My dream ship I would create. Science vessel based off of the alien vessel voyager encounter in the delta quadrant The Dauntless "hope and fear episode"
USS Dauntless ship was originally copied, designed and commissioned by section 31 to test out the information and technology USS Voyager analyzed and gained from it exploits in the Delta quadrant. Due to budget constraints and pressing concern with the Klingon, Tal Shiar, species 8472, and new threats the Dauntless class weapons and future tech were either never address or completed and the project was terminated.
Device slots

shield modification: 2
crew : 1500
base turn : 12
hull strength : 31000
4 forward
4 rear
"can't wield cannons, use aux for weapons power"
console4 science
4 engineer
2 tactical
capable of using voyage ablative armor console
2 hangar bars
bridge officer
commander science
commander science
lieutenant engineer
lieutenant engineer
ensign universal
Unmanned experimental delta flyer
based on the intelligent long range weapon voyage encounter in the delta quadrant. controlling the flyers has proven difficult as the AI consistency overrides it programming to attach what it perceives as the most dangerous threat.
2 hangers 4 craft total
quad cannons with rapid fire
bio neuro warhead
Omega torpedo
Containing a Omega particle chambered in a 1.68 terahertz harmonic resonance chamber capable of disruption subspace in a 5kyds radius. 60 seconds cool down. Cuts speed and engine power by 50%. 20% chance to disable all engine within radius. (Designed from Seven of Nine's research)
Tactical maneuver console aka the Picard console
Ship warps forward to within 2 kyds and fire all weapons at target constantly for 3 second. +50% critical severity, +25%critical chance, drain weapon power after use. 20% failure chance that causes ship to warp forward and ram target ship damaging both vessels.
Running hot console
Overload ship engine to increase speed and maneuverability
20% defense
+10 speed
+5 turning
10 second run time
20% chance of failure, engine goes off line for 5 seconds, success causes engine to run at half power after use for 5 seconds.
couldn't think of science console name
Fire a burst of radiation from deflection dish which kill a portion of the crew of targeted ship which result in a slow down of ship functions.
30% crew killed 50% chance
50% crew killed 30% chance
80% crew killed 20% chance
slows target ship refresh time on a activated abilities during this time by 200%. last 15 seconds.
20% failure rate. overload deflector dish creating a los of all deflector abilities for 10 seconds.
what... the... hell
Ok so basically you want every good piece of everything on one ship?
A shield mod of 2 and ablative hull?
Two commander slots, something no other ship in the game has?
Two hangar bays on top of 10 consoles and eight weapon slots?
Six special abilities?
And a decent turn rate?
My god...
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
It's also missing a 360 degree Death Star Laser.
system Lord Baal is dead
Bleed Green and Gold
Love that ship
You mean the temporal war that was averted by the second episode of the 4th season which thus averted the entire future?;)
i... really hope so.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Yeah it appeared because they used the ships that were laying around from Voyager. It was more being lazy than anything else actually having to do with the ship...every Federation ship in that scene was exclusive to Voyager.
I for one hope that alien designed piece of junk never makes it into the game...
[CoffeCupHolder [acc]x3 [coffee]]
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
a <bit> is a understatement lmao
system Lord Baal is dead
Porta Potty MK XIII [ACC][POO][PEE]
A few points:
Starfleet could indeed have copied this basically successful spaceframe. And no, it does not require involvement by either Starfleet Intelligence or Section 31. They aren't responsible for everything.
While the future it originated from was averted, it is still possible the Dauntless-class may be commissioned, seeing that the Prometheus-, Rhode Island- and Vor'cha-classes existed in the primary and alternate timeline as well.
The consenus from the posts is that the OP's stats are ridiculous. Who's got an idea what a meaningful setup could look like? I'm no expert in game mechanics, all I could suggest is the ship as a science vessel (small and lack of visible weapon arrays), with a particle synthesis (i.e. temporary self-duplication) or quantum slipstream drive special console power. The crew size would range between Intrepid- and Nova-class. , about 100 crewpersons.
Any further suggestions are welcome.
Actually, the interference in the past was adverted, not the future, every hint in this game tells us that the war is coming!
So, you want him to make his dream ship w/ crappy stats?
I like the premise of the ship being in the game though. It would not be too far fetched for Starfleet to enamour its design.
We do after all use slipsteam, which was copied tech from that ship...
It had nothing to do with those ships actually being available...they simply just reused old models from Voyager.
Besides the skin and nacelles it doesn't look very Federation-y at all, it just looks like a flying cheese wedge with nacelles.
And the elachi escort looks like flying green pizza.
The devs were hungry
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Look at the Doorstop... that is, the Deep Space Science Vessel, then look at the Star Cruiser, then the Dauntless - it looks like we're working towards it...
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
/10 char we really need more ships like them in game? :P
To have all of that on one ship simply doesn't make sense, whereas having the different consoles split between 3 ships makes a lot more sense. Still, it's overpowered to the point of "I Win".
I'm also guessing he meant Commander Science, Lt. Commander Science, rather than 2 Commander stations.
Not really, tbh... With the underslung sensor pod and all, I've also been known to call the Doorstop the 'Pregnant Whale'.
The Dauntless design does have one thing going for it which they do not, though; it has a history. It can be said that Starfleet using a design created with the intent of killing a ship of Starfleet officers is perhaps the ultimate insult (or final tribute) to its creators.
Plus, think about it, it has its own unique bridge and engine room designs that would set it apart from other ships. Maybe not a 'free token'/dilithium ship, or even a C-Store ship. But it could probably work as a lockbox ship with that factor.
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...