No need to be sorry about it. If a person has money to burn, then they can spend it in any way they want. The problem is when people don't have money to burn and spend it on frivolous pursuits like buying a bunch of pixels.
My only problem is when people say that since I contributed a ton more to the game, than you, then I should have more of a say in how the game works than you. Not sure if that is what you were saying, but listing thousands of dollars in transactions while asking for something specific needs to be changed certainly implies that.
Thanks, and no, that's not my point at all.
I'm not saying that my opinion is more or less significant than any other gamer. Regardless of how much they spend on a game. The history of these, and other forums are absolutely brimming full of repetitive gamer requests for things like Modernization of the Klingon faction (I use this as an example because I've personally requested it many times).
I posted a partial list of expenditures to prove credibility to Cryptic employees who can actually check my account. I'm speaking on behalf of a couple dozen other gamers with similar buying histories, and who also feel that the entire player-base (not just us) had been ignored.
We hope that will change, because we like this game. But if not, it's no problem to move on. It should go without saying that Cryptic will not care either way.
And that IS the point. Cryptic doesn't give a frag. Don't you expect a little more consideration -- not as an individual, but as a player-base than to be ignored? You are, after all, paying to play this game. Well, for the most part anyway.
All I hear is, "Im bored with the game, we need new content" New stuff is put out and all most do is complain about it, THEN DON'T PLAY. but yet you still do. They could not put anything new out at all. I for one am happy to see S8 coming. Someone on here said, "everyone has a different view on what STO should be" that is true. But I think the game is not perfect for me, but close enough and I have fun playing it. You should as well. People, if your one of the ones that is whining, STOP. I bet once you play S8 you will like it.
I agree with the OP. I get the impression that a certain philosophy is being either forced on Cryptic by PWE, or enthusiastically taken on, and while it might be the right philosophy for something like NWO, it doesn't seem to me like the right philosophy for Star Trek, most of whose audience is going to be more mature gamers like the OP (whether or not they've got that amount of disposable income, they'll be spending something roughly proportionate on an IP they love, within their means).
We really don't need much new stuff in this game, the IP of which is after all pretty tightly circumscribed; we need the stuff that's in the game to be better implemented. It's not that far off, it just needs more depth (e.g. exploration - more variety, more complexity; faction depth, fleshing out the Klingons, etc.) and more polish (so many little bugs and QOL issues, none of which is game-breaking, but the accumulation of which is annoying).
The core game is sound, it's just that one gets the impression of Cryptic helter-skeltering off a failcliff of power-creep and ridiculousness, when they could probably more profitably (in the long run) be building on the soundness of what they've got. This was the same story with CO, which had incredible potential to begin with, but nothing happened, and it's still languishing.
Not that I have any particular objection to the new content, or any canon objection to it, but it just gives the impression of relying on "new stuffz" to keep the game going, where actually "better what already exists stuffz" would probably be a better diretion for this particular game.
Another way of putting it: the type of game-plan the devs seem to have (more new stuffz and shinies) is only going to attract fair-weather players, and it must surely be fast approaching a level of ridiculousness that's going to TRIBBLE off the loyal audience.
I agree with the OP. I get the impression that a certain philosophy is being either forced on Cryptic by PWE, or enthusiastically taken on, and while it might be the right philosophy for something like NWO, it doesn't seem to me like the right philosophy for Star Trek, most of whose audience is going to be more mature gamers like the OP (whether or not they've got that amount of disposable income, they'll be spending something roughly proportionate on an IP they love, within their means).
We really don't need much new stuff in this game, the IP of which is after all pretty tightly circumscribed; we need the stuff that's in the game to be better implemented. It's not that far off, it just needs more depth (e.g. exploration - more variety, more complexity; faction depth, fleshing out the Klingons, etc.) and more polish (so many little bugs and QOL issues, none of which is game-breaking, but the accumulation of which is annoying).
The core game is sound, it's just that one gets the impression of Cryptic helter-skeltering off a failcliff of power-creep and ridiculousness, when they could probably more profitably (in the long run) be building on the soundness of what they've got. This was the same story with CO, which had incredible potential to begin with, but nothing happened, and it's still languishing.
Not that I have any particular objection to the new content, or any canon objection to it, but it just gives the impression of relying on "new stuffz" to keep the game going, where actually "better what already exists stuffz" would probably be a better diretion for this particular game.
