Translation: since the airing dates of the episodes "The Enterprise Incident" and "Elaan of Troyius" were switched the Romulans used the D7 onscreen first.
The Romulans who ally with the Klingons can already use the Klingon K't'inga if they buy if for dilitium. So what you want is already ingame.
Yes it is already in the game however they can only use the T3 ship not the fleet ship
You're lucky you get them at all, the Roms only got an extremely small number of them (less than a dozen IIRC), and they're a couple hundred years old in game time now.
You can also get a Koro't'inga Refit (which is, I believe, supposedly a Tier 3 ship, but which seems to me more like a Tier 4 when compared with other Tier 3 ships) and give it the D7 skin.
Well, technically the K't'inga-class isn't a D7, it was an upgrade from the D7 intended to match Starfleet's upgrade of the Constitution-class heavy cruiser, as seen in Star Trek: The Motionless Picture. However, they were built along similar design lines, so if you want your Rom to fly around in a ship from TOS (presumably after buying the TOS uniform) but don't want to be stuck flying a T'liss forever, the K't'inga is close enough.
Well, technically the K't'inga-class isn't a D7, it was an upgrade from the D7 intended to match Starfleet's upgrade of the Constitution-class heavy cruiser, as seen in Star Trek: The Motionless Picture. However, they were built along similar design lines, so if you want your Rom to fly around in a ship from TOS (presumably after buying the TOS uniform) but don't want to be stuck flying a T'liss forever, the K't'inga is close enough.
Thanks to the Voyager episode "Prophecy" that differentiation is no longer valid.
The dialogue identifies the ship in that episode as a D7 even though they used the K't'inga CGI model.
The D7's the Romulans got were a bunch of old rust buckets that the Klingons had no problems parting with, which is right around the time the K't'inga began to replace the D7.
Why would you want some second hand scrap that the Klingons would of trashed anyways? Not to mention its not gonna happen more than likely since I can't imagine KDF would be happy seeing Fed aligned Romulans in Klingon ships.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
The Romulans who ally with the Klingons can already use the Klingon K't'inga if they buy if for dilitium. So what you want is already ingame.
You're lucky you get them at all, the Roms only got an extremely small number of them (less than a dozen IIRC), and they're a couple hundred years old in game time now.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Thanks to the Voyager episode "Prophecy" that differentiation is no longer valid.
The dialogue identifies the ship in that episode as a D7 even though they used the K't'inga CGI model.
Why would you want some second hand scrap that the Klingons would of trashed anyways? Not to mention its not gonna happen more than likely since I can't imagine KDF would be happy seeing Fed aligned Romulans in Klingon ships.