A simple challenge to any who wish to partake: tell us your favourite ship class from the Star Trek franchise and why it is; but do so without using the letter "E" in your post.
(Exceptions: you may use the letter "E" in the name of the ship class; when referring to the name of a starship; or when refering to usernames including your own.)
Whoever posts the best reply within twenty four hours (remember, DON'T USE THE LETTER "E"!) will win 500,000 energy credits in game
EDIT: Competition now closed, the winner is
azniadeet with the Prometheus class. Congratulations.
And also well done to the our other contestants who put in a valiant effort, they were all amusing to read. And to our contestants who put in a less than valiant effort... perhaps you should glance at instructions a little more clearly next time :P
P.S. This is tough, because I can't use the word 'the' in the description.
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
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Damn hard to impart what I am trying to say without using said icon!
YAY, I did it!!!!:D
I see what you did there :P
EDIT: Or to stay within any stipulations of my post, light hits my visual organs, giving my brain insight into what you did in in that post.
When it comes to this game I do like my Tacs Defiant and the Excelsior and retrofit.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
lol i had to try
My most high, was ambassador... third class (not tac or sci but...) was still on par with the other two. it is fantastic for to cc and 'mirror of dps', total support
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
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I think I spotted one or two (or twenty five) "E"s here and there...
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
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Optimal optical input is majorly lacking in many individuals.....:P
Join the Deltas today!
Will also discuss my long past piloting of a small but stimulating sci boat, you may know to which i am indicating, that T2 fav of most sci captains, a sporty Nova, of which a flotilla incarnation will long stay out of my grasp....:)
Most people prefer things to be played out with sockpuppets these days.
NAH, can't top that........its just tooooooooo good!!;)
Nah, I failed...overlook's got an e. So I withdrew it. Should have had some caffeine first. After using obtain twice, I figure I used up my editing to be fair...oh well, such is life. "how could anybody not squirm at" would have been a little...girlish, lol - but yeah, I should have paid more attention before hitting submit.
Bugger, missed that one, but still a damn fine effort:)
Attack your rivals quickly, spraying a profusion of plasma shards in that vicinity. Hull armor will fall null against your blitz. Unchain brutality of all your plasma attacks with this ship. Antagonists will not withstand your barbaric onslaught.
At a point on ST:Voy, that 'Doctor' guy had command of a Prometheus along with Andy ****. This holographic duo did away with U.S.S. Prometheus' Romulan burglars, and brought it back to its rightful Human originators. That was a good show, a paragon show that ST:Voy did. I can only stand Andy **** in small amounts though.
Dagoth Commanding Officer of the R.S.S Sabre, Scimitar Class Dreadnought.
Nelson, Commanding Officer of the Victory - E, Armitage Class Carrier.
Jones, Commanding Officer of the Sovereign, Sovereign Class Battleship.
Fleet Admiral of Approaching Storm, the Servers fastest growing Fleet.
Just edit it and replace "overlook" with "discount" or something.
...my favorite? Achilles....mostly just to inflict pain...with lots of guns....:D
[Wow, not using "E" handicapped my lexicon....]
With the allotted time up, I pronounce this post the winner! It's descriptive, interesting, makes good grammatical sense, stays within the rules and manages to create jokes at the expense of Andy ****. Congratulations... where would you like your 500,000 energy credits sent?
(lol...everything I typed sounds HORRIBLE when you say it)
Considered that the letter "e" is the most used letter of all, this deserves some serious respect! Well done mate!