Another way of putting it: the type of game-plan the devs seem to have (more new stuffz and shinies) is only going to attract fair-weather players, and it must surely be fast approaching a level of ridiculousness that's going to TRIBBLE off the loyal audience.
I could not agree with OP more. I don't recall anyone asking for dinosaurs in space and the laser t'rex is dumbest thing ever. It is so stupid you don't need to make fun of it. Gecko is either a ****** ... or the shrewdest dev assuming he pegged his audience correctly.
I came here for Star Trek not B-rated Saturday morning cartoons. I haven't spent anywhere close to what OP has ... more like $20 a month on F2P account but he got me thinking. Obviously he is a Klink fan ... and so am I. If he is spending so much isn't it equivalent to like 10 gold accounts. I am sure there are hundreds if not thousands of people like him who are happy to spend varying amounts of money if given more Trek. Hundreds of people begged for a Galaxy revamp ... more than willing to pay ... and instead we get avenger. People begged for a new ship for Klingons and we get nothing.
Clearly Cryptic doesn't care about Trekkie ... only the MMO fantasy players who must dominate this game somehow. I can't find another explanation for the madness of Season 8. I am nearing the end point myself. Still wish to explore a few more builds and some Klingon foundry episode. First TOR ... and now this game. Really turning sour on MMO genre.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Sheesh. Some players are never happy. Some moaned and griped about how "romulans aint a full faction" before LoR launched. It's the same thing every season added to the game. When info starts getting released, some people find something to gripe about it.
Apparently the game is doing quite well despite all the crying and belly-aching from a minority of we forum dwellers. Seriously. You guys are making us look bad. :P
Enjoy it for what it is, an MMO, or go play something else. Personally I could care less.
Yes, I do... whether you like it or not is immaterial... but I have a right to make a judgement on it.... and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
You don't have the right, simply because it's none of your buisness, but I guess it's tedious to discuss things like that with a person like you, who clearly displays some of the worst character traits humanity has to offer...
I could not agree with OP more. I don't recall anyone asking for dinosaurs in space and the laser t'rex is dumbest thing ever. It is so stupid you don't need to make fun of it. Gecko is either a ****** ... or the shrewdest dev assuming he pegged his audience correctly.
I came here for Star Trek not B-rated Saturday morning cartoons. I haven't spent anywhere close to what OP has ... more like $20 a month on F2P account but he got me thinking. Obviously he is a Klink fan ... and so am I. If he is spending so much isn't it equivalent to like 10 gold accounts. I am sure there are hundreds if not thousands of people like him who are happy to spend varying amounts of money if given more Trek. Hundreds of people begged for a Galaxy revamp ... more than willing to pay ... and instead we get avenger. People begged for a new ship for Klingons and we get nothing.
Clearly Cryptic doesn't care about Trekkie ... only the MMO fantasy players who must dominate this game somehow. I can't find another explanation for the madness of Season 8. I am nearing the end point myself. Still wish to explore a few more builds and some Klingon foundry episode. First TOR ... and now this game. Really turning sour on MMO genre.
Hoo-f88king-rah fella . I decided to uninstall the game on seeing that s8 devblog #4. The direction of this game has changed. I've been saying that for a long time, long enough that people started deriding me as a kook (at best) for thinking it. Many months ago I saw that the game was becoming less trek and more generic sci-fi.
I shall vote with my feet, for all the good it will do. It will certainly be kinder on my wallet (and my psyche).
And no, you CDF members, astroturfers and sockpuppets may *not* have the myriad of things I have gathered in my time as a player of this game. You lot don't deserve it. You lot deserve the crappy customer service, the shoddy Q&A and the outright disdain for what will actually help this game thrive. You lot deserve all of that for defending the indefensible.
Now, I'm off to the pub. Tarra for now![/Cardiffaccent]
Sheesh. Some players are never happy. Some moaned and griped about how "romulans aint a full faction" before LoR launched. It's the same thing every season added to the game. When info starts getting released, some people find something to gripe about it.
Apparently the game is doing quite well despite all the crying and belly-aching from a minority of we forum dwellers. Seriously. You guys are making us look bad. :P
Enjoy it for what it is, an MMO, or go play something else. Personally I could care less.
P.S. Can I has yer stuff?
