So I'm playing a Federation Vulcan female and I just spent 550 zen on a TOS Nurse Uniform--but it won't show up. In fact, every time I go in to modify her outfit it places her in a random default one that I did not choose. Nothing I update about her uniform (including facial/body structure and hair style changes) shows up.
I have another character of the Federation that is doing the same thing. My Romulan Republic character is not having this issue at all. I'm really annoyed and afraid that I may have wasted my zen--paid 20 bucks and I don't want to freaking waste any of it!
If anyone has any suggestions or has had this problem before please, please reply. I feel helpless right now.
Okay so I realized that for both my Federation characters you can only see your new outfit if you're up in space. Whenever the character is on ground or in any Space Docks, it's this random default outfit/hairstyle. Pressing 'U' up in space allows you to see your new outfit. Pressing 'U' on ground does not.
It's really frustrating.