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Dilithium Grinding

xcjinxxcjinx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
What missions do you do to grind your 8K a day, and how long does it take you on average?
Post edited by xcjinx on


  • tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I run the same mission every 4 hours and it takes me 16 hours to get 8000 dil. What am I? I am contraband.
    pvp = small package
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2013
    I think this will help you: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Daily

    Also for 2k+ dilithium do 1 spotlight foundry mission everyday before doing any other foundry or atleast actualy completing any other as you can exit without finishing and do a spotlight for the extra reward. Regular foundry missions also give a reward unless specified but not as good as a spotlight and you must wait 1 hour after completing any foundry for dilithium rewards, So dont just do them over and over expoecting payouts.

    Doing ESTF's gives you 960 dilithium as well as marks. 5 borg nueral processors from that can be turned in for 1k which is 5 ESTF's or if you get lucky and get 11 in one ESTF.

    Do DOFF assignments that get you contraband and turn those in is an easy 2k. And also don't forget to do all the DOFF assighnments that give 50 or 250 dilithium before running anything else if you are after dilithium.
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    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    estfs, bnps and marks is quick and easy
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
  • chainfallchainfall Member Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I buy it in less than 5 seconds from people who spend weeks grinding it using about an hour's worth of pay.
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2013
    chainfall wrote: »
    I buy it in less than 5 seconds from people who spend weeks grinding it using about an hour's worth of pay.

    Well thank you for paying for the game i enjoy and the occasional ZEN for buying stuff. Thats not sarcasm either.:rolleyes:
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • oschwoschw Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    dahminus wrote: »
    estfs, bnps and marks is quick and easy

    This plus contraband, i avoid foundry, because the featured missions are freaking long, you get the same ammount in less time in ESTFs
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    oschw wrote: »
    This plus contraband, i avoid foundry, because the featured missions are freaking long, you get the same ammount in less time in ESTFs

    Sword of the Kuvah'magh nets you 2k in about 15 minutes.

    You'd need to run three ESTF's capping out at about 40 minutes (if run flawlessly and fast) to get in that range.

    ALternately you can kill an hour by running the ESTF's and a single foundry mission.
  • xparr15xparr15 Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    foundrelic wrote: »

    You'd need to run three ESTF's capping out at about 40 minutes (if run flawlessly and fast) to get in that range.

    40 minutes? What STFs are you doing? Using your conditions of flawlessly and fast, all 3 can be done in 15.

    Contraband and STFs is the best way to get dil in my opinion. Rich mining claims makes it really easy.
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    xparr15 wrote: »
    40 minutes? What STFs are you doing? Using your conditions of flawlessly and fast, all 3 can be done in 15.

    Contraband and STFs is the best way to get dil in my opinion. Rich mining claims makes it really easy.
    With the right team eSTFs can be done in ridiculously short times. With the wrong team though...
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2013
    oschw wrote: »
    This plus contraband, i avoid foundry, because the featured missions are freaking long, you get the same ammount in less time in ESTFs

    "Honor of Profit" on KDF and "One too many" on federation both are around 15 minutes. 2K on fed and 2.6k on KDF(both rounded down). 15 minutes is not freaking long and beats 15 minutes for 960. 1920 dilithium for 2 ESTF's is still less than 1 spotlight foundry and in the same amount of time you can bang out the spotlight and an ESTF. So what you stated is quite wrong as I do it on 7 toons for 14k refined dilithium everytime I need dilithium and have made 56k refined dilithium in 1 day on those same 7 toons using various sources.

    I know someone going to cry BS on 56k refined dilithium with 7 characters SO I will tell everyone how it is done in nice easy steps... Plus originaly said 40k for some odd reason.

    1. First thing in the morning log in and collect dilithium from Contraband assignment, start a new one. log out.
    2. Sometime during the day Log in and collect dilithium and start a new contraband assignment. Log out.
    3. Log in during normal play time, collect dilithium and start a new contraband assignment.
    4. Do either "Honor of Profit" on KDF and "One too many" on fed for all 7 characters.
    5. Start another Contraband assignment on each for the next morning.

    Thats 8k refined per character @ 7 characters. 56k refined dilithium. Buy zen with it and sell the zen to consolidate onto 1.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jetwtf wrote: »
    "Honor of Profit" on KDF and "One too many" on federation both are around 15 minutes. 2K on fed and 2.6k on KDF(both rounded down). 15 minutes is not freaking long and beats 15 minutes for 960. 1920 dilithium for 2 ESTF's is still less than 1 spotlight foundry and in the same amount of time you can bang out the spotlight and an ESTF. So what you stated is quite wrong as I do it on 7 toons for 14k refined dilithium everytime I need dilithium and have made 40k refined dilithium in 1 day on those same 7 toons using various sources.

    ooo, i hope those stayon the the spotlight for awhile....and i hope they have a good story :)
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited August 2013
    I hope so too but foundry missions change over time though so eventualy it will be worth 1440.

