Can we please have the embassy vendor console sell ALL commodities , instead of just a selection of commodities.
It would make sense for all the commodities needed in the reputation system be available from the embassy vendor.
As an aside, we are currently very busy with clicking on sliders to select amounts needed, since there are still reputation commodities that take odd numbers, and dont have high stacks.
Can there be a button in the reputation tab that says "buy & fill all needed items for XX amount of EC" similar to the way the doff system selects/displays needed commodities for missions.
Where the location you are standing determines what the price is (similar to replicator/cargo captain/freighter/embassy having different prices.)
Now we are doing an RSI job, pulling sliders, buying stuff, pulling sliders, buying other stuff .....
Same goes for alot of holdings items .... it really is not a fun job to click through the torpedoes of the shipyard projects, where we can fill the holdings with a nice slider, but have to purchase the torpedoes piecemeal.
It would make more sense for you to have the vendor screen open on 1 side, the holdings screen on the other, and have a button/dialogue option somewhere that says "buy 300 torpedoes for project X at XX credits"