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Saucer Commands

aiden089aiden089 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
edited January 2014 in Controls and User Interface
Would anyone else like to see pet commands (similar to carrier shuttles) for Saucer sections and for the aquarius vessel?

Think this would be a good feature, please discuss :)
Post edited by aiden089 on


  • uss917019uss917019 Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If they do the same command interface as the HEC on to the MVAM i will be leaving my FHEC and go back to my FMVAE because right now the saucers are useless when there deployed i only separate because it gives me a good turn rate.

    Plus what they do they always get lost and then when you found your pet... hes dead!
  • aiden089aiden089 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    uss917019 wrote: »
    ...right now the saucers are useless when there deployed i only separate because it gives me a good turn rate.

    Plus what they do they always get lost and then when you found your pet... hes dead!

    Could not have said it better myself! Come on devs lets make this change happen!:)
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2013
    aiden089 wrote: »
    Would anyone else like to see pet commands (similar to carrier shuttles) for Saucer sections and for the aquarius vessel?

    Yes. I would like to see that.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    and pretty much all combat pets really.... fighters are currently the anomaly here. :(
    My character Tsin'xing
  • kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    +1 to carrier controls being available on ALL ships (we can deploy fighters from any ship with the device slotted fighters available from multiple sources)
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2013
    uss917019 wrote: »
    Plus what they do they always get lost and then when you found your pet... hes dead!

    I have a personal objective for successful missions, which is to have a live saucer at the end. If, it's dead (meaning the bulk of my crew died with it) I feel I failed part of the mission. Of course, I can reattach it during the mission. That eventually brings the crew back up, but until the crew recovers, it leaves me with 10% crew. And a greatly reduced turning radius, until the cool-down allows me to detach again (not good for using Dual Beams).

    Having some type of automatic focus, would help to keep an eye on its condition, so it can be healed/assisted as necessary to keep it alive.

    Yeah. Among any new saucer commands, a simple "stay", would be nice.
  • capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    roxbad wrote: »
    I have a personal objective for successful missions, which is to have a live saucer at the end. If, it's dead (meaning the bulk of my crew died with it) I feel I failed part of the mission. Of course, I can reattach it during the mission. That eventually brings the crew back up, but until the crew recovers, it leaves me with 10% crew. And a greatly reduced turning radius, until the cool-down allows me to detach again (not good for using Dual Beams).

    Having some type of automatic focus, would help to keep an eye on its condition, so it can be healed/assisted as necessary to keep it alive.

    Yeah. Among any new saucer commands, a simple "stay", would be nice.

    Stay would be nice. Attack my target would be nice too. Also Stay on my gorram side of the map would be EPIC.

    This should be available for essentially anything that produces "help" I.E. Photonic fleet, aquarius, Saucer and chevron seps, and whatever else pops off your ships no matter the faction.

    Only things that shouldnt be controllable are fleet consumables, fleet support, and nimbus pirates....
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'd like to see that, and the ability to customize their loadouts. Though I guess that would be equivalent to NPC enemies having varied equipment. No idea how plausible it would be from a development perspective.
  • capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    orangeitis wrote: »
    I'd like to see that, and the ability to customize their loadouts. Though I guess that would be equivalent to NPC enemies having varied equipment. No idea how plausible it would be from a development perspective.

    Customizable no, if it mirrored your setup yes. Even though it really doesnt matter as nothing on the ship boosts things that are detached from the ship.
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2013
    Customizable no, if it mirrored your setup yes. Even though it really doesnt matter as nothing on the ship boosts things that are detached from the ship.

    Treat the Separated Section like a Bridge Officer on an away team. I suspect that is the case currently, as looking at the combat logs, my saucer is referred to as "officer".

    At least allow a BO to be assigned to an SS. Maybe having the Shuttle Station officer serving that function. That would allow some level of customization, with their varying skills/abilities.

    Still... the ability to command the SS... that is wanted most. Like, being able to tell an SS to stop shooting the nanite generator in an elite STF, without having to reattach it for 3 minutes.
  • starfish1701starfish1701 Member Posts: 782 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yes, I would like to see the Galaxy have saucer commands too.

    If memory serves, I believe it should also have a rear torpedo launcher if you go by the official Enterprise-D deck plans.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    roxbad wrote: »
    At least allow a BO to be assigned to an SS. Maybe having the Shuttle Station officer serving that function. That would allow some level of customization, with their varying skills/abilities.
    What if you have more than one shuttle? Or for that matter, more than one automated ship component like the MVAM?

    I think you're on the right track though. Maybe assign an additional BOFF(one that isn't un use by the ship you're flying) to a special 'saucer section' station, or each of the various vectors, Aquariuses, and chevron sections of other ships.
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2013
    orangeitis wrote: »
    What if you have more than one shuttle? Or for that matter, more than one automated ship component like the MVAM?

    I think you're on the right track though. Maybe assign an additional BOFF(one that isn't un use by the ship you're flying) to a special 'saucer section' station, or each of the various vectors, Aquariuses, and chevron sections of other ships.

    I had considered adding that to my post. And possibly extending it to assigning BOs to Hanger Pets as well. But... that would need some UI work, to fit the additional station slots. The Shuttle station is already there, just waiting to be multipurposed.

