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PVP Territory Control

queue38queue38 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
edited August 2013 in PvP Gameplay
I had an idea for a territory control game play. I am sure some people won?t like it but it?s just my thoughts.

First the maps, let?s start with 21 maps (10 per faction *could be any number* and 1 starter map). Red?s home map would be 10-0, the start map would be 0-0 and Blue?s home map would be 0-10. The home map would be a full tier 5 starbase. All the maps together would be one Territory. All the maps would be in a single line something like

10-0, 9-0, 8-0, 7-0, 6-0, 5-0, 4-0, 3-0, 2-0, 1-0, 0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, 0-6, 0-7, 0-8, 0-9, 0-10.

Winning a map, the battle would start at 0-0. There could be many ways to win the map but I would use a King of the hill or Capture and Hold type game play. (Any ideas?) Once the map is won the battle would move one map towards the losing team?s home map.

Home field advantage, the closer the battle get to a home map the more the defending team gets help from NPC, Operational Assets, etc.?

Number of players/Queue, As many as Cryptic can get into one map with not allowing one faction to have more than 5ish players than the other. Hopeful more people want to play than one map holds so to fix this once a player dies they get sent to the end of the queue. As soon as a spot is open the first player in the queue jumps into battle. If the queues get to long more territories could be opened up to fight over.

Winning/Rewards, there would be 3 levels of rewards (only max level toons). When a territory is won everyone that logged on during that time would get a pop-up saying who won, how long the fight went one, and what all people get as rewards.(this would help promote the PVP game)

level of rewards is anyone that logged on during the battle for the territory of the winning side would share a ?spoils of war? prize. This would a large sum divided among all players. The reason for a large sum divided out is it will help smaller factions get more players.

Second level of rewards would be for playing the territory control game. This would also be a sum divided out among all the people that played but for both teams. (maybe the winning?s side being twice the size?)

Third level of rewards would be based off of a leaderboard. The more you did in the fight the more rewards. Both teams would get this reward and the top players reward would be in the popup for everyone to see. I think the top person?s reward would be very large and maybe a title of some kind.

With 3 level of reward like this it makes people want: their side to win, play in the game, and rewards better based on participation.
I am @allenlabarge in game :D
Post edited by queue38 on


  • kolln95kolln95 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My idea of Territory System

    It need to be about systems and sectors in game. Now enough of them there are. Here is my idea:
    Firstly, all the starbases, like ESD, Starbase 39, DS9 and most of the opened systems, like Sol System, Bajor System, Vulcan System etc. must be neutral space ofthis territory system playing.

    Other systems are free to be captured.

    To get a system's influence:
    Firstly your team have to defeat the orbital defense of the system that is probably the enemy fleet. To defeat them you have to play in an Arena match (5 vs. 5) and win it. Once you have won the space challenge, you have to fight on the ground for the full influence of the actual system. Once you have won the ground match as well, the system you have attacked is under your control now.

    To get a sector's influence:
    A sector is stated by systems. Each sector has each number of systems. To get a sector?s influence you have to get first the sector?s all systems? influence. Once all system of the actual sector is under your control, then the sector is under your control now.

    To get a sector block's influence:
    Once a sector is under your control, you have to move on and do it further, once the half of the sector block's sectors are under your control, you can totally call for a challenge against those fleets, who are dominating the other sector(s) or systems. (In a sector block where 2 or 4 sectors are is simple to decide about this, where 3 of sectors a sector block have, there the most of the sectors, so 2 of them must be dominated before the total challenge for the influence of the sector block, unfortunately this sector block influence thing is not working with the Pelia Sector, except we do not determine it as part of the Gamma Orionis Block, then there we have a block of 5 systems, then of course the half of them means 3 to can start a total challenge for the block?s influence.)

    It was about in the middle of this system if it is working or will be working. But let us see about the beginning of this:
    At the very beginning we have to distribute systems to fleets, so we must know which fleets want to participate in this mini-game. Every single fleet must get one system to dominate on.