Yes, I freely admit that Roms weren't what I was looking for. I did praise them for the story content and what they did well. But I was also shocked at poor quality. Tons and tons of bugs which took weeks, months to resolve. A few like the email bug are still there (patched not fixed).
The latest content is out there somewhere and has nothing to do with Trek. It is obvious from the dialog that they wanted to bring dinosaurs and t'rex into the game and the Voth gave them the excuse. Dyson's sphere is simply a distraction for the scifi fans.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Another way of putting it: the type of game-plan the devs seem to have (more new stuffz and shinies) is only going to attract fair-weather players, and it must surely be fast approaching a level of ridiculousness that's going to TRIBBLE off the loyal audience.
The new shiny thing is what motivates people to spend money on a F2P game. Don't bother trying to tell me subscriptions actually pay the bills. If they did, the game wouldn't have gotten bought by PWE....
The new shiny thing is what motivates people to spend money on a F2P game. Don't bother trying to tell me subscriptions actually pay the bills. If they did, the game wouldn't have gotten bought by PWE....
Great! Then the new shiny thing can be developed and produced based off of what the players are asking for.
Here, Feds, buy this new thing you've been begging for. We made it. New! Shiny! Requested!
Here, Klingons, buy this new escort with 5 tac consoles, We made it! New! Shiny! Requested!
Here Roms, buy this new gadget that you aksed for. We made it! New! Shiny! Requested!
But, by all appearances, that's not going to happen.
Thus, the title of this thread: "Season 8 - Shut up and be happy with what we give you".
Well, at least, if Cryptic is to be trusted (ha, ha, as if) Season 9 is supposed to implement some actual player-requested (or at least KDF and Starfleet-related) features...
Seriously? you actually to have credibility when you dismiss people who disagree with you as sockpuppets?
How's that KDF faction going for you? Are you enjoying the same 3 hair options KDF males and females have had since the faction was introduced or do you find the 5 different options of spikey boots equally as impressive? Let's not forget the kdf uniform which is essentially the same fur and and armor we've had since day 1. The excitement is killing me!!!!
More rep trees aren't going to make this game better. We need less fluff and more substance. PVP needs to be revamped as do the older iconic ships that the power creep continues to leave in the dust. And stop making ground adventure zone please, at least until ground combat gets fixed. Actually, I know how to fix ground combat. Damage should be governed by hit boxes and the whole chance damage rolling system should be stripped from the game.
Honestly if you don't like it don't play, if enough people agree they will change their approach, so far it seems those that don't like it are in the minority.
I agree. This thread was primarily made because I won't be playing. My purpose was to communicate to Cryptic, on the off-chance that they'll ever even read this thread, the reason why a number of their power-players won't be playing.
- The season 8 previews Look like something out of a fantasy MMO - Neverwinter?.
- I'm not very happy with the direction this game or it's "storyline" is headed lately.
- We're getting more stuff that we didn't ask for, and still not getting the things we have a asked for - in some cases, begged after for years like Klingon faction modernization.
- Check my account's Zen purchases. Am I the kind of player that you want to alienate?
So, although I'm pleasantly suprised to see a lot more support here than I expected to see, my question isn't posed to the "Forum Community". My question is directed at Cryptic.
It's no skin off my nose if the Cryptic answer is "Yup. Get lost. This is a new direction and we're not going to let a bunch of gamers tell us how to run our game". I'm cool with that. It would be a straight, honest answer. But, I would like to hear a Cryptic answer. Thus, this thread.
- We're getting more stuff that we didn't ask for, and still not getting the things we have a asked for - in some cases, begged after for years like Klingon faction modernization.
right we still don't...... wait... wait... I seem to remember them making a new tutorial for KDF or something like that.... Maybe that was released in LoR? Oh and a few dozen new KDF missions..... Care to try again?
As for getting an official answer, you've probably gotten all the feedback from Cryptic that you'll ever get. You're demanding that Cryptic do things your way and they won't.
The devs don't make a habit of replying to random Forum posts, the best chance you have for a reply is in one of the Tribble announcements or one of the newspost, often seen them addressing Player concerns and replying to feedback in those.
Join Starfleet,
Boldly go where no man has gone before,
Meet interesting new species, and Kill them!
right we still don't...... wait... wait... I seem to remember them making a new tutorial for KDF or something like that.... Maybe that was released in LoR?
Are you still talking, Defender of all things Cryptic? God, what a lap-dog.
