Lieutenant Commander Yair Hillel's life fell apart after his encounter with the Bajoran Prophets. Poor performance at work and emotional separation from his wife caused a cascading series of problems. Isabella stayed by his side when he decided to leave Starfleet and move to Bajor in order to help the people he felt called to serve.
Yair learned that the Bajorans are a strong people and don't need help from a troubled individual. He contemplated suicide, but received some guidance from the Benjamin Sisko. His change of heart was too little, too late, and Isabella threatened to leave him a short time later.
Now Yair is hoping to re-join Starfleet and gain some sense of normalcy.
Counselor ch'Raul had no desire to be where he was - behind the captain's desk in the ready room of the
U.S.S. Executor. Technically T'Panna had cancelled the meeting with Yair Hillel, but ch'Raul still wanted to give the former security officer another chance. He also didn't want to alert Hillel by changing the location.
He wasn't terribly surprised when Hillel resigned his commission to stay on Bajor and try to help the Bajorans. Hillel hadn't listen to anything that ch'Raul had told him during the mandatory sessions following his "encounter" with the Bajoran Prophets (and subsequent lackluster job performance).
Humans can be incredibly stubborn, ch'Raul thought.
Almost as much as Andorians.
Based on Isabella's comments, it seemed like Ben Sisko finally brought clarity to Hillel's life. ch'Raul imagined the reasoning went like this: The Bajorans have a lot of areas where outside help is needed, but they don't need help from a man who ruined his family life to lend a hand. If a man can't provide for his family, how can a stranger expect him to be trustworthy?
ch'Raul promptly admitted the guest when the door chime sounded. Hillel scanned the room and looked confused. "Where is T'Panna? Or, congratulations, counselor, I mean, captain? Permission to come aboard?"
"Have a seat," ch'Raul responded. "T'Panna decided to let me conduct this interview on my own, so here we are. I have no desire to captain any vessel." He continued once Hillel was seated. "Why do you want your commission back?"
Hillel looked like a novice actor who had memorized his lines. "I realize that my resignation was a mistake, sir, and I want to rectify that." He paused, assuming that the answer was sufficient.
"Why did you resign your commission?"
There was a moment of silence. Hillel looked at his feet and then back at ch'Raul. "I had my priorities mistaken. I let my encounter with the Bajoran Gods take precedence over my career and my family. I'd like to move on and pretend like that never happened."
"What is more important to you - your career or your family?"
"My family, sir," Hillel replied.
"When did you come to this conclusion?"
"I have always felt this way."
"I don't believe you," ch'Raul replied. "You dragged your family halfway across the quadrant to fulfill a perceived need without considering your wife's input. So tell me the truth: what is more important, you or your family?"
Hillel stood up. "That isn't a fair question, sir. I'm here to discuss my commission, not intimacy with my wife!"
The counselor waited for Hillel to sit back down before responding. "My job is to make sure that personal issues do not negatively affect the crew. What good is it to the captain if a bridge officer has an existential crisis during the middle of a fight? How many lives could be lost because of that officer's distractions? Can you understand my perspective?"
Hillel rose again. "Yes I do. You don't give a damn about me, as long as your ship runs smoothly! Thank you for your time, counselor."
Counselor ch'Raul suppressed a laugh. "Before you go, there is one more thing: T'Panna denied your request for reinstatement. This meeting is happening without her knowledge. My plan was to see if you were ready to change, and if so, to help you. But clearly you don't want my help, so by all means, go on your way. Know that if you walk out that door, this will be the last Starfleet vessel you step foot on."
Yair Hillel walked out of the ready room. ch'Raul was sad to see Hillel stuck in his self-destructive cycle, but there was nothing else he could do.
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