I have a few questions,
can we please lower the xp gain abit? to me It seems as if we are leveling far to fast, I remember the 1st year were we had to do all of the quests and explore. take the romulan fe it gives 8k of xp to me that is far to much.
solution: if you lower the xp gain by 30-45% that would make the path to 50 much better.
another question are we going to get crew death? I asked about this before and was told we were going to get this but nothing has come so far.
solution: with crew death it could result from torpedo hitting the bare hull, or when our ship explodes.
question can you please put romulan boffs up on the cstore; I know there are a few ways to earn them ingame atm, like the sci boff and tact boff from the lobi store.
solution: if you put them for the same amount as the other boffs fro both the Klingon and fed side, you could add them to the romulan faction and the other two factions. so people who want a full romulan crew can have them.
If they lower the XP rate then people will find out the game doesn't really have enough Mission Content. The goal is to get you to level 50 as soon as possible. Cryptic considers the end-game to be the game, not the journey to end-game.
I doubt we're going to get crew death. It servers no purpose other then as a currency sink. When it was in testing people hated having to return to a Starbase to buy replacement Crew. I don't see them loving it any more now.
They probably could put Rom Boffs on the C-Store but the goal seems to be to have the Boffs be part of the in-game currency system. IE, but them on the Exchange. That's why they haven't added any new Boffs to the Fed or KDF since the game went FTP.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I doubt we're going to get crew death. It servers no purpose other then as a currency sink. When it was in testing people hated having to return to a Starbase to buy replacement Crew. I don't see them loving it any more now.
They probably could put Rom Boffs on the C-Store but the goal seems to be to have the Boffs be part of the in-game currency system. IE, but them on the Exchange. That's why they haven't added any new Boffs to the Fed or KDF since the game went FTP.