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How to: 50s+ Grav Pulse Generator AoE Movement Debuff

ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Due to the recent changes, the information in this post is out of date.
The thread will be updated in time.

This console tends to be under used in PvE - probably most Fed players don't know much about it, but it's very useful for quite a few instances:

Elite STFs (especially with EPTE using Spheres)
Mirror Event
Starbase Fleet Defense and Fleet Alert

It's also exceptionally powerful in PvP.

Base console:

90 degree arc
-66% Speed for 8s
-80% turn rate for 8s
15% chance to take impulse engines offline

W/ 50 Aux & 6 Ranks in Graviton Gens (84 total skill)
-66% Speed for 15s
-80% turn rate for 15s

Nearly double the duration!

W/ 125 Aux and 6 Ranks in Graviton Gens (84 total skill)
-66% Speed for 25.4s
-80% turn rate for 25.4s

3x the duration for some skill investment and 1 aux battery which you can always have available.

W/125 Aux and 6 Ranks in Graviton Gens, 5x Purple MK XII Graviton Consoles, Borg Deflector and Borg Uni Console (264 total skill)
-66% Speed for 50.9s
-80% turn rate for 50.9s

That's more than 6x the base duration!!

So even if you can't go whole hog, just a basic battery + 6 ranks in Graviton gens will be enough to give you a nice 25s AoE Debuff.

Post edited by ussultimatum on


  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Didn't realize skills affected this console. Thanks for the post.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Only 50 seconds? I got Graviton Pulse all the way up to 60 seconds.

    Good exploiting.

    Fleet marks FTW!!!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I played with this once then needed to take a shower afterwards. :)
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I played with this once then needed to take a shower afterwards. :)

    I've never used it in PvP, but I don't mind using it in PvE.

    NPCs don't have feelings, and they don't care if we roflstomp the stuffing out of them in the most efficient manner possible. ;)
  • jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    NPCs don't have feelings, and they don't care if we roflstomp the stuffing out of them in the most efficient manner possible. ;)

    LMAO - Ok, that there, is pure forum gold!
  • mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It can be extended that long? I guess I'll have to pull that out of storage for some trial runs of my own. Even without the skill spec for it, the Aux boost and the right deflector and Borg console should help...
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It can be extended that long? I guess I'll have to pull that out of storage for some trial runs of my own. Even without the skill spec for it, the Aux boost and the right deflector and Borg console should help...

    Exactly, you don't need tons of spec for it.

    Borg Deflector + Borg Console alone will give you a total of 39 spec into Grav Gens, and even a basic Aux battery will be on 2 min CD - so you can always have it ready for when you want to use Grav Pulse (3 min Rech).

    That will probably get you a solid 20s debuff.
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I played with this once then needed to take a shower afterwards. :)

    Same.. Grav pulse got the same response from me - put it on one ship, tested it in a friendly pvp, removed it and now its languishing in the bank

    I do love grav buffed chronitons though...25s of that and it makes life a lot easier (provided they sci team and erase it at the cost of a wasted tt - or they let it run, crippling their defence scores)
  • lake1771lake1771 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    dirty dirty dirty
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    lake1771 wrote: »
    dirty dirty dirty

    Don't worry, NPCs don't mind.

    GPG has been this way for as long as anyone can remember, so it's most likely working as intended.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This post has been edited because VD didn't want to derail the thread with complaining about PvE crutches and how folks should just get better...

    - Cheers!
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So sometimes it is necessary for PvPers to let Cryptic know that something may or may not be out of whack. This tends to get into PvE folks hating on PvP folks for getting certain toys fixed...my bad, they like to call it nerfed.

    The problem when you guys do that is twofold. First your idea of fun and mine (as a PVEer) are completely different. Most entertaining fight I've ever had in this game was doing a Tau Dewa patrol with 4 fleeties, with the 'kill 5 waves' missions spawning absurd numbers of npc ships and turning into a game of 'who has the silliest AOE overkill build?' It was fun because it was crazy and unbalanced and completely unserious. Yeah I don't want the whole game to be like that, but I like that the option to go 'cheat code' does exist. If everything is made Serious and Balanced then that stuff goes away.

