content and progress the storyline of STO. There will probably be new lockboxes and new stuff for the c-store, but it won't be on the scale the Legacy Bundle was.
You'll probably have to wait until they introduce the next faction expansion before you get a new faction based bundle like that.
I was referring to the Twitch Livestream... As they always grant Items to viewers...
Ah well, it's a neat idea guys
Will it be Zen, Ships, Energy Credits maybe?
Or will it be stuff we will get in Season 8?
*Austin Powers voice* I'll try to behave..
The prequel FE is on the 31st not S8.
There will be several giveaways throughout the stream, probably one towards or at the end. Make sure you say something in chat once you log in.
Brandon =/\=
Sounds like a plan.
Kanharn's Memory Alpha.