Greetings, yesterday I bought a fleet long range science vessel, and I am really enjoying the ship(I know wells and vesta are better but I chose this ship)
Now when I first started playing STO I literally put like a point in every skill tree, so my skill tree is quite a mess, bought a respec token today and now i'm really confused.
I saw this build and i'm planning to get the same gear
However I noticed the skill tree was quite messy, with some useless points here and there.
Now i'm really bad at skill tree's so could anyone help me out and make a proper skill build for this ship?
Probably not the best skill set up ever, but it is very versatile and useful. I use it for all my characters
Now as to the skill tree: that one is a mess. In general, you want to take skills up to 6, and only a handful will you want to take to 9. Take a look at this page for details on what you get for your skill point investment:
I usually take Starship Manoeuvres (defence value), Starship Targeting Systems (accuracy value), Starship Hull Repair (boosts hull heals), Structural Integrity (more HP), Starship Shield Emitters (boosts shield heals) and Starship Shield Systems (shield HP) to 9 on pretty much every build and character I run. Most other skills are taken up to 6, except for a few which are left devoid of any points or very build-dependent. If you run batteries then taking that skill up to 9 is worth it. As for everything else, it depends on what build you had in mind.
Anything that involves energy drain makes Flow Capacitors a required investment. CC in the form of grav well gets boosted by Graviton Generators and Particle Generators. Unfortunately, grav well was nerfed awhile back. Basically, what do you have in mind for your ship and what role you want it to perform?
Also you should hold off on getting beam arrays for any science vessel (except maybe the Nebula). Science vessels have a good turn rate and inertia rating, so they don't really need to broadside with beam arrays. Not to mention, doing so costs a lot of power. I run DBBs up front with a photorp launcher, and the borg KCB and a couple of turrets in the back.
Thank you, this is very helpful, I run the same weapons atm with beam banks infront and turrets in back, I just thought the romulan plasma arrays were really good so I was aiming for them. And I love all the abilities like GW and Tykens rift compared to my boring escort, is that like a power drain build?
Unless cryptic fix it, which they probably never will, tykens rift is better left off of any ship.
Tykens rift does next to no damage, drains virtually no power, has a long reuse timer and does nothing to hold your enemy within it. It looks pretty cool, and the description makes it sound pretty cool but the truth is that it completely fails to do what it says on the tin.
Ask a friend to a PvP dual with you, have them sit in your tykens rift and ask them to describe what it does to them for you, better yet have some one use it on you so that you can see for yourself.
Tykens rift is useless.
Now if you want a drain build, which is a good choice for a science ship, then you will want to use two tacyon beams, two power syphons and two tractor beams (with the tractor beam duty officer that adds shield drain to tractor beams).
All three of these abilities will benefit from flow capacitors so you will want to fill your science console slots up with those. With that much shield drain you can run with full aux power and do conventional damage using mines and torpedos.
I recommend tractor beam mines and plasma mines as the tractor beam mines will also benefit from the tractor beam duty officer and flow capacitor consoles. Plasma mines and torpedo's will start burning your enemies hull before their shields are drained, and with projectile duty officers you can use the romulan hyper plasma torpedo launcher to spam those out like nobodies business. The romulan experimental beam array drains no weapons power so it isn't too bad a way to take advantage of your sub system targeting abilities with such a build.
Alternatively if you would rather run with full weapons power and use dual beam banks and turrets a couple of energy syphon abilities will help immensely. Not so much for the drain on your enemies as for the buff to your own power systems to help you get your aux and weapons power up as high as you need them at the same time.
Ah that sucks, well, thank you for the information. I'm going for the drain build I think, i'll miss my graviy well