I run a fleet defiant with a M XII Jem set with Fleet Polaron DHC. What would be the Highest dps setup i could put on my Galor utilizing the Jem Mark XII set?
this highly depends opn your captain type...a tac can achieve much much more than an engi or a sci.
i can only estimate about 10-11 k dps (perhaps even a little more) for an engi or sci, but a tac can most likely do much more with the standard cookie cutter aux2batt build.
yeah well i answered that question: aux2batt build with 8 polaron beam arrays (acc and/or crtH mods)
if you have 2 tactical romulan embassy boffs with superior operative, use the second one in the universal ltd slot, simply for the 2% crth and 5% crtD trait bonus. superior operative stacks.
this way you could incorporate a torp launcher into your build aswell, if you are skilled for it...if not a BO2 is a possibility. Or even use Omega 1 in your Ltd cmdr slot and APbeta1 in the ltd slot. That way you have access to both and can choose which attack pattern depending on the situation.
check exchange first, i think polarons are actually very cheap (compared to disruptors atleast) even with reasonable mods [acc] [crth]x2 or something like that.
check exchange first, i think polarons are actually very cheap (compared to disruptors atleast) even with reasonable mods [acc] [crth]x2 or something like that.
polarons with accx3 are available on exchange. never wanna miss, and love crit hit and crit dmg overspill.
also look into the nukara console for 10% beam acc, plasmonic leech, and running full flow caps in sci slots. flow caps improve damage on tetryon and polaron weapons due to their drain abilities. full jem mk XII set for polaron bonus, and if you can somehow get your hands on the dominion synergy consoles, I'd look into those as well.
with the power drain, you may want to look into a S>W warp core to keep an 8 beam broadside pumped up.
well flow caps doesn't improve dmg of polarons or tetryon...the proc is just more intense. in case of tetryon it drains more shield so you could say it "deals more dmg" but i'm not sure if it is calculated as dps (probably though)
there shouldn't be any probs with powerdrain with an a2b build, especially with marion and DEM, but it never hurts to have more weapon power these days, since there seems something wrong with beams and above 125 weapon power levels.
nukara console is definately an excellent choice when using beams...i think 10% over the def value of a target equals 1% crit and 4%-ish crtD. So that is an excellent console no doubt.
I run a fleet defiant with a M XII Jem set with Fleet Polaron DHC. What would be the Highest dps setup i could put on my Galor utilizing the Jem Mark XII set?
lol crazy, to not the kick TRIBBLE wepaons it comes with.
i use the galor beams with plasma torps
one of my galors uses the KHG set.
the other uses the xii romulan set for + plasma dmg and the + attack patterns
i have a engi galor but its just using the cheapest xii sheilds engines off exchange
check exchange first, i think polarons are actually very cheap (compared to disruptors atleast) even with reasonable mods [acc] [crth]x2 or something like that.
If this then get Phased Polarons. extra phaser proc and slight damage increase. jem hadr set boost and uses polaron tac consoles. ACCx3 MK XII purple are the best you can get but bloody expensive lol. So to start cheap go for any with ACC and Crith modifiers. really just whatever untl you can get fleet advanced weapons or the ACCX3 exchange money sinks.
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"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
The Nukara Console adds an [Acc] Modifier to every beam weapon on a ship. It might save you some EC over buying [Acc]x3
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
i can only estimate about 10-11 k dps (perhaps even a little more) for an engi or sci, but a tac can most likely do much more with the standard cookie cutter aux2batt build.
if you have 2 tactical romulan embassy boffs with superior operative, use the second one in the universal ltd slot, simply for the 2% crth and 5% crtD trait bonus. superior operative stacks.
this way you could incorporate a torp launcher into your build aswell, if you are skilled for it...if not a BO2 is a possibility. Or even use Omega 1 in your Ltd cmdr slot and APbeta1 in the ltd slot. That way you have access to both and can choose which attack pattern depending on the situation.
This. Plus what he said earlier.
Kirk's Protege.
also look into the nukara console for 10% beam acc, plasmonic leech, and running full flow caps in sci slots. flow caps improve damage on tetryon and polaron weapons due to their drain abilities. full jem mk XII set for polaron bonus, and if you can somehow get your hands on the dominion synergy consoles, I'd look into those as well.
with the power drain, you may want to look into a S>W warp core to keep an 8 beam broadside pumped up.
there shouldn't be any probs with powerdrain with an a2b build, especially with marion and DEM, but it never hurts to have more weapon power these days, since there seems something wrong with beams and above 125 weapon power levels.
nukara console is definately an excellent choice when using beams...i think 10% over the def value of a target equals 1% crit and 4%-ish crtD. So that is an excellent console no doubt.
lol crazy, to not the kick TRIBBLE wepaons it comes with.
i use the galor beams with plasma torps
one of my galors uses the KHG set.
the other uses the xii romulan set for + plasma dmg and the + attack patterns
i have a engi galor but its just using the cheapest xii sheilds engines off exchange
If this then get Phased Polarons. extra phaser proc and slight damage increase. jem hadr set boost and uses polaron tac consoles. ACCx3 MK XII purple are the best you can get but bloody expensive lol. So to start cheap go for any with ACC and Crith modifiers. really just whatever untl you can get fleet advanced weapons or the ACCX3 exchange money sinks.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.