    Another way to get dilithium, grind dilithium like normal and buy zen with it. Once you get 500 to 1k zen sell it for the current rate thats selling. Turn around and sell that dilithium for 1 less than the same amount. Profit 1 dilithium per zen each sale but repeat that and you make huge amounts. This works great if the prices remain stable like they are now around 110 and 111 dilith per zen. If the prices start going up then hold onto the zen until it gets somewhat stable again. It is possible to never need to grind dilithium ever doing this but i dont know about you... I dont care to play with stocks in a game and that zen looks so nice for using to buy goodies from the store...
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • bumblebushbumblebush Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I run the same mission every 4 hours and it takes me 16 hours to get 8000 dil. What am I? I am contraband.

    LOL! Yeah, Contraband is my favorite way for Dil, And the best.:)

    "This is Admiral BumBleBush!..Captain of the U.S.S. Prometheus!..I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
    "This is Fleet Commander BumBle!..
    Vice Admiral of the U.S.S. Prometheus!..
    I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    xcjinx wrote: »
    What missions do you do to grind your 8K a day, and how long does it take you on average?

    I don't use missions to do that anymore. Not with 12 characters that I just collect rewards from the duty officer assignments. I can collect up to 200 zen a day if I want .

    Though I don't really do that anymore as it took too much time. It would literally take about 2 hours just to set up new assignments for all my characters and collect the rewards from completed ones. LOL.

    YET when I only had a couple characters, I use to play the STF ones.
  • vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Call me paranoid but after the Tour nerf I feel reluctant sharing things like that.
  • saekiithsaekiith Member Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jetwtf wrote: »
    4. Do either "Honor of Profit" on KDF and "One too many" on fed for all 7 characters.

    And when does the fun starts when playing a game?
    Selor Andaram Ephelion Kiith
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jetwtf wrote: »
    Doing ESTF's gives you 960 dilithium as well as marks. 5 borg nueral processors from that can be turned in for 1k which is 5 ESTF's or if you get lucky and get 11 in one ESTF.

    This is mostly what I do. One evening of running STFs on my toons generally means I have enough probes, marks and dil stored up to refine for a few days. My KDFs turn over the contraband they pick up from marauding doff missions
    Kirk's Protege.
  • o1derfull1o1derfull1 Member Posts: 294
    edited August 2013
    saekiith wrote: »
    And when does the fun starts when playing a game?

    It certainly doesn't start by doing the same 2-3 estfs over and over and over. I hate estfs, they are so formulaic, and on rails. I'd rather do the same 1 mission in the foundry 1x a day than the same 2-3 estfs multiple times a day.

    And on topic, do the Lore quest at the academy + the 3 nimbus dailies for 2k dil in about those same 10-15 min. Nimbus nets around 1.5-1.6k for less than 10 min work, and Lore is 480 for about 30 seconds. The rest is travel time.

    That plus contraband at least 1x a day.

    Plus 1500 from daily rep grind reward gives you 5,5k in about 20 min.

    Farming one estf for the marks for tomorrow's rep project will give you another 960. You're now at 6,5k in about 35-40 min.

    Regular doffing while you're waiting on queues should give you 500-1k every 24 hrs if you're judicious in the assignments you pick. That's 7k in about an hour.

    Add in the PvE daily (Big Dig, Gorm Minefield, etc) for another 1.5k (mission reward + daily reward) puts you easily at or over 8k.In about 1.5 hours total.

    All this is without even doing a foundry. Add that in and you definetly have a surplus. Plus asteroid mining during bonus hours every couple of days, you should have more dil than you can refine every day.

    If you dont like some of those suggestions for whatever reason, if you're fed, I also recommend the Traelius (sp?) System satellite repair daily you get from the section 31 guy. Once you figure out the sequence to repair the satellites without breaking them, you can easily do it in about 4-5 min for 480 dil.

    I highly suggest making a lvl 11 KDF, and initially spending about 250-300k to get some decent green tactical/security/transporter doffs and then taking 20 min to fill up your doff assignments with marauding missions once a day, you will easily get 5-10 contraband per day, if not more. Feed 5 of those to your main 1x a day, and keep the rest for your KDF toon. He should be able to run a turn in contraband once every day or two at most, and thats free extra dil. For little to no effort.

    This is tried and true for me. I have a Rom and Fed that do this every day. My fed has about 100k unrefined dil on a daily basis, and my Rom is at about 50k unrefined, and slowly increasing. My KDF farmer nets about 4-6 dil a day just in doing doff missions, contraband turn-ins, and the Klingon Lore daily.

