Not sure when these bugs started, could be since the latest maintenance. I was testing a new lock box ship on my Fed toon, Iskan, in Kerrat on the big bad Borg. All of the sudden, I was attacked by 3 Klingons who thought they got an easy prey / farmer. Here is the bugged log screenshots:
Beam Overload "heals" the target's shields TWICE
As you can see, D'Bellator (in a Scimitar), was hit by a BO3. Combat log showed my attack healed his shields not once but twice!

Now, this was a single BO - not a Minimax style - Double/Triple BO - no reason for the Log to register two hits on the Shields, let alone two heals to the target's shields. To be sure though, the BO didn't actually heal D'Bellator - the BO in fact pierced his shield and right to his hull as you can see his hull took a 15K plus damage after the shield was gone. This makes sense as the BO hits for about 28K without any Crit, so if his hull took 15K, his shield must have taken about 13K -- which makes sense for a Scimitar with a shield modifier of 1.1 and some level of shield damage resistance.
What's more, Quantum TS2 was immediately fired at the Scimitar after the BO fired, which D'Bellator tried to get away by ejecting a Singularity. Combat log showed one Quantum hit D'Bellator and caused just over 19K of critical damage and in reality, that shot alone blew up the Scimitar. This is even more puzzling on two levels. First of all, the Quantum TS2 fires 3 Torpedoes that are 100% accurate and the Combat Log should show 3 hits by each of the Torpedo. The 19K damage is correct for a single Critical hit as the base hit per TS2 is indeed around 12K, so the 19K makes sense. But we are missing the combat log on the two other Torpedoes. Secondly, the hull damages registered on the combat log don't add up to the destruction of the Scimitar. Adding up all the hull damages, combat log showed D'Bellator took just over 36K of hull damage from one BO3, one DBB shot, one Quantum Torp. Remember, he tried to ambush me and was at full shield/hull when it began and we all know a Scimitar has a bare minimum of 40K hull, in reality closer to 50K. So there is no way the 36K in damage could explode a Scimitar. Could this be the evidence that Scimitar hull is indeed bugged? Alternatively, it could be that the two missing Quantum Torpedo which should have showed up on the Log and at the minimum caused roughly 25K of hull damage both of them together were somehow missed by the Combat log? Because 36K + 25K = over 60K would make sense - enough to blow up the Scimitar. I am leaning towards the Combat log being bugged. If so, it's really bugged right now with so many errors going on.
To be sure, I also verified the combat log of the other two Klingons, including the damage caused by a pet that I launched. Even my pet's energy damage shows up as shield heals to both
G'Kar and
Laithe. But in reality, they took damage and neither of them is using RSP - Reverse Shield Polarity and when the same Energy Weapon hits their hull, they registered as hull damage :
Not caused by RSP
As you can see in the 2nd screenshot, the pet's energy damages that were logged as "heals" in the 1st screenshot in fact pierced
Laithe's shield and the pet rammed into Laithe's naked hull and detonated over 77K in kinetic damage (non-critical) which vaporized Laithe.
G'Kar, who was trapped by a super charged Gravity Well, then got hit by a Cluster Torp which detonated critically and killed him too. What's interesting to note is that even the Cluster Torp's impact, which caused both shield and hull damages - the shield damages are registered as shield heals but the hull impact is registered as hull damages. So it's not just energy damage to shield that is registered as shield heal, even kinetic damage is showing up shield heals as well. This goes for my own weapon, my pet's and my torp.
Conclusion : Combat Log is now bugged badly, wrong displays and missing reporting. Use the combat log with a grain of salt because these bugs will likely stay for some time until when Cryptic feels generous enough to fix them.
