Okay, so I'm not disappointed with my DPS at the minute, however I would love to be able to squeeze every last drop out of my Fleet Defiant (and I mean normally, I see any boost in DPS I get from skills or BOFF powers as a bonus -
so I'm not fussed about those.).
Here is my build that I'm working towards (currently grinding out the MACO stuff now):
http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=rlak47defiant2_0As you will see, the Fore Quantum torpedo is a non-fleet version. Before I upgrade, I just want to know; should I upgrade it to a Fleet quantum, or should I just get another DHC if it's DPS I'm interested in?
There's my question
(Although, just on a completely separate note, would it do me any good to get the Adapted MACO set, I'm sure I heard that's aimed at high-damage??)
Cheers :P
Fleet Admiral Robert Leece
USS Silverburn NX-150996-B
Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit [T5-U]
You'll take an extra hit to your weapon power with another DHC, so in my opinion you're best off going with a fleet quantum.
otherwise upgrade to fleet armor consoles