I want to pretend one of my characters is an unaligned freelancer and I think this would make a great ship for such a role. The Risan ship is nice but not available to new characters. :cool:
From a topic I posted last week. There are several models that were reused in the production of the TNG/DS9/VOY era. I think that would allow for a Risian Corvette level of customization on our part.
From a topic I posted last week. There are several models that were reused in the production of the TNG/DS9/VOY era. I think that would allow for a Risian Corvette level of customization on our part.
The one I linked would be good.
So would this one, the unnamed combat ship from Unification:
And a cruiser, the Husnock vessel left behind after Kevin Uxbridge killed the entire race:
Enough there for a whole "Civilian Lock Box" thing