    Second, how many of these things need 'fixing' only because someone is pushing the use way beyond WAI by stacking plus stacking with a side of stacking and some stacking for dessert? To go back a ways, PSW3 pre-nerf, if used on a ship with say a normalish-150 total in PG was popping for maybe 10k base damage, which for a cmdr skill with a 45-second cooldown, a 3km range, and required timing between shields, seemed about fair. Then there was lots of complaining because of people stacking PG up to 300 and doing silly things, screams of "Unfair!" and it got 'fixed' to be useless for 95% of the game. Now you have your Grav Pulse thing, which people paid money for, and you're trying to get it nerfed again even though by your own admission its fine under normal circumstances and only gets silly when you set up to exploit the hell out of it rather than use as intended under normal circumstances. Put a skill cap of 150 to 200 maybe, or just stop exploiting a loophole, but you don't need to go around crippling everything that someone somewhere has figured out a way to overkill with, just fix the overkill part.

    You already ruined PSW. Danubes might be annoying in PVP but in the rest of the game when I'm engaging 6 targets at once and I might get one tractor on one guy once in a while, they're friggin useless wastes of a hangar slot. Torpedoes usually impact shield-silvers now because you complained about 'easy enemies' and now everything uses TT 0.5 all the time. And on and on and on. Stop trying to take everyone else's fun away because they aren't playing the way you think they should. Honestly, just who do you think you are?

    Yes I'm stereotyping like hell with my constant use of 'you' when its more referring to a general concept of 'you PVPers' rather than any one individual, and I'm sure there are some nice PVPers out there who aren't like that. However if I meet some loud-mouth chest-thumper eager to tell everyone how they're inherently inferior, I can be almost certain he IS a PVPer. Even as a lowly 'Kirk' (with all the disdain that term implies), I have just as much right to enjoy myself as you, and I'm tired of being told otherwise.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    For the life of me, I can't figure the formula out to determine how Aux/Grav Gens could be combined to determine the theoretical maximum duration. I know that Aux affects the time increase from the Grav Gens, but I just can't figure out the overall formula.

    Basically, trying to figure out what the duration would be for the following gearing/skill without actually having to do the gearing/skill for it:

    +99 (9 Grav Gens)
    +26.2 (Jem Mk XII Deflector)
    +23 (Borg Console)
    +159.5 (5x UR Mk XII Rom Grav Consoles)
    +100 (Quantum Singularity Manipulation)
    +20? (EPtA3, EPtA1 is 10, EPtA2 is 15...not sure what EPtA3 is)

    Because you'd need to know how each affected (Grav Gen Skill and Aux) to make the decision between:

    +16.2 (VR Mk XI Singularity Core w/ [GG])
    +5 Max Aux for a 130 Aux Cap (Overcharged Warp Core)

    So depending on how the formula worked...

    443.9 Grav Gens @ 125 Aux vs. 427.7 Grav Gens @ 130 Aux
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    For the life of me, I can't figure the formula out to determine how Aux/Grav Gens could be combined to determine the theoretical maximum duration. I know that Aux affects the time increase from the Grav Gens, but I just can't figure out the overall formula.

    If it helps, after reading your post I went and popped my T5 Rom Quantum Sing Manipulation Rep Power for +100.

    W/125 Aux and 6 Ranks in Graviton Gens, 5x Purple MK Consoles, Borg Deflector and Borg Uni Console and +100 from Rom Rep T5 Power (364 total skill)
    -66% Speed for 64.9s
    -80% turn rate for 64.9s

    I don't have a core to increase my Aux to 130 on this character unfortunately - but that's very likely the upper limit. A little more than 10x base duration.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Dang. That's a good return for a little skill and power investment.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If it helps, after reading your post I went and popped my T5 Rom Quantum Sing Manipulation Rep Power for +100.

    W/125 Aux and 6 Ranks in Graviton Gens, 5x Purple MK Consoles, Borg Deflector and Borg Uni Console and +100 from Rom Rep T5 Power (364 total skill)
    -66% Speed for 64.9s
    -80% turn rate for 64.9s

    I don't have a core to increase my Aux to 130 on this character unfortunately - but that's very likely the upper limit. A little more than 10x base duration.

    Made me think about it a little more, since I knew what each GG provided at 125 Aux - I could figure out what the 443.9 GG @125 Aux would be: ~76.086 seconds.

    Which means I can also figure out 427.7 GG @125 Aux which would be ~73.818 seconds.

