Hey, I recently found out about doffs being useful for different stuff in your ship but I don't really know much abou them or what to get. Right now I have around 70 free spos open for doffs but as I said I don't know much about them and which ones that are best to use.
So could you guys help me out wih what kind of doffs sould I buy for my ship?
I'm a fed tactical officer who mainly play escorts but do play crusiers too sometimes.
There is a section of the forums for Duty Officers, with a few great guides and many other helpful threads. If you still have questions after reading through all the information offered there, you might try joining the DOFFJOBS chat channel in-game and asking there.
If you open
your doff menu, and click on Duty Officers, you will see a menu on the left. It gives you the option to view your roster, and to assign space and ground doffs. The space and ground doffs give you different bonus'.
your doff menu, and click on Duty Officers, you will see a menu on the left. It gives you the option to view your roster, and to assign space and ground doffs. The space and ground doffs give you different bonus'.