Let's see what it's like when the hull gets damaged/healed:
Hull damage:
13:06:09:18:32:37.8::<NAME>,<INTERNAL ID>,,*,Renim,P[2462958@4202966 Renim@renimalt],Disruptor Turret,Pn.H6u7d01,Disruptor,,14.1092,271.437
Hull heal:
13:06:09:18:33:49.0::Renim,P[2462958@4202966 Renim@renimalt],,*,,*,Auxiliary Power to the Structural Integrity Field III,Pn.Sc1cl21,HitPoints,,-8531.88,0
Look at the last two numbers on each line. [For hull, the first number is the actual damage that the hull took; the second is the base damage of the attack.] When the hull is damaged, the first number is positive (e.g. 14.1092) from above, and the second number is non-zero (271.437). When the hull is healed, the first number is negative (-8531.88), and the second number is 0. From this, it looks like positive numbers are damage, and negative numbers are heals. Makes sense; in the case of heals, the second number being a 0 probably just means that the combat log is telling us that it's the same as the first number.
But let's compare this to shield damage/heals.
Shield damage:
13:06:09:18:32:37.8::<NAME>,<INTERNAL ID>,,*,Renim,P[2462958@4202966 Renim@renimalt],Disruptor Turret,Pn.H6u7d01,Shield,,-117.876,-174.013
Shield heal:
13:06:09:18:32:38.2::Renim,P[2462958@4202966 Renim@renimalt],,*,,*,Transfer Shield Strength II,Pn.R382aw1,Shield,,-377.905,0
[For shield, the first number is the damage/heal that the shield took. Second number is the hull damage that the shield prevented.]
What's this? For both damage and healing, the first number is negative! Well, we just have to accept this as something that happens due to how Cryptic implemented shields. In fact, one of the devs earlier said that their implementation of shields is very much different from how they do hull.
So how can we tell the difference between damage and healing? Easy: check if the second number is 0. Because the second number reports the hull damage that the shield prevented, if it's positive and non-zero then damage occured; however, if it's 0 then it was a heal.
So what does this have to do with the chat logs you posted? Well, given that hull operates off of the "damage = positive, heals = negative" system, they probably just implemented the chat log to say "gives" with negative numbers and "deals" with positive numbers. As we can now see, that doesn't work quite so well with shields; it'll always say "gives", because both shield damage and heal numbers are negative. (This, admittedly, is conjecture on my part, but I think it's probably something close to this. Or they just made a mistake.)
Don't worry about it too much though; if you look through the combat log file (or use a parser), it'll tell you the truth.
tl;dr: The combat log file that STO's writing to isn't bugged. You just have to understand how it reports things. Take what the chat log says with a grain of salt, since it's probably just a case of misreporting due to shield heal and damage numbers having the same sign.
I'm not sure how it's done but it's extremely annoying I can't even pvp now thanks to it because I'm basically being insta killed.:mad::mad::mad:
Ive noticed this as well but shrugged it off as i still killed the person i was shooting
maybe it is a bug, maybe it is a display bug, , which ever it is its a very annoying one i cant tell if im doing the right damage or what lol
Thanks for the info they really need to do something about this people are getting really mad at it. It's no longer fun when people are given an I win button. Now it's not a match but a game of who presses the button first. Players will take their business else where if this is the future of Star Trek Online. I mean I've grinded hard for my XII sets and they're worthless against this especially if it's against multiple players using it.
Sad but true they really need to start taking PvP more seriously the lack of attention in this area is really hurting the game. PvP is one of the few elements that really adds any fun factor to the games re playability. You can only replay a borg mission so many times before it becomes old.
Not to mention a lot of those fancy ships and gear that's being bought or earned I would assume is being bought by PvPers. After all PvPers have the most incentive to buy the best ships to compete and impress other players with. Lets face it there's not really much incentive for PvE players to be competitive and even on the highest levels the computer can usually be beat by player in the poorest of gear.
Though I don't want to digress to far off the main subject so I'm shutting up now.:D
if you see these heals in the log, and you were parcer, check the person in questions outgoing heals too, and see whats said there.
Your theory is interesting but unfortunately it doesn't hold because the kinetic damage from torps were also "healing" the target. I am not aware of anything that can absorb kinetic damage into shield heals. So it can't be a proc heals. With the exception of the Scimitar, the other two Klinks are not in Rom ships.