    So can I account for the 125 to 130? Hrmm, let me look at some other numbers.

    197 @125 = 41.5s (+1.1s)
    197 @120 = 40.4s
    169 @125 = 37.6s (+1.1s)
    169 @120 = 36.5s
    141 @125 = 33.7s (+1.0s)
    141 @120 = 32.7s

    Roughly then, perhaps somewhere in the ~75 seconds range. ~1s less. Hrmmm, but what's the actual formula?

    Let me see if that calculates for the 197 @125 Aux. Which it doesn't.

    Trying to find the formula is problematic because of rounding. Even if I can get the Aux without rounding - have to figure the time's still being rounded.
  • mancommancom Member Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    That's more than 6x the base duration!!
    This is pretty much the essence of what is wrong with Cryptic's skill/buff system. How can a system be balanced if the designers have no way of knowing whether the effect will last 8s or 50s? And it's obvious that it it's not balanced around these edge cases because 50s is just ridiculous.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    mancom wrote: »
    This is pretty much the essence of what is wrong with Cryptic's skill/buff system. How can a system be balanced if the designers have no way of knowing whether the effect will last 8s or 50s? And it's obvious that it it's not balanced around these edge cases because 50s is just ridiculous.

    Well, I'm certainly not going to pretend I understand the process behind it all, or why you can potentially buff this duration as much as you can.

    It does seem odd, if we used other powers as an example, to be able to perhaps multiple the duration of Warp Plasma, Tractor Beam or Gravity Well in a similar fashion.

    A single Tractor Beam 1 would last a about 60s.
    A single use of Eject Warp Plasma would last about 120s.
    A single use of Gravity Well would last about (I think) 120s.

    Regardless this item has been brought up numerous times, and the recent posts about Aceton by Captain Gecko lead me to believe that consoles generally will not be changed.

    So this thread at least will let people see the optimal possible usage of it.
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well, I'm certainly not going to pretend I understand the process behind it all, or why you can potentially buff this duration as much as you can.

    It does seem odd, if we used other powers as an example, to be able to perhaps multiple the duration of Warp Plasma, Tractor Beam or Gravity Well in a similar fashion.

    A single Tractor Beam 1 would last a about 60s.
    A single use of Eject Warp Plasma would last about 120s.
    A single use of Gravity Well would last about (I think) 120s.

    Regardless this item has been brought up numerous times, and the recent posts about Aceton by Captain Gecko lead me to believe that consoles generally will not be changed.

    So this thread at least will let people see the optimal possible usage of it.

    ..So can I hold you responsible personally when some kerrat punk grav pulses and I see an absurd duration time? :p
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    burstorion wrote: »
    ..So can I hold you responsible personally when some kerrat punk grav pulses and I see an absurd duration time? :p

    I thought that was the whole point of this thread? They don't like the ability because there's an exploit involving it, so get as many people using that exploit as possible to force Cryptic to do something about it. The problem is that Cryptic won't 'fix' just the exploit, and will instead nerf the whole ability into useless as has happened so many times before.
  • edited August 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    Get rid of it, it has no honorable use. That is why it's sitting in my bank collecting dust.

    Attack Pattern Omega... Need I say more?

    Also I wonder if Hazard Emitters erases that like it does EVERYTHING else.

    Furthermore, if we are not talking about a Premade having one person with this is going to be of questionable use in PvP (not PvE so much I suppose) due to the fact that if you are speccing strongly into this with consoles and everything else you are probably sacrificing either Tank or Kill Power or both making you much less effective.

    Having flown a cruiser very successfully in PvP though I can tell you most of these Tact Scort folks (who are not too bright IMHO) always die the mere moment you stop their movement. If you are among that group and are going to cry about this then I would simply have to say: Learn to properly tank an Escort and that Tactical + Escort is not the best option in the game for PvP and not even that great for PvE in many situations.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    Get rid of it, it has no honorable use. That is why it's sitting in my bank collecting dust.

    Meh, that gets into the whole thing about what's honorable and what's not honorable. That depends on where one draws that line. Different folks will put that line in various places when participating in PvP. Mobs in PvE don't care. Have at it, eh?
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The problem is that Cryptic won't 'fix'...