    ::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
  • ajm1067ajm1067 Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    4. Do either "Honor of Profit" on KDF and "One too many" on fed for all 7 characters.

    This is where a lot of the above tips fall down for newer players.

    First of all, newer players are not likely to have so many toons and may not even have characters in different factions.

    It is quite evident that contraband is easier to come by on the KDF side through Marauding, which is not available to a Fed toon, who has to wait for numerous successful Doff assignments about getting contraband from the crew - which is by no means a guaranteed succeed, and often only nets you 1 or 2 items of contraband and you need 5 to turn-in for your 2000 dil.

    Secondly, I'm not running any mission seven times in a row. You might do that, but I would get bored. I might, if pushed, do three.

    New players may also not have the ship or the confidence for STFs.

    That all makes it more difficult - but it can be done and without repeating.

    The link given earlier to daily missions is a great resource, to which I would add this overlapping dilithium one.

    The Academy event may take an hour, but once you work out how to get around quickly, you can nab 120 particles which equates to c4000 dilithium. On a quiet event with few people around, you can get as much as c6000. It does take you a few goes though to get to that level, but at least in the meantime, you are getting some in.

    The mining event can get you 1500 for 10-15 minutes work, and up to 1000 when it isn't on. Note to do this you should use your arrow keys, not the mouse, to move the dial.

    I generally only bother with 2 out of 3 of the Nimbus ground events you get from the guy sitting at the bar, so after you get to do the Wasteland episodes, go back there every day for 1000-1500 dilithium from those. You may also get some added bonus opportunities to get 60 dil while you are there. I once got an additional 240 dilithium from these pop-up opportunities, for an extra five minutes or so of my time.

    The three Eta Eridani missions at 1) Traelus, from 2) Sh'mar (near Zibal) and the 3) Distress call at Alhena (Defence Contract) are all around 5-10 minutes each and get you 480 dil each - so that's 1440 you can get in roughly half an hour.

    Also, the Exploring Strange New Worlds sends you to a choice of one of three nebulas where you can come across a variety of ground and/or space scenarios, and they mix it up for you. You do three for 1400 dil. Again, you may find it slow at first, but you can do these in 30 minutes. They are also great for obtaining crafting materials for making gear instead of buying it.

    Once you get to go to New Romulas, or Tau Dewa at least, and the patrol events become available, do them when the three-hour bonus marks becomes available and go do to Japori, Carraya, Nequencia, Nerandra and Beta Lankal and do those for 20% each towards your patrol. There are other systems that can count towards your patrol, but I think those only count 15% instead of twenty, so you'd have to do a sixth mission.

    Note that if you also take the Tholian Red Alert and encounter that whilst doing this it counts 25% towards your patrol - so long as you are successful.

    That will get you 75 marks (60 if the bonus event is not on), which you can use in your personal rep system (50 of them) and get an almost instant 500 dilithium.

    On New Romulas, aside from the helping out assignments for the nominal marks they give, I like scanning for radiation, for which there are several places in the Staging Area, as well as in other areas, where it frequently appears. Like the mining event, use your arrow keys to move the dial and you can pile up the radiation reports you get and it doesn't take you too long to get 300 and turn those in for 30 marks, so if you've got 75 from the patrol, you now have the 100 which can get you can quickly convert to a 1000 dil.

    These are my most common ways of getting towards my 8000 per toon, along with Doff assignments.
    McVittie's Marauders - The House of Arrgh
    I absolutely, positively, will not create more characters in STO now that I have five six seven eight nine ten!
    McVittie/Saren/Arrgh Son of Jahn/Taev Dar/Professor Moriarty/Mia/Vittie/Vidtana'Clan/Suram/Sarela
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ajm1067 wrote: »
    It is quite evident that contraband is easier to come by on the KDF side through Marauding, which is not available to a Fed toon, who has to wait for numerous successful Doff assignments about getting contraband from the crew - which is by no means a guaranteed succeed, and often only nets you 1 or 2 items of contraband and you need 5 to turn-in for your 2000 dil.

    Create a couple of alts just for this. Get them to 11 for DOFFs then you level them through DOFFing only. You end up with a shed load of contraband to send to your more frequently played characters.

    Then if you ever decide to play on the KDF side you have a fuly levelled character with their own dilithium supply from the DOFF missions and credits too. Plus you can pick and choose from the episode missions to get the gear you want.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    decronia wrote: »
    Create a couple of alts just for this. Get them to 11 for DOFFs then you level them through DOFFing only. You end up with a shed load of contraband to send to your more frequently played characters.

