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Map Not Duplicating Properly

tosmonkeytosmonkey Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I have been away for a while. About a year ago the foundry went offline and stayed that way for a LONG time. I got annoyed and left. Good thing too because I would have been furious if I had waited them out only to find out that changes to the art assets had broken my maps and I might not have come back.

Anyway I'm back now and I've pretty much fixed my published missions. I'm now working on a sequel to them that I started almost a year ago, and I've hit a snag.

I am building a federation outpost and I have been using walls and cylinders to create shuttlecraft landing markings in a foundation block. It looks awesome but, needless to say, in order to work the objects must be offset in the Y axis VERY precisely. Within .002 units.

The problem is I need a duplicate of the map for when the players exit one of the buildings, but when I duplicate the map the foundation block is being raised about .120 units. No amount of tweaking is giving me the degree of altitude control I need to recover or recreate the offsets I need to preserve the "markings".

Am I just SOL? Should I just delete the landing pad markings? Or is there some way to get finer control over object placement on the Y axis that I'm missing?
Post edited by tosmonkey on


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