    Nobody knows if it needs a fix. It could very well be working as intended/designed, and there is no problem with it. It's a case of trying to look at the math behind it - to see what one can do and to make the most use of it. It's up to Cryptic to decide if something is broken, not the players...folks complain all the time about everything under the Sun.

    Yeah, I may have been out of line with what I said earlier - what you quoted; but I hate that the PvP community gets blamed so much by certain PvE folks when something is fixed. I didn't want to see more hate coming their way. Your reply...well...yeah, it was riddled with the kind of hate that I knew such a thread would bring. Certain folks in the PvE community come across things - they don't want to share it, they want to keep it secret - use it for themselves as long as they can. So they despise folks in both the PvP and PvE communities when they talk about mechanics of things...meh.

    Again, nothing that you nor I say means squat in regard to whether Cryptic believes it is working as intended...all one can do is look at how it works, just like any other thing in the game and take a look at how to maximize it. Then one can determine at which point they need to boost it for their desired results.

    But if you feel that such information is sharing some kind of exploit - then let Cryptic know about the thread - ask them to look into it. Otherwise, it's just a case of looking at the mechanics behind the particular console. If it even comes across Cryptic's plate as an issue and they decide that it's not working as designed/intended, then there's no reason to blame anybody for it - it was broken, they'll fix it, and the game will be better because of that.

    But at this point, it's just some folks looking at the mechanics - some folks complaining about its strength (but folks complain about everything) - and well, you wanting to blame the PvP community for what may or may not even be an issue that may or may not even be addressed...I mean, that's kind of - well, take a chill pill...seriously. Don't you want a better game? Either way - either more folks have a better understanding of various mechanics of the game and thus it's a better game or Cryptic says wait a minute, that isn't right and thus it's a better game. It's a win-win scenario. I don't get the hate that you're oozing...but yeah, with my post - I knew that it would be coming...meh.
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    hasukurobi wrote: »
    Attack Pattern Omega... Need I say more?

    Also I wonder if Hazard Emitters erases that like it does EVERYTHING else.

    Furthermore, if we are not talking about a Premade having one person with this is going to be of questionable use in PvP (not PvE so much I suppose) due to the fact that if you are speccing strongly into this with consoles and everything else you are probably sacrificing either Tank or Kill Power or both making you much less effective.

    Having flown a cruiser very successfully in PvP though I can tell you most of these Tact Scort folks (who are not too bright IMHO) always die the mere moment you stop their movement. If you are among that group and are going to cry about this then I would simply have to say: Learn to properly tank an Escort and that Tactical + Escort is not the best option in the game for PvP and not even that great for PvE in many situations.

    Eng team clears it.... since we all need tac team and sci team against snb, makes this one even more painful in pvp...
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    burstorion wrote: »
    ..So can I hold you responsible personally when some kerrat punk grav pulses and I see an absurd duration time? :p

    You'll need to talk to it's creator. ;)

    Like I said, I don't use it in PvP but it does come in but it does make the 10,000th STF I've run a little smoother. ;)
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    havam wrote: »
    Eng team clears it.... since we all need tac team and sci team against snb, makes this one even more painful in pvp...

    Well, technically up to 5 ENG teams might be needed to clear it, but this thread isn't specifically about PvP and few (none?) NPCs have eng team.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well, technically up to 5 ENG teams might be needed to clear it, but this thread isn't specifically about PvP and few (none?) NPCs have eng team.

    NPC Mirandas use Engy Team.

    And honestly, if you really wanted to stretch it, you'd need up to 25 Engineering Teams to clear a whole team spamming it (in a 5v5 situation of course)
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I've been finding myself using chronitons more often lately when grinding PvE simply due to the EPtE spamming NPCs do now. It's pretty lazy copypasta scripting that's used with many frigate -level ships.

    I think they put in this EPtE in for a couple of reasons:

    1) to make combat seem more "dynamic"
    2) To give NPCs more survivability
    3) To offer additional protaection from the recent spate of slow-moving ?ber-torps (Romulan Plasma, Borg Plasma, etc....)

    In any case, its annoying and I think I'll try this out. Thanks for guinea-pigging this for us!
  • irwin109irwin109 Member Posts: 518 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I've always used Grav' Well, I love it. Got it on most of my toons and also use the generators on some ships, thanks for the actual stat' post though.

    "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
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