I'm sure I'm not the only person who gets a bit bored of the "Go there, kill that" of every missions. So I've been trying to think of what other things you could do, and more importantly, what you might want to do.
My first thought was along the lines of "what have we seen in the episodes?"
Since those mostly seem to be diplomacy, or escorting something "with obstacles", they can't really be ported to reliably.
So I started trying to think of other things, unfortunately my lack of imagination got in the way. Here's what I managed to come up with:
Sneaky Recon stuff
Using a cloaked ship, ninja your way in somewhere and observe something. Not just a fly over here and press F, Actual infiltration, observation, exfiltration. All undetected. Although, that could be a bit too easy... Dump power into Aux and nobody will ever see you, so maybe magical sensors to avoid or something :P
Blockade Running
As the name suggests, just breaking through enemies... For whatever reason. Not a "kill them all", just punch through to achieve whatever the objective is
Combat Support
Remember at the end of the vault, when you're supposed to fend off enemy fighters and shoot down torpedoes - I found that more fun than most of the rest of that series.
Cripple things
Lots of space games let you knock out systems, It's surprisingly common in RTS's. By this I mean actually destroying systems on a ship, and by ship I mean some colossal monstrosity of a ship. Think Xindi's planet killer or V'ger sort of scale. Not knocking systems offline, not shouting weird things cello taped to the walls. An actual big ship, flying around and blowing you up, where you have to hit specific parts of it. Like the boss fights in Resident Evil, or the Trolls in Fable II. Presumably as some sort of STF or Fleet Action.
As I said, my imagine sucks. So I open the floor to you!
What do you want to do?
___________________________ The day will not save them. And we own the night.
Excellent thread! TY! For myself I'd like to see more puzzles that need resolving, diplomatic issues with a varied decision tree with multiple possible outcomes depending on the choices one makes. Also many of Kirk and Picard's adventures were problems resolved solo (or nearly so). More of that would be appreciated. The original concept (TOS) was something more like Horatio Hornblower where the Capt. was the only law available. A Capt. sailed a circuit of voyage and discovery and was pretty much on his own resolving problems. If it worked you were a hero and if not you paid the price. On the KDF side more missions that rely on problem solving and science and also more missions that explore the meaning of Honor (a Bushido type code that incorporates concepts of compassion and justice as part of the Warrior's code). On the Rom side more exploration and perhaps a story arc that involves discoveries regarding the original Vulcan refugees that first Founded the Romulans
*STO*Its mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
Some of my favorite episodes of the actual series are the ones that involved creativity;
TNG's "Pegasus", where they had to find the ship, beam over, retrieve the device, then use it to escape the asteroid or "Cause and Effect" where each time they failed to find the solution they found themselves having to start over without knowing anything they had learned before until they could start putting feelings of 'deja vu' together with what was going on - those are both great episodes (Though "Cause and Effect is pretty much covered by the Foundry mission "Effected Cause", I think is the name)
"Clues" which didn't involve any combat until the very end, mainly investigation work was another good TNG episode.
Voyager had some good ones; "Threshold" where there were no other enemies, just themselves; "Non Sequitar" where Kim ended up in a reality where he was never on Voyager, though 'Temporal Ambassador' pretty much covers that concept... though we do have the Yellowstone-class runabouts from that episodes...
Or "Time And Again" (isn't that the name of it?) Where the first attempt of the Quantum Slipstream drive caused the loss of Voyager with all hands aboard except Chakotay and Kim who were on the leading shuttle and they had to find the ship, find information about the exact moment things went wrong so they could use it to collapse the Slipstream safely.
Or how about DS9's "Homefront"/"Paradise Lost"? Investigation, security, conspiracy...
Stepping outside Trek for a moment; does anyone remember the movie "Final Countdown"? Without going into too much detail, a modern U.S. Navy aircraft carrier is thrown back to December 6th, 1941 and has to make a decision about which is more important; the course of history or their duty to defend their country.
The player could somehow end up back in the 2370's when the Maquis are being founded and have to decide where they stand in that kind of situation...
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Sneaky Recon stuff
Using a cloaked ship, ninja your way in somewhere and observe something. Not just a fly over here and press F, Actual infiltration, observation, exfiltration. All undetected. Although, that could be a bit too easy... Dump power into Aux and nobody will ever see you, so maybe magical sensors to avoid or something :P
Just tossing out that code for this already exists as demonstrated by the Risa Event, where both the fireworks and the klingon/trill accolades required you to be in a specific location and watch something happen.
I'd love to see it worked into a mission.
I've said before that I think Mine Trap is one of the best missions in the entire game. Especially for team content to have no boss at all was greatly appreciated. But to protect people instead of kill enemies is, for me, the biggest reason I love it.
Stepping outside Trek for a moment; does anyone remember the movie "Final Countdown"? Without going into too much detail, a modern U.S. Navy aircraft carrier is thrown back to December 6th, 1941 and has to make a decision about which is more important; the course of history or their duty to defend their country.
The player could somehow end up back in the 2370's when the Maquis are being founded and have to decide where they stand in that kind of situation...
I love that movie and it could make a good episode.
TNG's "Pegasus", where they had to find the ship, beam over, retrieve the device, then use it to escape the asteroid or "Cause and Effect" where each time they failed to find the solution they found themselves having to start over without knowing anything they had learned before until they could start putting feelings of 'deja vu' together with what was going on - those are both great episodes (Though "Cause and Effect is pretty much covered by the Foundry mission "Effected Cause", I think is the name)
"Clues" which didn't involve any combat until the very end, mainly investigation work was another good TNG episode.
Voyager had some good ones; "Threshold" where there were no other enemies, just themselves; "Non Sequitar" where Kim ended up in a reality where he was never on Voyager, though 'Temporal Ambassador' pretty much covers that concept... though we do have the Yellowstone-class runabouts from that episodes...
Or "Time And Again" (isn't that the name of it?) Where the first attempt of the Quantum Slipstream drive caused the loss of Voyager with all hands aboard except Chakotay and Kim who were on the leading shuttle and they had to find the ship, find information about the exact moment things went wrong so they could use it to collapse the Slipstream safely.
Or how about DS9's "Homefront"/"Paradise Lost"? Investigation, security, conspiracy...
Stepping outside Trek for a moment; does anyone remember the movie "Final Countdown"? Without going into too much detail, a modern U.S. Navy aircraft carrier is thrown back to December 6th, 1941 and has to make a decision about which is more important; the course of history or their duty to defend their country.
The player could somehow end up back in the 2370's when the Maquis are being founded and have to decide where they stand in that kind of situation...
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Just tossing out that code for this already exists as demonstrated by the Risa Event, where both the fireworks and the klingon/trill accolades required you to be in a specific location and watch something happen.
I'd love to see it worked into a mission.
I've said before that I think Mine Trap is one of the best missions in the entire game. Especially for team content to have no boss at all was greatly appreciated. But to protect people instead of kill enemies is, for me, the biggest reason I love it.
I want more missions like that.
I love that movie and it could make a good episode.