Star Trek Online is an awesome game but... it could be better... :rolleyes:
1. Anyone remember Star Trek: Bridge Commander? I do and it was an awesome game! What if aspects from Bridge Commander could be incorporated into STO? One of the main features would be controlling your ship from the bridge. Exploration, battles and even sector space could be controlled directly from the bridge. Of course, the viewscreen would have to be changed to show views of the exterior space around the ship. This would be especially helpful for players with older computers as the computer would not have to struggle so much with processing and graphics power. It would also give the game a more realistic "Trek" feel; especially in battle scenarios.
2. More ship interior customization. :rolleyes: I have found the interiors of the ships to be... Very repetetive.

Only a few key features change from ship to ship. What if players could buy additional rooms for their ships? Such as Sickbay, Lounge/Ten-Forward, Crew Quarters and such. Also, I think the ship interiors could be more extensive. More decks for example. More areas that we don't normally see or see at all such as the Torpedo/Phaser relay control rooms, Life Support control, the Briefing Room (I'm surprised this isn't on any of the ships as it was one of the key rooms in almost all of the Star Trek series), the Shuttle Bay, etc., etc. Also, the warp core visuals in the engine room should change if a player adds a new core onto their ship. Last but not least, a player should be able to take a "Shuttle Tour" around the exterior of their ship. Just a few ideas I think would make this game even more awesome than it already is. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
As the post above said to , many discussions have come up about this.:(
1. Anyone remember Star Trek: Rebel Universe? You got dumped in the middle of a Klein Sphere quarantine zone: cut off from Star Fleet, Space Dock, star bases and allies, with no place to refuel or refit, under continual Klingon attack, on a map with several hundred planets to explore and no mission log, so keep your coil-ring notebook handy! The fantastic 8-bit graphics and midi audio evoked the limitless possibilities of the astonishing future to come. The timer just added to the drama - every planet took several months of game time to travel to and if you didn't solve the puzzle in five years you got locked in and lost the game. Assuming the endless waves of Klingons didn't blow you up first of course. Remember how Chekov shouted "Got Heem!" every time you defeated them? Avoid the leeching piles!
Fun times. STO needs to be more like that.