    To distribute other systems: Fleets have the opportunity and right to take their hand on a system. Once two or more fleets want the same system they have to fight for it as it has been written in the getting a sector's influence. As more than two fleets want a sector they have to fight against the other fleets.

    We may allow to take hands on a system for two fleets, as they have fought, the winning fleet can go against the other fleet who want that system. So the fights basically in timeline, if Fleet A wanted the system first then after that time Fleet B also and the third was just Fleet C, then Fleet A and B must have a challenge and the winning Fleet will fight against Fleet C.)

    There you go all challenges have the movement of getting influence.

    From time to time some of the participating fleets may reach a great number of systems as dominated ones. As an empire, we have to hold and organise it as it had been in the past, like real empires.

    So basic rules are:
    - Once the first system has been dominated by a fleet that is the capital of their empire. As a capital it has more defense forces than simple colonised systems, as it has more defense,the harder to get it. (Note: this means that this system just cannot be defeated by a simple system challenge, like in the example above, but need more fight to get it. I think it need more of defense as it has, the attackers need to go on a harder way to get the domination above the system. This means then perhaps 10 vs. 10 both in space and on ground. but must be seperated fights, like 2x5 team is fighting from a fleet on the same map, but in a different position, so the kill is 30 as it is double and the 2x5 vs 2x5. a.k.a. 5 vs. 5 and another 5 vs. 5 at the same time on the smae map.)

    - After the first system has been got by a fleet, they can only capture those systems that is in their system's neighborhood. (Note: e.g. the so far named Kei system has been got by a fleet, then they are at the Vulcan Sector of Sirius Sector Block, then naturally they cannot just hop to Gamma Orionis and get also a system there because that is impossible, looking at the measure of space. However as it is in the future, what is Star Trek about, we can allow the fleets to hop bigger ways in space after a number of system has been dominated.)

    - After 5 or more systems have been dominated by a fleet, they can go out to farther systems, that means the other sector blocks in their neighborhood.

    - After 10 or more systems have been dominated by a fleet, they can go out to farther fleet?s territory, but only can attack the frontier of the chosen fleet's territory.

    - After 20 or more systems have been dominated by a fleet they are allowed to go and capture anywhere in the known space any system they like except for the capital systems.

    - To attack a capital system of a fleet, at first the attacker fleet have to own a system in the neighborhood of that capital system. (Note: this is because of the quick attacking of capital systems there would be otherwise just attacking all the time everyone's capital systems, so we can slow it down as it will have more sense to be in the middle of this whole territory system.)

    - A fleet, that has lost its capital system can tag a system of their owned ones to promote that to the capital title. Once it has been tagged, it cannot be modified untill the failure of the newly tagged capital system. As it has been happened the actual fleet has only one more chance to hold their territory. If their capital system was defeated third times they lost the authority above their systems, meaning: space challenge to capture the defeated fleet's systems are not necessary anymore. (Note: this means not the end obviously, this means as they have tagged the third time their capital system, they have used all of their resources to defend other systems in their own, so it means that those systems can be captured by only a ground challenge. But important that only the attacker fleet has the right to do it, other fleets who was not part of the attacking may not dominate the systems before the space challenge. However if more than one fleet was in this attackign around the capital systems, all the attacker fleets will have the authority to capture those systems without space challenge.)

    - Every single fleet has right to make friendships in case of non-agression pact. Non-agression pacts must be created in order to secure two or more fleets territory in the named fleets' neighborhood. Non-agression pacts must be created in order to secure systems? influence when one fleet as a part of the pact is under attack by another fleet, that is not part of the pact. (Note: this is not meant to other fleets so if Fleet A has a pact with Fleet B, and Fleet C attacks Fleet A, then Fleet B has no right to take adventage of Fleet C's attacking, however Fleet D as not part of the pact has the right to take adventage of it and attack Fleet A on another frontier.)

    This was my idea of territory control system in-game, even if we as the community would this do.

    (Note: I may have an idea of reward issue, but only a temporary solution, basically with the fleet items... etc.)

