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Ker'rat Zone Player Cap

sitheachsitheach Member Posts: 5 Arc User
edited October 2013 in PvP Gameplay
It has come to my attention that the Ker'rat Zone has a player cap. I'm not sure what it is, but I do know that it makes pvp terrible for this reason: All of one side fills the place, and only a few of the other faction can be there. I'm sure it's not intended, right? It's not that big of a deal until the other team starts spawn camping. Then, what can a player do? Die over and over. Spawncamping should be against the rules, and should be strictly enforced... OR the player cap should be raised / and or made so that the same amount of both factions are allowed in at the same time.

Removing it would be hilarious. No more klinks
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde
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    timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited October 2013
    Hilarious. Someone complaining about the KDF in Ker'rat, when the KDF is outnumbered and outgunned 80-90% of the time.

    How about a ratio cap, so there can't be more than 6 Federation carebears and 6 KDF players in a zone at any time? It would keep you Feddies from stacking a zone with 8-10 players, like you ALWAYS end up doing.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Oh so many delightful topics of discourse (sure, talked to death over the years - but - still delightful all the same)...

    You can have two instances running at the same time, where in one zone you've got 10+ Feds and 1-2 KDF and the other zone you've got 10+ KDF and 1-2 Feds. It's not a balanced cap, it's just a cap - so it ends up being what it is.

    In an sense, this works fine for the zone because it is not a combination of PvP and PvE that takes place in Ker'rat - it is a combination of PvP and competitive PvE. Players, outside of teaming up to share the rewards from looting - are competing against one another for those rewards.

    Say you've got ten people in a zone:

    5 KDF & 5 Fed: Not only are those 5 KDF and 5 Fed participating in potential classical PvP, they're also competing against one another for the available rewards from NPCs in the zone.

    10 KDF or 10 Fed: While the PvP element has been removed, the competitive aspect of the PvE angle of the map has been increased as you have more people competing over the same limited rewards.

    Were a faction cap implemented for Ker'rat, then there is the potential for the map not to reflect the level of competition the rewards for the zone were designed to reward. It could then become that easy farming zone that could adversely affect the economy in the game.

    As for spawncamping, it wasn't that long ago that - I believe Jesse did it in his spare time - Cryptic changed the nature of the spawns in Ker'rat to cut down on this. To an extent, it has cut down on it. There are times when it appears folks are more likely to spawn at a certain point though - where the spawncamping by either side (usually by the side that massively outnumbers the other side in the game) will continue to take place.

    Perhaps an enemy detection subroutine could be added to the random nature of the spawn mechanic to check before spawning a player at a particular location, dropping them out at a point where the amount of enemies is below a certain threshold. In the end though, outside of various quirky calculations on respawning/spawning/zoning in that take place - there's not going to be much difference between a bunch of the enemy killing you at Point A or killing you 15-25km away at Point B. Besides, if the other side wants better rewards for their side - it's in their best interest to prevent you from getting those rewards first...tada...welcome to Ker'rat.

    Perhaps the thing most neglected in the majority of discussions about Ker'rat is the following: Ker'rat zone chat should be readable no matter where you are in the game...c'mon, it's epic! Heck, Ker'rat Zone Chat should be a mobile phone app so you can read it at work. ;)
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    timezarg wrote: »
    Hilarious. Someone complaining about the KDF in Ker'rat, when the KDF is outnumbered and outgunned 80-90% of the time.

    How about a ratio cap, so there can't be more than 6 Federation carebears and 6 KDF players in a zone at any time? It would keep you Feddies from stacking a zone with 8-10 players, like you ALWAYS end up doing.

    I dont find it funny at all.

    Its still a pathetic whine from a force with superior numbers in most instances. So sad to see this old horse still being beaten.
    I guess by now its just fed reflex.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    sitheachsitheach Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    PS: The teleporting borg ships are giving me motion sickness
    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde
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    aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Much like any aspect of Kerrat, you have to put a time-stamp on it all.

    Kerrat is old. It's been the way it is with very little change for the better part of 4 years now. It was designed for two factions that were sold as being on an equal footing in terms of PVP & content. When Atari got cold feet, Cryptic were forced to re-brand the Klinks as "PvP Exclusive" and move on. In an ideal world the Klinks would have similar player numbers to Feds and all would be rosey. But if we think like that then PvP would be much better too.

    You only need to look at Kerrat for a few rounds to see which side has dominance. And it's rarely equal. In an ideal world we could all come up with some fantastic ideas to update our PVP playground, but those ideas are only good when they get heard and acted on.
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I dont find it funny at all.

    Its still a pathetic whine from a force with superior numbers in most instances. So sad to see this old horse still being beaten.
    I guess by now its just fed reflex.