    Then if you ever decide to play on the KDF side you have a fuly levelled character with their own dilithium supply from the DOFF missions and credits too. Plus you can pick and choose from the episode missions to get the gear you want.

    Yeah, with contraband and the Pi Canis sortes - KDFs are way easier to hit the 8k cap in no time at all. 8k is pretty easy in one hour of gameplay+contraband (four hours)
    Kirk's Protege.
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I turn in contraband 2x a day, take the sfa quiz, keep my doff roster full of choice missions, and play one or two regular foundry missions. 8000k is not really a grind that way. It only becomes a grind when I need to replenish my ECs. I've also been using my kdf toons to traffick contraband to my main toon.

    There are probably far more efficient ways to reach the cap, but I'm happy to hit my cap by playing a story instead of grinding incredibly boring rinse and repeat arcade content.
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    chainfall wrote: »
    I buy it in less than 5 seconds from people who spend weeks grinding it using about an hour's worth of pay.


    I was about to post to someone else that it sounded like the game was playing them. But you said it so much better.
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
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    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
  • tonyalmeida2tonyalmeida2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    saekiith wrote: »
    And when does the fun starts when playing a game?

    Silly we aren't here to have fun. We are here to grind.
    pvp = small package
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    It only becomes a grind when I need to replenish my ECs. I've also been using my kdf toons to traffick contraband to my main toon.

    There are probably far more efficient ways to reach the cap, but I'm happy to hit my cap by playing a story instead of grinding incredibly boring rinse and repeat arcade content.

    I'm the opposite, have loads of fun doing stuff and making EC - have to grind the dil. Sick of STFs but they do the job :)
    Kirk's Protege.
  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jetwtf wrote: »
    Another way to get dilithium, grind dilithium like normal and buy zen with it. Once you get 500 to 1k zen sell it for the current rate thats selling. Turn around and sell that dilithium for 1 less than the same amount. Profit 1 dilithium per zen each sale but repeat that and you make huge amounts. This works great if the prices remain stable like they are now around 110 and 111 dilith per zen. If the prices start going up then hold onto the zen until it gets somewhat stable again. It is possible to never need to grind dilithium ever doing this but i dont know about you... I dont care to play with stocks in a game and that zen looks so nice for using to buy goodies from the store...

    Sell Zen for what? DIL....sorry a bit confusing:confused: statement

  • ajm1067ajm1067 Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    decronia wrote: »
    Create a couple of alts just for this. Get them to 11 for DOFFs then you level them through DOFFing only. You end up with a shed load of contraband to send to your more frequently played characters.

    Then if you ever decide to play on the KDF side you have a fuly levelled character with their own dilithium supply from the DOFF missions and credits too. Plus you can pick and choose from the episode missions to get the gear you want.

    I appreciate that, and it is a good way to go, but I posted with the consideration that some people who play the game only want to be Feds, or only have time for one character, which will most likely be a Fed, and therefore they would not regard having a Klingon toon or multiple toons as an option, so they would want to have other options to the contraband, to suit their game play.
    McVittie's Marauders - The House of Arrgh
    I absolutely, positively, will not create more characters in STO now that I have five six seven eight nine ten!
    McVittie/Saren/Arrgh Son of Jahn/Taev Dar/Professor Moriarty/Mia/Vittie/Vidtana'Clan/Suram/Sarela
  • vendahravendahra Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ajm1067 wrote: »
    Also, the Exploring Strange New Worlds sends you to a choice of one of three nebulas where you can come across a variety of ground and/or space scenarios, and they mix it up for you. You do three for 1400 dil. Again, you may find it slow at first, but you can do these in 30 minutes. They are also great for obtaining crafting materials for making gear instead of buying it.

    As an addendum to this, do it in conjunction with Diplomatic Investigations. These are basically Aid the Planet missions and take about two minutes if you don't scan for samples.

    When you choose your sector for SNW, go to one where you have a DI. It brings you in about ten minutes sooner. But I would recommend you do the data scans. It may take another minute, but it has it's own Dil payoff.

    On board your ship, visit the science officer. Under special projects, he has DOff assignments for turning in data samples. Turn in 20 of each type the assignment calls for, and you get 250, more if crit. Turn in 3 of each rare sample, and you get 500, more if a crit.

    So just collect them and when you have what you need to do one of those DOff assignments, go get your extra Dil.
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bad post - nvm.
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
    STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sell Zen for what? DIL....sorry a bit confusing:confused: statement

    I think I can clarify.

    Starting with 1000Z. Sell that for going rate - say 100D.

    You now have 0Z and 100,000D.

    Put in a buy order for 1000Z at 99D.

    When (if) it sells you will have 1000Z and 1,000D.
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
    STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
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