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Occulus Rift Support

bain4bain4 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
As the title suggest, anyone know if the devs plan to support this bit of hardware ?
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  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    at this point no information about it, so i'd say no they are not planing anything at the moment.

    thing is, that occulus rift is not just a stereo view, it is actually 2 sepparate pictures and both are sepparately rendered and represent different perspectives as far as i understood it.

    that must be implemented into the engine, which is not a 1 day job. might even not be able to 100% implement into STO's engine. idk for sure, but it may be impossible for sto to support occulus rift.

    as i understand it, it only actually makes sense in first person mode to simulate an eye pair. in 3rd person view (which is the dominant viewpoint in sto) the oculus rift would just act as standard VR goggles. this infact may be possible.

    *edit: as i understand it the picture would work with any game/film...only the gyroskopic looking around needs ingame support. After all it is substituating your mouse movement. Or am i wrong?
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