    Come on Roach, surely you know better by now. The only people that complain about faction dominance are people that listen to the people too stupid to adapt. If 10 feds in Kerrat complain about 2-3 Klinks ganking them, they're clearly not geared to PVP, and are likely there to farm the mission or see what it's like. And that's fine, they have just as much right to be there and do their "thing" as the next person.

    The fact players like you & Emo constantly moan about these kinds of feds moaning paints a picture that ALL feds are the same. And that's simply not true.

    If you enjoy Kerrat, then do so for your own reasons. If 5 players from the same faction team up and play there, then that's fine too. Such is the same as lone-wolfers.

    If 10 random players you KNOW can't PVP effectively tell you a skill is broken, do you believe them? No, you don't.

    If you are fed up of seeing the horse get beaten, try and be less of a hypocrite yourself.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
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    sitheachsitheach Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Also, people teleport out of zone during combat. PVP / PVE queues should not work in this zone to prevent it.
    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sitheach wrote: »
    Also, people teleport out of zone during combat. PVP / PVE queues should not work in this zone to prevent it.

    People will often hangout in Ker'rat while waiting on a queue to pop. You don't want to do anything serious while waiting nor do you want to sit their with your thumb up your...
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    A good ol' Ker'rat complaint, mind you - is the reset animation - where you can sit there for 3-6 seconds getting hit by autofire (or even what appears to be directed fire). Yep, sometimes it leaves me to wonder if it doesn't try to estimate how long it will take to run the cutscenes based on the computer, and thus sends folks into it sooner than others - leaving them to be obliterated in the process.
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    sitheachsitheach Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    People will often hangout in Ker'rat while waiting on a queue to pop. You don't want to do anything serious while waiting nor do you want to sit their with your thumb up your...

    This may be true, but it's possible to instant queue / teleport.

    The solution may be "easier" than the original way I stated, but the best way would be to make sure that players cannot teleport during combat - in this zone.
    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~ Oscar Wilde
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What can I say, 3+ years of klingons being blamed for the ills of Kerrat still rubs me the wrong way and still causes flares of "OmGwtf??" when they get thrown out in the public forums.
    Its a fedplayer missconception I still try to change. This believe of the KDF being the fount of wrong in STO.
    My windmill to tilt against, even if its pointless on most days.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You feds that always complain about Kerrat better be careful for what you wish for. If Feds get kerrat to themselves it would be like N'Vak where half of them would be put on the other team, then you will have even more gankers and lots of them will be Romulans. There will never be a Warzone like Kerrat that doesn't include PVP. Sorry Kerrat isn't just a free farming only zone.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    You feds that always complain about Kerrat better be careful for what you wish for. If Feds get kerrat to themselves it would be like N'Vak where half of them would be put on the other team, then you will have even more gankers and lots of them will be Romulans. There will never be a Warzone like Kerrat that doesn't include PVP. Sorry Kerrat isn't just a free farming only zone.

    Funny thing is I rarely see this level of drama in Nvak. Sure ganking happens but Ive seen it be resolved and even gentlemen agreements to leave those farming klingons alone once the tempers die down with no one blaiming the others for ruining gameplay.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I havent paid a visit to kerrat in months, perhaps i should!

    i miss the pve crying nubs!!!

    is Semaj or something still noobing in there?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It's pretty much the same - some names have changed - but the story hasn't.

    When it's 4-5+ Feds vs. 1 KDF...it's pwnge!

    When it's 1-2 KDF vs. 1 Fed, it's supposedly 5+ KDF that are all noobs

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    timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited October 2013
    It's pretty much the same - some names have changed - but the story hasn't.

    When it's 4-5+ Feds vs. 1 KDF...it's pwnge!

    When it's 1-2 KDF vs. 1 Fed, it's supposedly 5+ KDF that are all noobs


    And more often than not, that's two BoPs against a Fed, whereas when Feddies gang up it'll involve escorts and A2B cruisers. On rare occasion, larger groups of 3-5 KDF ships will manage to gather together and present some variety. For the most part, though, it's either pure KDF in BoPs or it's KDF-Roms in their Romulan ships. On occasion I'll see a battlecruiser or carrier come in, but Ker'rat is basically the realm of the BoP when it comes to KDF ships. It's one of the few places where the BoP can thrive, because getting blown up in Ker'rat doesn't mean anything.

    But yeah, I'd say two BoPs against a Feddie is a fair fight, assuming the Feddie survives the initial alphastrikes (most skilled players can usually manage this). BoPs are just really damn squishy.

    What's interesting about Ker'rat is this: The Feddies love to swarm when they have the advantage in numbers and firepower, and occasionally boast about beating up the KDF. But when more KDF come in to even the odds, half the Feddies suddenly disappear. Probably because they know KDF could beat 'em in a fair fight. Heck, I've had the privilege of seeing a group of 5 BoPs (including me) work over a group of Feddies rather nicely. BoPs work best in packs :)
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
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