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Will PVP 4 Food players choice tournament.

dirtyharib0dirtyharib0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
edited October 2013 in PvP Gameplay
With no tournaments in progress or in the pipeline I've decided that now would be a good time to try an idea I have been brewing for a while now. Whilst I plan on deciding how the tournament will be run, as the name suggests, the rules will be decided by the players themselves.

More to come
Post edited by dirtyharib0 on


  • dirtyharib0dirtyharib0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Players wishing to lead a team in this event will have till the 24th to reserve a slot either by posting on this thread or finding me in game (failing that toothless will do). This is where I will be collecting opinions on what they don't want to see in the matches, this will be compiled into a list.

    On the 26th there will be a players meeting where captains will list a starting team of 5 players and cast a vote on each item on the list. Votes will be counted and a format anounced. we will then randomise the teams for the first round. ( registration and votes can be handed in before if being available at this time is an issue)

    I will be vetting rules suggestions based on one thing. Can it be enforced?
    No scramble doffs, the buff shows easily spotted.
    No romulan boffs. Good luck actaully proving it.
    Feel free to suggest pretty much anything you feel shouldn't be played, you don't need to explain why.
  • dirtyharib0dirtyharib0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Rounds and scoring system

    Players will have a week to arrange their matches and report the results. I will make a channel to help with this but feel free to get in touch however you like. A new round will be announced each saterday.

    2 points will be given for a win and one point each for a draw with no points awarded for a draw. Tie breakers will be worked out as follows: deaths of the winning team worked out as a percentage of the total deaths then multiplying by 100 to reach a solid number.

    Eg a team wins 15/5, a total of 20 deathes. Giving the winning team a tie break of 5/20 or 25% and the loosing team 75%.

    Your tie break points will be totalled after each round and will be kept next to your points on the standings. If you end up playing a team with less points then chances are they have the highest tiebreak in there bracket and yours the lowest in yours.
  • dirtyharib0dirtyharib0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Still ironing out details and will do a full rewrite of this when I'm not on my phone between jobs.

    Dates and finer points coming soon.

    The point of this event is to hopefully avoid a lot of the bickering over the rules and arguments about what is or isn't broken. There are plenty of threads on this forum about what People think is broken and what isn't so please keep those kinds of discussions there and leave this uncluttered.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Wait, so rules are based on 'can it be easily enforced' rather than actual validity?

    Okay. Rules suggestion: No disruptors. We can tell when you're using them. That makes the rule fit the sole criteria for acceptance.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    illcadia wrote: »
    Wait, so rules are based on 'can it be easily enforced' rather than actual validity?
    A rule that cannot be enforced is no rule at all.
    illcadia wrote: »
    Okay. Rules suggestion: No disruptors. We can tell when you're using them. That makes the rule fit the sole criteria for acceptance.
    Well, the other criteria is that the players have to AGREE on the rule.
  • dirtyharib0dirtyharib0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    illcadia wrote: »
    Wait, so rules are based on 'can it be easily enforced' rather than actual validity?

    Okay. Rules suggestion: No disruptors. We can tell when you're using them. That makes the rule fit the sole criteria for acceptance.

    If you read between the lines the section you calling into question says "if you know it's a stupid suggestion then it might be best to keep it to yourself for personal LoLs"

    That being said if you genuinely feel disrupters ruin pvp, and you actaully want to play in this event please include it on suggestions.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Interesting concept.

    I once had an idea where

    > Each team nominates 1 representative.
    > Each team signing up would be allowed a number of "vote points".

    Each point could be used to either:

    A) Request an item be banned.
    B) Veto an item be banned.

    *Optional rule: more than 1 vote point can be used on one issue, up to a maximum of 3.

    The number of points would be kept small, say 5 to 7, per team.

    Just tossing this out there, I'm not suggesting you actually use this.

    It was just something brewing in the back of my head as I've watched all these other tournaments argue back and forth over rules.

    In this manner, everyone gets a handful of votes but they need to make them count. They can't vote/veto endlessly.

    Regardless, good luck with hosting this tournament. I hope it's a successful one.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    We're up for this.

    I say "we" i of course mean "I" - our team will appear from a week or two of verbal abuse, dares, bribes, favors and general misdirection :P

    Either way, we're in!
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sign me and up my team.

    Nova Core.


    Now to get these guys to show up. :P
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ultimatum is on the right track: Rules will be agreed on in a vote among representatives from each team to cut down on the troll-rules such as 'no-disruptors', etc. Consider it a 'Gentlemans Rules' tournament. issues are to be presented, and discussions held on the validities of the claims for or against them, and quite possibly this type of community agreement can carry forward to other organized events, only not under such a presumptuous title as 'No BS'.

