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Upgrading "old" ships



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    misterde3 wrote: »
    You'll also notice that the only designs that go so long are carriers and strategic bombers like the B-52 and the Tu-95. That's because neither of them are expected to ever get under fire. Carriers stay out of the enemy's effective range and strategic bombers are only used after air-defenses have been demolished and air superiority has been achieved. And those two tasks are not done by fighters from the 50's for a reason.;)
    That being said, TU-95s have some REALLY fast engines for a Turboprop powered plane and ridiculous range. The Russians have flown them from Russia to Cuba and back without refueling.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think there should be some allowable upgrades...to a point.

    There are examples of yestertech either being re-purposed or upgraded to find utility in a modern idiom. That said, there's only so much you can do.

    I'd be ok with some sort of meta-upgrade system (which one can argue we have in a sense - that is to say you can use higher-tier gear on lower tier ships). Something that increases the variety of builds in-play is never bad.
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The developers have said that this is just not possible.

    Gran Turismo was designed from day 1 to allow you to upgrade cars. It's a car simulation.

    Star Trek Online was designed from day 1 to replace ships, it's a Star Trek themed MMO. It is not a Star Trek Simulation.

    Fleet versions of ships is the closest we're getting to upgrading, just give the new one the same name and number and consider it a refit.

    I think that they may be reconsidering that a bit, now that so many of the important ships are ships you buy.

    Chances are the devs, at least from a business standpoint, want to add in T6 ships, but they are aware of the intense backlash that they would face. I think reducing all the end game ships people have purchased into little more than disposable level-up toys would result in very serious, negative long-term repercussions and might have large groups leaving and not returning, as would forcing literally almost the entire game to simultaneously make brand new builds for these new ships. The devs know this, but to keep sales going, aside from having us throw dil at new gear and the like, an excellent step would be some sort of upgrade facility.

    So technically "impossible" or not, I imagine that a long-term goal is to remove this "impossibility." Though I doubt we'll see it for a couple seasons yet - possibly not until the level cap is removed, or maybe even afterwards.

    Note I'm talking a "true" T6, with new, stronger level-up ships for the pure F2Pers, even, not Fleet or T5+ C-Store ships. I have seen a little evidence that a T6 is being considered at least, although I will also add in the caveat that this is largely speculation.
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ships are capable of being upgraded to T6 with necessary accommodations for those that are invested in ships.

    There would just have to be a way to give a holder of a fleet T5 or zen T5 ship some item that allows them to get a T6 ship for a much lower price.

    Perhaps at some point these games need to address the issues and treat it like new cars. Every fall a new model is coming out. STO could just say that every 3 years a new tier is being added. They release a bunch of ships early, a few in the middle, but the price drops as the 3 years wrap up and when the next tier comes out they are great.

    Before the game came out and I was getting stoked for it, I assumed we would ahve ships and they would get lost and everything would be gone. If ships were lost in combat then things could be more serious. for one afk missions would not be do able. Difficulty settings with qualities of drops could be adjusted to be more interesting. The key is gear, ships, and everything would be exponentially cheaper than they are. I have not come across to many that approve to it. But really the game is just too dead end. Perhaps not have the ship and gear lost, but have them require salvage and you have to expend XP or EC to get them back. I just think missions would be of more interest if there was significant consequence to losing them. It might be why i like PvP so darn much, at least there is a match to lose, its not like there is PvE that is that complicated or risk of failure, other than NWS, but I can't get a complete team together to attempt that.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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