I just played through this mission with an alt, and I like it. However, the Wolf 359 battle can be enhanced with having an Excelsior (Two at the battle: Roosevelt and Melbourne), Nebula (Bellerophon), an Ambassador (Yamaguchi), an Oberth (Bonestell), and there is already an Cheyenne in the background (the Ahwahnee) and a Galaxy (Unnamed so far).
Some non-on screen referenced ships:
Miranda-class Hoagland (from Shatner's The Return novel)
Ambassador-class Kadosca (from Super Nintendo DS9 Crossroads of Time)
Excelsior-class Righteous (from the Video Game Borg)
Excelsior-class Hood (from the TNG Comic Friends and Other Strangers)
Excelsior-class Potemkin (from the DS9 Comic Program 359)
Mainly, I was asking about ship classes already in the game, but it would a nice introduction of the Challenger and New Orleans classes to see the USS Buran and the USS Kyushu.
And I almost said Saratoga, but then forgot we are ON the Saratoga during that mission.
However it could do with looking like the Saratoga's interior in The Emissary.
I.e. the Klingons trying to take over DS9 in DS9.
The Dominion's Siege on AR-551 in DS9.