    These 'gentleman's rules' may even inspire Cryptic to consider what the pvp community truly wants out of the PVP experience, and they may even begin to realize that what we want is a good time, and most of us are willing to invest in fun. Read: CRYPTIC: Balanced, Competitive PVP = $$$. Not one of us on this forum cant smash any pve content you design with a t4 ship and white mk x's.

    Lets begin with a format like this:

    Skill: FBP - Out.

    Reason: Punishing a player for engaging in battle with another player by dealing damage to them exponentially proportionate to the damage they deal is poor design. FBP in tandem with skills such as RSP + Back-Step/Quantum Bubble/Ablative Armor/Cloak etc provides players with an opportunity to have near 100% uptime on immunity to aggression against them, making it less of player vs player, and more player vs cool-down timers. Until there are seperate mechnics for pvp/pve for feedback pulse's damage magnitude potential, I consider the skill completely bad-mannered, and unsportsman-like.

    Skill: Temporal inversion Field - In.

    Reason: I choose this skill as okay to get the ball rolling on rational discourse on the subject, I know my friend Ulti will have something to say on it, and I know the skill has presented a bone of contention among pvp'ers. Additionally, this argument represents personal taste - I Love Temporal Toys, and I will argue to have them allowed. we all have tricks we like to use, TIF is mine. - Fact is, there are way too many counters to TIF to consider it a damning Force Multiplier, and each team composition should be prepared to bring skills to the table that interrupt channeled abilities. TIF, and temporal ships in general represent a revenue generating source for cryptic which keeps the servers online, and allows us to keep comming back to the game we like to play, banning such a lucrative ability would only hurt STO in my opinion. - I would however consider the possibility of limiting the amount of temporal ships fielded by a single team, to avpid TIF chains which can be potentially game breaking if executed by the most coordinated teams - Wouldnt you agree, -FS- ?

    Skill: Plasma Cloud Spam (VTR/EWP/Yellowstone) - Out

    Reason - this one is pretty cut and dry - The game client can not render them with 100% reliability, and invariably you WILL run into warp plasma that you had no idea was there, no matter what machine you have. My computer can play the game at max settings, but it simply will not render cload spam after a point. - Until Warp plasma can be reliably rendered (like the Thalaron cloud can, comon Cryptic, I know you can fix this) - for every player - it is definately Bad Manners to use Warp Cloud spewing abilities.

    I have provided the skills, and the reasons why, it is up to you gentleman to consider my points, counter them with your own, and come to an agreement.

    Keep the arguments civil, and be as precise and logical as you can, consider Fair Play, and the fact that STO is a business, and P2W is a fact of life - P2W = Pay to keep the game alive.

    We will debate the abilities here, and the event coordinator form WPVP4F will compile the issues to present to a committee made up of representatives from each fleet who demonstrate the interest in taking STO pvp to the next level.
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    edalgo wrote: »
    Allow everything in the game except Tac Teams. We should be able to finish the tournament in an hour that way lol.

    While I dont endorse 'no tac teams' I definately catch the point - Endless games are no fun. I submit that the Recluse is just way too good of a healer to include more then one of them per team. - ther simply isnt a better ship in the game to fill the healer role, and two of them are totally overpowered. It has been my experience that teams with more them one Recluse healing are way too fortified. - 2x 15 second cooldowns on Aux2sif3 from ships running 130 aux augmented by 2x hanger bays, godly shield/hull modifiers and a healers dream Boff layout = OP. - the healing that 2 recluse can put out is greater then the damage that 3 tacs can deal.

    Summary - 1 Recluse per team.
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I didnt think tacteams really were the main issue anymore in the current metagame.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    Skill: Temporal inversion Field - In.

    Reason: I choose this skill as okay to get the ball rolling on rational discourse on the subject, I know my friend Ulti will have something to say on it,

    Normally I'd only pipe up if I 100% intended to join the tourney, but since you mentioned my name...:P

    pulserazor wrote: »

    Fact is, there are way too many counters to TIF to consider it a damning Force Multiplier


    Reason - this one is pretty cut and dry - The game client can not render them with 100% reliability, and invariably you WILL run into warp plasma that you had no idea was there, no matter what machine you have.

    Out of curiosity, outside of the debuff Icon, TIF is not visible either (if I'm having a lapse of memory and it does have a graphic, I apologize in advance)

    Doesn't that fit a similar definition? An AoE that you can't see at all?

    EWP also has one of the most ubiquitous heals as it's cleanse.