As for getting an official answer, you've probably gotten all the feedback from Cryptic that you'll ever get. You're demanding that Cryptic do things your way and they won't.
And I've gotten that because the mighty and authoritative "markhawkman" has spoken.
Since it's all the same to you, I'll just wait a little while and see what happens. Likely nothing. But it certainly won't involve any pearls of wisdom from you.
some one thinks they are a big contributor got news for ya you one fish in a big sea
My question was "Am I the kind of player that you want to alienate.
I know of around 40 players who spend as much as I do on this particular game. We chat occasionally, and we know each other from other games. I'm sure there are many, many more.
$6000 in less than a year on a game that doesn't even come close to to being third class? PWE saw you coming.
This game is not worth the $180 a one year standard game subscription would cost. Rather than griping about STO or the direction STO is headed, you might instead invest some money in a course in personal finance management at your local community college. You can rest assured that PWE is not going to cater to high-rolling spenders, because their business plan is a door-to-door sales model.
$6000 in less than a year on a game that doesn't even come close to to being third class? PWE saw you coming.
This game is not worth the $180 a one year standard game subscription would cost. Rather than griping about STO or the direction STO is headed, you might instead invest some money in a course in personal finance management at your local community college. You can rest assured that PWE is not going to cater to high-rolling spenders, because their business plan is a door-to-door sales model.
As I said earlier, I can afford to spend money on this, or any other game.
I earn about $215k / year, and my partner earns about the same. We're comfortable. Thank you very much for your concern.
The point is that the Exec producer and dev team are not listening to their customer base. The gamers who contribute significant revenue to this game would like them to start listening. Listening, and delivering. The only way we can currently "make" Cryptic listen, is through the withholding of revenue from Cryptic.
The choice and ultimate future of STO lies with the Exec Producer and his devs. We've been asking for certain content for years. It will either be developed and delivered, or it wont. The current direction that I see the game headed in indicates that the gamer requests will continue to be ignored, and the devs will develop the game in whatever direction they want to.
That's their right. But it's our right to spend our money elsewhere.
As I said earlier, I can afford to spend money on this, or any other game.
I earn about $215k / year, and my partner earns about the same. We're comfortable. Thank you very much for your concern.
The point is that the Exec producer and dev team are not listening to their customer base. The gamers who contribute significant revenue to this game would like them to start listening. Listening, and delivering. The only way we can currently "make" Cryptic listen, is through the withholding of revenue from Cryptic.
The choice and ultimate future of STO lies with the Exec Producer and his devs. We've been asking for certain content for years. It will either be developed and delivered, or it wont. The current direction that I see the game headed in indicates that the gamer requests will continue to be ignored, and the devs will develop the game in whatever direction they want to.
That's their right. But it's our right to spend our money elsewhere.
I could spend a lot more than you on this game if I wanted, and not miss the money. However, I know better. It's not a matter of expense, it's a matter of knowing what it is that you are paying for.
Like I said, PWE is not going to invest effort in trying to keep you here because they know they can not hold your attention.
Well, The Devs have been answering questions and addressing Player concerns regarding Season 8 in this threat.
Of course, you and your massive wallet would have to cope with sharing the threat with the low paying, unintertesting players and those oh so simple minded lapdogs who lack your astonishing insight into how this game should really be.
If you can bear that, it's your best chance for getting the answers you seek as the devs usually lack time to monitor the whole rest of the forum.
Join Starfleet,
Boldly go where no man has gone before,
Meet interesting new species, and Kill them!
Given enough motivation, I likely could. But, since I've played this game purely as entertainment, why would I bother starting another company. I and others like me will just spend the next season playing Eve or some other game. Maybe no game at all. Maybe the aforementioned Hookers and Meth.
Either way, since it's all the same to you, I'll give Cryptic a chance to reply.
Thanks, and no, that's not my point at all.
I'm not saying that my opinion is more or less significant than any other gamer. Regardless of how much they spend on a game. The history of these, and other forums are absolutely brimming full of repetitive gamer requests for things like Modernization of the Klingon faction (I use this as an example because I've personally requested it many times).
I posted a partial list of expenditures to prove credibility to Cryptic employees who can actually check my account. I'm speaking on behalf of a couple dozen other gamers with similar buying histories, and who also feel that the entire player-base (not just us) had been ignored.
