hey guys

I haven't played STO since a couple of weeks after the Romulans were made a playable faction, because i have been more focused on Kerbal Space Program and Europa Universalis 3 and i guess i just forgot about STO...
So, I would like to know, have there been any changes to the game since i have stopped playing that would be noticeable to me? Also, are Tholian ground units and interiors available in the foundry?
Free C-Store Giveway
Carrier UI Update
Dilithium Mine Holding
Scimitar Warbirds
Lockboxes came and went
Romulan Veteran Rewards
Romulan Tactical Warbirds
Lobi Store Discounts
Madonna's new 2413 single
Terradome Removed
Tholian and Elachi units in foundry
I ran over a dog with my Chel Grett. Other than that, that's about it.
Oh when PWE close down the servers, as that will mean there are no idiots left buying the keys.
What i was expecting when STO was announced is exactly what im gonna get with Star Citizen. I'll give you 5 seconds before someone makes a star trek mod and puts it on a public server (modders may be able to host there own servers) and it becomes insanely popular
As far as modders, I'd expect CBS and Paramount to come down fairly hard on them - especially when there are other Trek licenses for the taking, but only time will tell on that. Either way, good luck in getting what you hope for rather then what you get. I've been involved in dozens of games that promised the world pre-Alpha and Beta - including STO - but always came up short on Launch Day.
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...