    Regardless, pwe/cryptic marketing is sure to love rules that ban free powers but allow 600 lobi store ones. ;)

    Anyway, I'll bow out here. RL is keeping me too busy these days to do basic pvp much less a tourney.

    Happy to chat with you in-game about it anytime though pulse, and nice to see you logging on again.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If endless games seem daunting, we could just put a time limit on?
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • dirtyharib0dirtyharib0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ok people at the moment I am more interested in constructive criticism on the manner in which the tournement will be run, from the few poeple I have spoken with I'm getting mixed messages about having a round a week. In my mind it was sopposed to make it more accesable to more players who may not be able to turn up for a specific time slot for 4-5 hours (because let's face it these kind of things always run over time). On the flip side letting teams find each other and sort out things at their own pace may lead to a lot of procrastinating and missing results.
    I will be clearing up the way that teams will register and how players not registerd will be able to play for a team.

    Anyway thoughts and feed back wanted
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Normally I'd only pipe up if I 100% intended to join the tourney, but since you mentioned my name...:P

    Out of curiosity, outside of the debuff Icon, TIF is not visible either (if I'm having a lapse of memory and it does have a graphic, I apologize in advance)

    Doesn't that fit a similar definition? An AoE that you can't see at all?


    There is a graphic, almost identical to scattering field. A bit too similar in my opinion
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ok people at the moment I am more interested in constructive criticism on the manner in which the tournement will be run, from the few poeple I have spoken with I'm getting mixed messages about having a round a week. In my mind it was sopposed to make it more accesable to more players who may not be able to turn up for a specific time slot for 4-5 hours (because let's face it these kind of things always run over time). On the flip side letting teams find each other and sort out things at their own pace may lead to a lot of procrastinating and missing results.
    I will be clearing up the way that teams will register and how players not registerd will be able to play for a team.

    Anyway thoughts and feed back wanted

    I like the games each week ever since my 'league/season' idea.

    If teams are to make their own aggangements, there would have to be a time limit, which your dedication to the tournament would ensure. Not aranging the match in time would result in a forfeit.

    I dont like the idea of match time limits, makes it too easy for teams to blow their collective loads and then turtle behind boff swaps, cloaks, etc. The alternative however is just as undesireable. - I think limiting the teams use of Recluse carriers may help, or carefully weighing the impact of certain skills like warp plasma and FBP which can slow down the pace of the game.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    Skill: FBP - Out.

    Reason: Punishing a player for engaging in battle with another player by dealing damage to them exponentially proportionate to the damage they deal is poor design. FBP in tandem with skills such as RSP + Back-Step/Quantum Bubble/Ablative Armor/Cloak etc provides players with an opportunity to have near 100% uptime on immunity to aggression against them, making it less of player vs player, and more player vs cool-down timers. Until there are seperate mechnics for pvp/pve for feedback pulse's damage magnitude potential, I consider the skill completely bad-mannered, and unsportsman-like.

    You do realize that Feedback Pulse only affects Energy Weapons, right? Anyone using a torpedo boat can attack and kill a Feedback Pulse build with relative impunity. Using an ability to counter Tactical escort and Tactical cruiser burst damage is not unsportsman-like at all. Not to mention a single subnuke activation will ruin Feedback Pulse chaining.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Suggestion for the peeps running a tournament. Make the rules, try to stick to them, and kick everyone in the nuts that says otherwise... if you don't the tourny will never see the light of day. You can't please everyone, but you can gun it.
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

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  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Any teams entered yet?
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • dirtyharib0dirtyharib0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So far I have had three, which clearly is not enough, I had planned on doing a big push on Monday-Tuesday knocking on all the team speak channels. Unfortunately back to back 15 hour shifts kinda drained my motivation for that.

    So in short I think I'm going to cancel this one and go back to the drawing board with this, try and figure out what it is went wrong here. I'm thinking that the format didn't seem intuitive or simple, or maybe without a big fleet behind it or a well known player headlining it there was no confidence in it. Could easily be that I write like a ten year old, nothing ever seems to read the way it sounded in my head.

    I will have another try at this in the near future, need to streamline things, make sure it reads well....maybe try to TRIBBLE of everybody equally rather than the impossible of pleasing everyone.
  • lascaillelascaille Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So in short I think I'm going to cancel this one and go back to the drawing board with this, try and figure out what it is went wrong here. I'm thinking that the format didn't seem intuitive or simple, or maybe without a big fleet behind it or a well known player headlining it there was no confidence in it...
    a big fleet or a well known player, will surely help to organize a tournament, even though it is not mandatory. but even then it's your job to elaborate and present the rule set.

    an open discussion for a rule set will (always) end in a big happy troll-event.
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