We hope that will change, because we like this game. But if not, it's no problem to move on. It should go without saying that Cryptic will not care either way.
And that IS the point. Cryptic doesn't give a frag. Don't you expect a little more consideration -- not as an individual, but as a player-base than to be ignored? You are, after all, paying to play this game. Well, for the most part anyway.
We really don't need much new stuff in this game, the IP of which is after all pretty tightly circumscribed; we need the stuff that's in the game to be better implemented. It's not that far off, it just needs more depth (e.g. exploration - more variety, more complexity; faction depth, fleshing out the Klingons, etc.) and more polish (so many little bugs and QOL issues, none of which is game-breaking, but the accumulation of which is annoying).
The core game is sound, it's just that one gets the impression of Cryptic helter-skeltering off a failcliff of power-creep and ridiculousness, when they could probably more profitably (in the long run) be building on the soundness of what they've got. This was the same story with CO, which had incredible potential to begin with, but nothing happened, and it's still languishing.
Not that I have any particular objection to the new content, or any canon objection to it, but it just gives the impression of relying on "new stuffz" to keep the game going, where actually "better what already exists stuffz" would probably be a better diretion for this particular game.
Another way of putting it: the type of game-plan the devs seem to have (more new stuffz and shinies) is only going to attract fair-weather players, and it must surely be fast approaching a level of ridiculousness that's going to TRIBBLE off the loyal audience.
system Lord Baal is dead
Yes, thank you for that. My point exactly.
I came here for Star Trek not B-rated Saturday morning cartoons. I haven't spent anywhere close to what OP has ... more like $20 a month on F2P account but he got me thinking. Obviously he is a Klink fan ... and so am I. If he is spending so much isn't it equivalent to like 10 gold accounts. I am sure there are hundreds if not thousands of people like him who are happy to spend varying amounts of money if given more Trek. Hundreds of people begged for a Galaxy revamp ... more than willing to pay ... and instead we get avenger. People begged for a new ship for Klingons and we get nothing.
Clearly Cryptic doesn't care about Trekkie ... only the MMO fantasy players who must dominate this game somehow. I can't find another explanation for the madness of Season 8. I am nearing the end point myself. Still wish to explore a few more builds and some Klingon foundry episode. First TOR ... and now this game. Really turning sour on MMO genre.
- Judge Aaron Satie
system Lord Baal is dead
Apparently the game is doing quite well despite all the crying and belly-aching from a minority of we forum dwellers. Seriously. You guys are making us look bad. :P
Enjoy it for what it is, an MMO, or go play something else. Personally I could care less.
P.S. Can I has yer stuff?
You don't have the right, simply because it's none of your buisness, but I guess it's tedious to discuss things like that with a person like you, who clearly displays some of the worst character traits humanity has to offer...
Bravo! Thoroughly agree. Thanks!
Hoo-f88king-rah fella
I shall vote with my feet, for all the good it will do. It will certainly be kinder on my wallet (and my psyche).
And no, you CDF members, astroturfers and sockpuppets may *not* have the myriad of things I have gathered in my time as a player of this game. You lot don't deserve it. You lot deserve the crappy customer service, the shoddy Q&A and the outright disdain for what will actually help this game thrive. You lot deserve all of that for defending the indefensible.
Now, I'm off to the pub. Tarra for now![/Cardiffaccent]
Yes, I freely admit that Roms weren't what I was looking for. I did praise them for the story content and what they did well. But I was also shocked at poor quality. Tons and tons of bugs which took weeks, months to resolve. A few like the email bug are still there (patched not fixed).
The latest content is out there somewhere and has nothing to do with Trek. It is obvious from the dialog that they wanted to bring dinosaurs and t'rex into the game and the Voth gave them the excuse. Dyson's sphere is simply a distraction for the scifi fans.
- Judge Aaron Satie
My character Tsin'xing
Great! Then the new shiny thing can be developed and produced based off of what the players are asking for.
Here, Feds, buy this new thing you've been begging for. We made it. New! Shiny! Requested!
Here, Klingons, buy this new escort with 5 tac consoles, We made it! New! Shiny! Requested!
Here Roms, buy this new gadget that you aksed for. We made it! New! Shiny! Requested!
But, by all appearances, that's not going to happen.
Thus, the title of this thread: "Season 8 - Shut up and be happy with what we give you".
Join Starfleet,
Boldly go where no man has gone before,
Meet interesting new species, and Kill them!
