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Nukara Auxiliary buffs for a Sci/Sci

miri2miri2 Member Posts: 112 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Klingon Discussion
I reached Tier 4 of the Nukara reputation system a while back, but I really can't figure out whether to pick of the Offensive or Defensive auxiliary boost.

I run a sci in a Varanus support vessel, so it'll jam an extra 20-26 points into each of three skills. Not too shabby, I guess.
The question is, though, can 26 more points into Weapons Training, Energy Training, and Projectile Training make enough of a difference to give some bite to a presently rather toothless ship? Or should I continue to shrug my shoulders apathetically and focus on my present specialty of wasting copious amounts of my opponent's time?

In case it matters, my Varanus is a heal-boat with a secondary focus in power drain.

At present, I run 4 polarized disruptor arrays, the Omega torpedo fore, and the Borg cutting beam aft-- all at a decent, but not spectacular weapons power setting. My sole Lt. Tactical officer has High Yield I (because it would seem a waste not to) and Flail at Will II (just to get some fire out there-- anywhere, really-- when I'm busy trying to fix people).

In case it matters here, I run a pretty straightforward BOff build.

I have enough Dev-lab DOffs assigned to grind that cooldown to 15 seconds and basically reset most PvE escorts' shields in one go, and a purple-quality Tractor Beam DOff to strip a bit of shields here and there.
“True success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”
-- Winston Churchill
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  • canisanubiscanisanubis Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My advice:

    Tac: BFaW 1, APB 1
    Eng: EPtW 1, A2S 1, EPtS 1
    Sci: PH1, TB1, ST 2, ES 1, HE 3, TSS 3, ES 3

    Drop the Omega for another beam array and run as a broadside ship. You'll do your team far more good with Attack Pattern Beta up half the time than having to point your nose at things to launch that big slow torp every 30 seconds. Also, Polarize Hull is there for breaking tractors, not for the resistance boost, so get a stronger heal from HE 3. The difference between ES II and ES 3 is not very profound. The difference between HE 2 and HE 3 is quite large. Also, HE has a shorter cooldown than ES, and so will be up more often.

    I'd also consider getting a Plasmonic Leech to synergize with your drain effects, and further boost your power.

    As to your actual question, I"d go with Nukara Offense. It won't profoundly increase your personal damage (On that ship, you'll get ~6% from 26 more points in Weapon Training), but your teammates will appreciate the extra debuff on APB.
  • miri2miri2 Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My advice:
    Thanks for the suggestions!
    I do rather like the idea of pairing AP:B with B:FaW, and may just give that a go. Thanks for the idea!
    Unfortunately, (at least, according to the Wiki) Auxiliary Power Configuration -- Offense doesn't boost Attack Patterns.

    I've been considering swapping the rank-slots on HE and PH. But I really do use PH for damage resist when I come under heavy fire (I'll take all the help I can get with just a 1.20 shield mod!).

    Also, I get the advice about the Plasmonic Leech, but I rather deliberately don't use it. The Varanus is kinda' shafted on console slots, since it only has a standard spread of them (2 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 4 Science), and the only thing that keeps it from being a blatantly sub-standard version of the Deep Space Science Vessel is its Repair Platform console. (Also, it is Gorn, and therefore awesome.)
    That leaves me with precious little space for my current spread of two DI Coils, three Emitter Arrays, Neutronium and Monotanium plating, an Assimilated Module, and the Repair Platform.
    Not a heck of a lot of room for anything else, sadly.
    “True success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”
    -- Winston Churchill
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