Hi there, thanks for taking your time to read this. Today I've joined a few PvP matches, and I liked it
. I have over 1700 hours playing STO
(thanks Steam for tracking this) but I never joined any PvP because fear of facing people exploiting the game
(let's face it, the game is a bit buggy)
But I need some veterans/experts to check my build and see if I can improve my playstyle, I don't want to be the "DPS guy", i want to be the Support guy who helps the DPS guys kill stronger targets by using debuffs and CC. This is
my build.
I'm considering swapping Aux2Structural for RSP because of the Borg set 2 piece bonus, about equipment, I will change the fleet neutronium [+Turn] for [+HullHP]. I need advice about the Fleet Flow Cap, are they worth a Science Console slot? They seen to improve the Subsystem Targeting and the Energy Siphon.
I have a question about tactics, which way I the best to take someone's shields down? Subsystem Targeting + Energy Siphon + Aceton Assimilator works but not fast enough, people regenerate shields fast. It's OK to "call" a Target(using keybinds) to warn my team of a weak target? one of the Capture and Hold matches, a guy said that calling targets was useless since he could take someone down without my help(we lost the match). About my Tactical abilities, I only use APB with FAW so i can debuff more people, about the APDelta, I use it on me when there is alot of people attacking me and I use in BoPs that needs a extra help escaping.
Again, thanks for spending your time reading this.
Other than that, someone else will have to help you because, well, I don't want to talk about stuff I don't know
welcome to sto pvp and I'm glad you're enjoying it after playing so long
If you want to be support/CC, you should be running around in a Sci ship. Yeah, a lot of Sci stuff is useless right now but it's still quite important in landing kills. PSWs to block Evasives/shutdown Extends, Tractor Beams to boost Acc and CrtD, etc etc. Now, as to which Sci ship you should be rolling with really depends on what you want to do. Personally, I use a Vesta or Wells so I can have access to a LtC Eng and Cmdr Sci.
Tetryons can be used effectively, but if (and only if, really) you're using a butt ton of Flow Caps, Tetryon Glider, and are using Cannons (single or otherwise)/Turrets with Rapid Fire. If not, the shield damage proc is heavily mitigated by resists and passive shield healing. Phaser (or Phased Polaron) still reigns supreme as the choice support weapon. Disruptors are great too, but it's best left to the DPS guys to handle those - and in the current age, you don't want to be running the same weapon type as your DPS since you're likely to be just plinking away at your targets shields and boosting their resistances to that damage type (thanks Fleet Shields!).
To answer your questions:
support, not dps guy huh. oh i'll just click the link and have a looksee
commander tactical
oh boy.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Please watch this. This video, like many others on that channel, show a lot about human nature in PVP.
It also shows that there's no "magic" involved. It all happens for a reason even if it is too fast to see AS it is happening. That's why there's video. If you watch that rather longish video to the end, I will love you long time.
Then go read this. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=841331
There's a bit in there about using fraps as a tool for learning! True story! Other than that just change some of the pronouns around and there's a good course of action for you to take.
oh, I'm not using the commander tactical anymore, I'm currently using a commander science, the reason I was using the comm tac:
so 1700 hours of PvE, and everyone knows that in PvE the only thing that matters is DPS. I know, I know, with only 2 Tac consoles I wasn't going to do anything but you can see that I'm using the FAW + APB to increase the damage my teammates do, also @praxi5 told me that someone can take APB off by using TT(useless then).
This is my build right now. The hangar pets are Elite Weavers.