    Hussar Guardian Forces
  • fredscarranfredscarran Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Arena PVP Extra Strength.

    You'd still have the problem with premades vs pugs.
    You'd still have the problem of trying to balance PVP with PVE
    Every problem that exists righ tnow with Arena PVP would translate just fine into Arena PVP Extra Strength.

    nope, the solution is adopting aspects from RTS games to make it more sandboxy. And this goes for every MMORPG on planet Earth.
  • mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Arena PVP Extra Strength.

    You'd still have the problem with premades vs pugs.
    You'd still have the problem of trying to balance PVP with PVE
    Every problem that exists righ tnow with Arena PVP would translate just fine into Arena PVP Extra Strength.

    nope, the solution is adopting aspects from RTS games to make it more sandboxy. And this goes for every MMORPG on planet Earth.

    If there's Terrytory Control involved it's going to be an organized team thing only, so you don't have the premade vs pugs problem. The only way to participate it's going to be subscribing your Fleet, not a bunch of strangers. Ideally we would still have Arena and CnH for pugs, but if you want to participate in Terrytory Control you would have to bring an organized team.

    What's the problem with balancing PvE with PvP?
    Division Hispana
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    First, this is Star Trek Online.

    Fed Fleets would not be fighting Fed Fleets outside of wargames.
    KDF Fleets might fight House Battles.

    Second, the Fed-KDF War is already over. But, as this is Holodeck - home of the replay time-traveling doohickey that it is; the Fed-KDF War could be played out. Cryptic even provided the option for Romulans to participate in this by going far enough back in time to do the Romulan story.

    Third, it would require a mirror copy of all the sectors (welcome to Trammel and Felucca, meh). It could not interfere with the PvE aspects of the game, and everybody should know that.

    Fourth, it would likely require being run as a limited duration event where the war would play out over a period of time - reset - be played out again - etc, etc, etc.

    Fifth, the idea of restricting it to fleets wouldn't happen. Thus, the issue of premades vs. pugs as well as every other problem that currently exists for the various forms of PvP would continue to exist.

    Sixth, given all that...yeah...not going to happen, imho.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    a good ol' fed civil war would solve that, be the cause internal ideological conflict between tos and tng ideals, the brain weevils from 'conspiracy', undine manipulation, or a combination of the above.

    There's over 150 planets that are part of the UFP. Every one going 50/50?

    There's been talk of a Neutral Zone sort of thing - which would be a smaller part, allow for the Fed-KDF War to be replayed out, etc, etc, etc.
  • queue38queue38 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well pugs vs premades would be a problem but that is why I did the queues the way I did. I know I didn?t explain it good but it would be pugs vs pugs in a way.

    You would only be able to queue up by yourself. While a premade could try to get into the queue at the same time they will only get into the game as other players die. Once a player dies they will go to the back of the queue.

    I was kind of thinking because teams can only be 5 people that there should be no teams but some kind of tactical overlay to show what was happening and where.

    With a queue system like this you would end up with the better players from both sides fighting more.

    Also the number of maps could be scaled down to make private games.

    I think it would be cool to see the game slowed down for this kind of gameplay. Even better if it helps get more players into one match.
    I am @allenlabarge in game :D
  • drunkadmiraldrunkadmiral Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I dont see the problem for pugs. If the zones will be controled by fleets, that means only a team of 5 members of same fleet can enter queue.
  • fredscarranfredscarran Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    mrkollins wrote: »
    If there's Terrytory Control involved it's going to be an organized team thing only, so you don't have the premade vs pugs problem. The only way to participate it's going to be subscribing your Fleet, not a bunch of strangers. Ideally we would still have Arena and CnH for pugs, but if you want to participate in Terrytory Control you would have to bring an organized team.

    What's the problem with balancing PvE with PvP?

    Too hard core. Too planned. Too aggressive. Too fast. And still too meaningless.

    There should be room in PVP for some relaxing gameplay, more strategic gameplay, more thinking gameplay; not gameplay only for tweakers and 9 year olds on caffeine, wham bam thank you maam.
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