when playing my Tactical Officer i purchased from the Omega Rep Store the ability to change my MACO Armor, I.E - add or take away pieces of the armor and change color
when playing my engineer the option to purchase this ability is not there!
when you purchase it is it account bound or character bound?
also have Cryptic removed the option from the rep store?
p.s - I've been to tailor and the option to alter the MACO Armor was not there
anyone shed any light on this please?
Make sure to go to Face and select the upper right drop-down menu.
Once you've got a matching set, there will be a new project available in your Omega Reputation to unlock one of the MACO costume styles. Fill that up and run it.
Now you're ready to hit the tailor. MACO/Honor Guard/Omega Force can't be mixed with other costume pieces, so they are their own category. The pull down in the top right corner where you select Uniform or Off Duty will now feature MACO as a choice. Hit that, and set things up how you want. If you got the Mk XII and are looking for the helmet, it's at the very top of the Head tab under "Head Type". Evidently when you become a MACO you are not wearing a helmet, but have in fact replaced your entire head.
(Actually I think that's to prevent clipping issues with your hair, ears, etc when overlaying a helmet, but it's still funny to think about)
yea thanks for the reply, i kinda gathered that was the case and im already working on getting the full set :P
Thanks a million guys