well the recent summer event is coming to a close soon, and while i enjoyed myself, i can definitely say there are some improvements that can be made. So i thought i'd list my ideas, and invite the rest of the forum goers to have a crack at the list as well, get their input. And of course if the Devs want to comment and join the discussion, they're welcome to ^^
I have a few categories, i figure i'd list them so you know approximately what i'm thinking
1. Costumes
2. PvP/PvE and other gameplay functions
3. Favor Items
4. Reward
5. Miscellany (anything not covered in the above)
1. Costumes - costumes are by far one of the most sought after items, cause they can be used long after the event ends. Adding more to the list is something i think everyone can get behind. here are some of my ideas for costume options (not going to mention swimsuits as it has been said the Devs hope to add them in next year)
Sarongs - male and female varieties
Board Shorts - 20th century fashion is en vogue in the 25th century, why not bring some 20th century beachwear as well?
Shawls - mainly for women, but maybe a more masculine variety for males (great for sun-sensitive Remans)
Sunglasses for other species - maybe next year they'll have figured out the facial geometry issue not allowing caitians/ferasans/saurians to wear sunglasses, or maybe just design a couple types for just those species, Gorn would need their own set as well
Earrings and other accessories - seashell earrings and belts, same for lohlunat pearls, maybe something with Risian tropical bird feathers, an armband or something similar.
2. PvP/PvE and other gameplay - category pretty much says it; for instance, i know Risa is supposed to be free of weapons, but what about water guns? surely water pistols or other similar 'weapons' can be found there. And with water guns, why not have some PvP with some special maps set aside for it, teams can queue up and compete, with a leaderboard displayed in the resort for players with high scores. Have access to different weapon types, from multi stream rifles, to dual water pistol, to water balloon launchers (blast assault variant of course). Those guns available for favors, with those without favors having a default attack being to throw a water balloon.
Something else that could be done would be to have a PvP Floater Race, with tiers depending on the floater used (Standard, Enhanced, Superior).
Both of the PvP sets could reward GPL, Favors, or EC or any combination thereof
I also had a thought to add PvE, buuut that would include the addition of Q to the Summer Event...which many have been against, idk i think Q showing up to make the 'safety' of Risa a little less safe and a little more 'fun'

to be an interesting thing. Maybe have him show up in a hawaiian shirt and shorts, bare foot, and sunscreen on his nose...but still wearing his usual headdress. He could summon some sort of sand creatures players have to defend the resort from using the aforementioned water guns (and balloons). of course it's just an idea.
3. Favor Items - add some more things to the Favor store: the above mentioned costume options, water guns, and such; and perhaps some more summer themed items: trophies to display in your ship, emote packs, pets (the horga'hn is funny, but other pet option would be nice too) both ground and ship pets, maybe some expensive 'custom' floaters (blinged out, racing stripes, etc.)
4. Reward - This is a big one, i like the Risian Corvette, i also like the Chel'grett from last winter event as well (though it is a homely vessel it handles nice). but they both use existing bridges. My proposal is instead of offering us another ship (which while nice, we already have a lot of vessels at our disposal), instead offer one (or more than one) bridge/interior pack as an add-on for the vessel we already obtained (or maybe as a side option while keeping the ship as the main reward, people who already have the ship can grind for a unique bridge/interior set up to go with it)
5. Miscellany - i don't actually have anything for this section, but if anyone has anything else that doesn't fit into the above categories, i'll just add it here ^^
In conclusion, if anyone else has any ideas to add to mine, feel free to post, i'll be updating this list as i see other ideas

so please, post and discuss ^^