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Sci Team, Eng Team, and Tac Team

sphinx1975sphinx1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Why do all three of these share a cool down? Does my ship only have one team who changes shirt colors between depending on the job type?

Two of them sharing a cool down I could understand but all three?
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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    sphinx1975 wrote: »
    Why do all three of these share a cool down? Does my ship only have one team who changes shirt colors between depending on the job type?

    Two of them sharing a cool down I could understand but all three?

    I guess they see it as all being *Team abilities, thus needing to be on the same cooldown (like all Target* abilities are on same CD too). But yes, even though I understand the rationale, it never made much sense to me. Science Team is, duh, a Science skill. It is has nothing to do with Tact Team, which is, duh, a Tactical skill.

    It's like having EPtX and Tractor beam on shared CD: making no sense whatsoever. Just because the above mentioned skills all have 'Team' in their name, doesn't mean they all belong to the same category.

    My guess is that this was simply done as a nerf, so ppl wouldn't be using both ST/ET and TT at the same time. Not even all that unfair, but conceptually iffy.
  • sphinx1975sphinx1975 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I could understand TT and Sci sharing a cooldown because they both deal with shields but Eng Team could still be separate IMO.

    All I'm saying STO devs is that I am content with being the boring old healer in the group.
  • stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm guessing it's for gameplay balance reasons. Having all three on the same cooldown means you can't slot all three into your build and expect to use all of them during battle. At most you could slot two and see good results, but not all three. Considering that ET and ST can counter certain offensive abilities that only really become prevalent in PvP, it's probably warranted.

    Conceptually it may not make sense, but then again neither does exploding and then respawning 10 seconds later.
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