How's that KDF faction going for you? Are you enjoying the same 3 hair options KDF males and females have had since the faction was introduced or do you find the 5 different options of spikey boots equally as impressive? Let's not forget the kdf uniform which is essentially the same fur and and armor we've had since day 1. The excitement is killing me!!!!
More rep trees aren't going to make this game better. We need less fluff and more substance. PVP needs to be revamped as do the older iconic ships that the power creep continues to leave in the dust. And stop making ground adventure zone please, at least until ground combat gets fixed. Actually, I know how to fix ground combat. Damage should be governed by hit boxes and the whole chance damage rolling system should be stripped from the game.
I agree. This thread was primarily made because I won't be playing. My purpose was to communicate to Cryptic, on the off-chance that they'll ever even read this thread, the reason why a number of their power-players won't be playing.
- The season 8 previews Look like something out of a fantasy MMO - Neverwinter?.
- I'm not very happy with the direction this game or it's "storyline" is headed lately.
- We're getting more stuff that we didn't ask for, and still not getting the things we have a asked for - in some cases, begged after for years like Klingon faction modernization.
- Check my account's Zen purchases. Am I the kind of player that you want to alienate?
So, although I'm pleasantly suprised to see a lot more support here than I expected to see, my question isn't posed to the "Forum Community". My question is directed at Cryptic.
It's no skin off my nose if the Cryptic answer is "Yup. Get lost. This is a new direction and we're not going to let a bunch of gamers tell us how to run our game". I'm cool with that. It would be a straight, honest answer. But, I would like to hear a Cryptic answer. Thus, this thread.
As for getting an official answer, you've probably gotten all the feedback from Cryptic that you'll ever get. You're demanding that Cryptic do things your way and they won't.
My character Tsin'xing
some one thinks they are a big contributor
system Lord Baal is dead
Join Starfleet,
Boldly go where no man has gone before,
Meet interesting new species, and Kill them!
Are you still talking, Defender of all things Cryptic? God, what a lap-dog.
Yes, A tutorial and a handfull of Klingon missions. Which I really do appreciate. Thank you, Cryptic, for that much.
And I've gotten that because the mighty and authoritative "markhawkman" has spoken.
Since it's all the same to you, I'll just wait a little while and see what happens. Likely nothing. But it certainly won't involve any pearls of wisdom from you.
My question was "Am I the kind of player that you want to alienate.
I know of around 40 players who spend as much as I do on this particular game. We chat occasionally, and we know each other from other games. I'm sure there are many, many more.
This game is not worth the $180 a one year standard game subscription would cost. Rather than griping about STO or the direction STO is headed, you might instead invest some money in a course in personal finance management at your local community college. You can rest assured that PWE is not going to cater to high-rolling spenders, because their business plan is a door-to-door sales model.
As I said earlier, I can afford to spend money on this, or any other game.
I earn about $215k / year, and my partner earns about the same. We're comfortable. Thank you very much for your concern.
The point is that the Exec producer and dev team are not listening to their customer base. The gamers who contribute significant revenue to this game would like them to start listening. Listening, and delivering. The only way we can currently "make" Cryptic listen, is through the withholding of revenue from Cryptic.
The choice and ultimate future of STO lies with the Exec Producer and his devs. We've been asking for certain content for years. It will either be developed and delivered, or it wont. The current direction that I see the game headed in indicates that the gamer requests will continue to be ignored, and the devs will develop the game in whatever direction they want to.
That's their right. But it's our right to spend our money elsewhere.
system Lord Baal is dead
Like I said, PWE is not going to invest effort in trying to keep you here because they know they can not hold your attention.
Of course, you and your massive wallet would have to cope with sharing the threat with the low paying, unintertesting players and those oh so simple minded lapdogs who lack your astonishing insight into how this game should really be.
If you can bear that, it's your best chance for getting the answers you seek as the devs usually lack time to monitor the whole rest of the forum.
Join Starfleet,
Boldly go where no man has gone before,
Meet interesting new species, and Kill them!
Given enough motivation, I likely could. But, since I've played this game purely as entertainment, why would I bother starting another company. I and others like me will just spend the next season playing Eve or some other game. Maybe no game at all. Maybe the aforementioned Hookers and Meth.
Either way, since it's all the same to you, I'll give Cryptic a chance to reply.