Just played Too many mayhems last night (I have not played episode 1). It was much better than I expected it to be.
The writing is very solid despite the campy premise, and this is what makes the mission so enjoyable. Also,The objectives are like something right out of a Cryptic mission so the player will not feel like they are playing somebody's fan fic. I have to admit the mayhems have a new fan here . The only issue I had was all the temporal effects really brought my four year old laptop to a crawl.
P.s. I thought I might request having a member of the mayhems in a very small cameo for my next mission. I have built a little bar aboard the players ship and it has a "holo juke box" that will have a rotation of musical acts being rendered on it. It is similar to the holographic singer I had n the bar scene for A time to search. Let me know if you are interested.
A TIME TO SEARCH: ENTER MY FOUNDRY MISSION at the RISA SYSTEM Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Just played Too many mayhems last night (I have not played episode 1). It was much better than I expected it to be.
The writing is very solid despite the campy premise, and this is what makes the mission so enjoyable. Also,The objectives are like something right out of a Cryptic mission so the player will not feel like they are playing somebody's fan fic. I have to admit the mayhems have a new fan here . The only issue I had was all the temporal effects really brought my four year old laptop to a crawl.
P.s. I thought I might request having a member of the mayhems in a very small cameo for my next mission. I have built a little bar aboard the players ship and it has a "holo juke box" that will have a rotation of musical acts being rendered on it. It is similar to the holographic singer I had n the bar scene for A time to search. Let me know if you are interested.
Sorry i slowed your old laptop down. I knew that was going to be a potential problem in that last room.
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, and the Mayhems are available for booking through Pulse Omega Productions , i.e. just ask, I'll figure out how to get you the info for the sliders.
Sorry i slowed your old laptop down. I knew that was going to be a potential problem in that last room.
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, and the Mayhems are available for booking through Pulse Omega Productions , i.e. just ask, I'll figure out how to get you the info for the sliders.
- john
Cool, cool. I do have a knack at getting npcs to look right from photos alone. I believe I sent you an Admiral Quinn once. Since it is a hologram it wont have to be 100% accurate. If sharing your characters is something you want to do there is a costumes section on starbaseugc.
ps. The one error in the mission was some clipping with a few walls you plased on the starbase. Easily fixed just add or subtract to the x and z values ie: instead of X: 0.231 change one wall to X:0.232. I wont make any difference to the position of the wall that way.
A TIME TO SEARCH: ENTER MY FOUNDRY MISSION at the RISA SYSTEM Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
The writing is very solid despite the campy premise, and this is what makes the mission so enjoyable. Also,The objectives are like something right out of a Cryptic mission so the player will not feel like they are playing somebody's fan fic. I have to admit the mayhems have a new fan here
P.s. I thought I might request having a member of the mayhems in a very small cameo for my next mission. I have built a little bar aboard the players ship and it has a "holo juke box" that will have a rotation of musical acts being rendered on it. It is similar to the holographic singer I had n the bar scene for A time to search. Let me know if you are interested.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Sorry i slowed your old laptop down. I knew that was going to be a potential problem in that last room.
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, and the Mayhems are available for booking through Pulse Omega Productions , i.e. just ask, I'll figure out how to get you the info for the sliders.
- john
Cool, cool. I do have a knack at getting npcs to look right from photos alone. I believe I sent you an Admiral Quinn once. Since it is a hologram it wont have to be 100% accurate. If sharing your characters is something you want to do there is a costumes section on starbaseugc.
ps. The one error in the mission was some clipping with a few walls you plased on the starbase. Easily fixed just add or subtract to the x and z values ie: instead of X: 0.231 change one wall to X:0.232. I wont make any difference to the position of the wall that way.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.