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Personal Task Force

twwiglingentwwiglingen Member Posts: 9 Arc User
So the goal of this system is to alleviate grinding by allowing you to make progress on multiple things at once.

Growing your task force

So to start you need to be lvl 40 and in a fleet that has a full tier 1 starbase, once you have that it unlocks 1 construction project slot to build a ship. You gain another slot at tier 3 military and another at tier 5

The tier of ship you can build is dependent on the starbase military tier so tier 4 shipyard means you can build tier 4 ships. Also if your building a tier 1 ship in a tier 2 shipyard it builds a bit faster than if your building it in a tier 1 shipyard. Also the fleet's mine tiers increases the speed of construction a bit.

The quality of the ship's equipment is based off several things but essentially if the players can get it the TF gets an inferior but still good version. Also starbase sub-tiers give flat buffs to abilities and stats as well the the already mentioned equipment buffs. I.E. tier 5 engineering gives fed TF ships elite phaser, a flat buff to hull strength, and a boost to engineering abilities.

Edit1: Costs are in fleet credit, some dilithium, and commodities. Also all ships built are available to every character above 40 on the same faction. If toons are in multiple fleets, the fleet with the best gear applies to the Task Force ships.


To get romulan ships in your TF you need to build your embassy up as each track gives different benefits.

Main track increases total number of romulan ships you can have [based of specific ships rather than total].

Diplomacy increases the effectiveness of romulan ships by increasing their gear. Each tier grants different bonuses:

Tier 1: grants rommie ships romulan plasma

Tier 2: grants romulan hyper-plasma torpedoes

Tier 3: grants use of either c-store console sets.

Recruitment increases which tier of romulan ships you can build by 2 tiers for each holding tier, so at tier 1 recruitment you can build tier 1 and 2 rommie ships, assuming you have the needed military tier on your starbase.

What And How You Use These Ships

The first thing is to use them in is Doff like missions known as detachments. These reward anything from reputation marks to fleet marks or CXP. Requirements for the detachment will depend on the mission, I.E. if its a science missions than it will require science ships. Each mission can have differing requirements or limits just like doffs missions. You can also do assist detachments for fleet projects, these will automatically acquire and donate stuff to a fleet project. It works for everything even dilithium however it is kind of slow as it donates every few hours. Tier 1 sihps donate 1 thing in that time and likewise tier 5 ships donate 5 things in that time. Multiple ships can be assigned to the same item and to multiple items as long as you have them.

Task Force missions are different from the other stuff in that you actually take your TF into a mission. These unlock at a tier 3 starbase and at that level only reward fleet marks, fleet credit, and some holding XP. At tier 4 starbase however, some new ones are added and the rewards of the old ones are buffed. Some of these reward moderate amounts of reputation marks and reputation XP. At tier 5 more new missions and buffs to the older ones the rewards are greater in some cases than group missions but all have 20 hour lock outs. The reputation XP and holding XP aren't greater than the projects for the same.

Before you go into a TF mission, you first have to assign your ships into one of 5 battle groups. The main battle group is the one you are in, you have greater control over this one than other battle groups being able to give orders to individual ships like you heal this ships and you 3 attack this ship. The other battle groups you can give general orders like attack this group of ships or protect this freighter. If you are grouped with other players they take control of each battle group and can fill out spots with spots from their own TF.

That's about it for this idea feel free to post questions and comments. Ty for reading all this as well.
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