Looking for 4 people to help create this fleet. Might be easier to contact me on the FB group page:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/173344742860811/ If this link doesn't work, just search for Knights Templar. It's a new group so as of this posting it won't list more than 2 members.
Knights Templar is a faith-based STO fleet. Our role is
NOT prosyletory or evangelistic, but rather pastoral, providing a place in-game for like-minded folks to come and play, have fun, and get encouraged. Think of church, but with video games!
As a fleet the first priority is our relationship with Christ. Our game skill is subordinate to that. All denominations welcome.
I noticed that many other people had started fleets for specific groups of people (GLBT, Athiest, etc.). I also noticed that in the chat there was often some God-fearing person getting slammed by those who thought they were silly. So this fleet is simply to give a home to a group of like-minded folks.
I have a command structure in mind, and some things pastorally that I would like to do with this. But I need a group of people to help get it created. I need 4 more just to do that. If you'd like to take on a leadership role great. If you don't want a leadership role but are willing to be listed as a leader in order to create it, and then we can move you off the leadership roster later, I'll take that too. If you go to the above linked FB group I will put up various documents in the 'file' section that outline the vision. There are many things that I will need constructive collaboration on, and tasks that need to be delegated. The group is closed, meaning, I think, that anybody can join, but only members can see the posts. You can respond to this thread, or post to the FB group (which may be better). Below is a copy of our code of conduct, which can also be found on the group page:
1. Have fun!
2. We are a PASTORAL fleet, NOT evangelistic. This means that, as a fleet, we do not fly around the galaxy pushing ourselves on people, and knocking them over the head with our Bibles. Part of the reason is that we would most likely be violating STO rules in doing so. And partly because it is not what God has tasked this particular fleet with. He may very well task a different fleet with evangelism, but this is how we feel led to operate.
3. When engaged in PvP or team based PvE, whether with other fleet members or PUGs, we will assist and mentor other players making mistakes; not belittle, make sneering comments, yell, shame, etc. (Having said that, a little good-natured razzing among friends is always fun.)
4. Rule #3 should also apply in our participation in the in-game chats as well as forums (even when talking to or about the Devs
5. While what a person does on behalf of themselves can certainly not be controled by the fleet (and afterall, we do believe in liberty), we should always try and keep in mind that our actions will be considered by others to be representative of not only the fleet but the body of Christ at large.
6. Nobody, including Christians, are perfect. We all make mistakes, we all fall short of the glory of God at times. This fleet is not just for the "perfect", or "got-it-all-together" Christian; but also for the new believer; the believer struggling with questions; the believer that stumbled, the believer with a past, etc.. Point being: we do not shoot our wounded.
7. Have fun!