    And I didn't want to stray too far from the OP, which is to get some command & control of the separated sections.
  • mvp333mvp333 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It should depend on the vehicle... The Aquarius, NP MVAE vectors, consumable pets, and any other legitimate secondary vessels should have full carrier commands, but saucer sep pets should only have a Stay command and a Support one.
  • aiden089aiden089 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    mvp333 wrote: »
    It should depend on the vehicle... The Aquarius, NP MVAE vectors, consumable pets, and any other legitimate secondary vessels should have full carrier commands, but saucer sep pets should only have a Stay command and a Support one.

    I like this idea, it would add a sense of realism (yes i knowStar Trek is fictional) which is currently lacking.

    Bran you reading this?
  • cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,566 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Like the MVAN, I think a choice on which section you wish to fly needs to be added. Give the Saucer Section a special ability like Antimatter Spread if you fly it and maybe a Torp Spread 3 for the Stardrive. I would also like to see the MVAM have a little more diversity added to the different sections.
    > <
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  • cidevantcidevant Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'll settle for not coming to a complete stop with MVAE separation.
  • shailatshailat Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    aiden089 wrote: »
    Would anyone else like to see pet commands (similar to carrier shuttles) for Saucer sections and for the aquarius vessel?

    Think this would be a good feature, please discuss :)

    Yes! Yes! OH GOD YES!

    I would love to have the ability to command my saucer and other pets that i have deployed!

    Also, what about having the extra ship you used to command help you in battle, you warp in and all the extra ships (some have more then 2) would be there as well, ive been asking for this from day 1
  • gwassalorgwassalor Member Posts: 164
    edited January 2014
    Not sure since what age the thread is considered necroed, but let me add to this as well. Following comment is mainly for aquarius pet, but it could mostly apply to separated parts of different separation ships as well.

    I flew fed and kdf carriers and fairly quickly got used to "new" interface that shows status of the pets and allows for control of the pets. I never got separating ship or anything similar.

    Until recently I got Tac Odyssey. I was shocked to learn that Aquarius does not behave like my regular carrier pets. Lack of commands is stunning. But lack of pet health overview is deal-breaker. I planned to support the squishy pet with HE and TSS only to find out that this can't be done because I do not even know how healthy the pet is and only way to find out is to search for it in space and click on it - undoable in heat of battle.

    This really needs to be fixed. Plus if you dock it, then the cooldown should be proportional to the damage, i.e. you dock 100% healthy pet or ship part = there's no cooldown to re-launch it.

    Though ultimately the solution for Aquarius pet (and KDF equivalent) lays in implementation of special Aquarius hangar that would provide hangar controls to the Aquarius and might even allow upgrade to ultra-rare Aquarius pet. Of course Odyssey hangar slot would be locked to this special hangar and would not allow for just any pet to be slotted in. I don't see why this limited hangar for Fed and Kdf flagships wouldn't be possible when Scimitar has universal hangar.
  • huntingdon1701huntingdon1701 Member Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ^If you pin the aquarius' status at the start of combat then you can keep an eye on it at all times. Doesn't necessarily make it easier to heal though but it helps.

    Some version of this would be useful, although probably something short of the full carrier commands.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Also, auxiliary craft and automated ship sections don't count as 'pets' like a carrier's shuttles/fighters. They actually count as party members. Giving them an expanded team interface would do wonders. Even as far as implementing the 'deciding where you want them to be put' button BOFFs have on the ground.

    And assigning a BOFF to each automated unit wouldn't be a bad idea, even if they had to be career-specific(science-only for the D'Kyr craft, or tac for the Aquarius, for instance)
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited January 2014
    gwassalor wrote: »
    Until recently I got Tac Odyssey. I was shocked to learn that Aquarius does not behave like my regular carrier pets. Lack of commands is stunning. But lack of pet health overview is deal-breaker. I planned to support the squishy pet with HE and TSS only to find out that this can't be done because I do not even know how healthy the pet is and only way to find out is to search for it in space and click on it - undoable in heat of battle.

    If, you launch before battle, you can target it and set focus on it. This is what I do with my Galaxy-R Saucer. Granted, the saucer is an easier target to acquire by clicking, but you can also auto-target your allies and the mini-map now has clickable targeting ability. Hope that helps.

    I made the suggestion earlier in this thread that having focus set as an automatic function of separation might be helpful. And maybe some commands could be attached to the focus function as well.
    This really needs to be fixed. Plus if you dock it, then the cooldown should be proportional to the damage, i.e. you dock 100% healthy pet or ship part = there's no cooldown to re-launch it.

    I concur! Crew recovery after docking should be similarly conditional.[/QUOTE]
  • gwassalorgwassalor Member Posts: 164
    edited January 2014
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Also, auxiliary craft and automated ship sections don't count as 'pets' like a carrier's shuttles/fighters.

    And that's the problem. Not sure about Dkyr craft and MVAC sections and the lore behind, if remote-controlled or whatever, but Aquarius is, at least theoretically, ship on it's own right, not dissimilar to Frigates launched from Jem Dread or Voquv. And Saucer is the same case. It has it's own acting captain. Too bad the captain in our case is always too happy to commit a suicide.
    orangeitis wrote: »
    And assigning a BOFF to each automated unit wouldn't be a bad idea, even if they had to be career-specific(science-only for the D'Kyr craft, or tac for the Aquarius, for instance)

    Not sure about this one. I can imagine the 1st officer should be somehow prepared to command whole ship and take over the captain's duty, however doesn't sound right for just any BOFF.

    Regarding Aquarius, I'd expect it to have it's own dedicated crew including it's captain, that's trained to fly this particular combat ship. However it is true that it's combat results suggest otherwise :D. Perhaps it was taken by a group of civilian DOFFs :eek:
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