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C-Store T5 ship console re-visit

lasrelasre Member Posts: 13 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Federation Discussion
Hi Cryptic,

Can we do a rebalancing of the console slots for the C-store T5 ships? Specifically, I'd like to talk about Odyssey Star Cruiser, Multi-Mission Explorer and Andoran Escort variants.

Actually, I think Andoran Escort variants have the most consistent console layout.

Tac/Eng/Sci console - Variant name - Specialization

Andoran Escort (Tactical focused)
4/4/2 - Charal - Engineering (4 console slots in engineering)
4/2/4 - Khyzon - Science (4 console slots in science)
5/3/2 - Kumari - Tactical (5 console slots in tactical)

Each variant specialization has at least 4 console slots for its specialization. Being a tactical focused ship class, the tactical variant has 5 tac consoles. All this makes it consistent and fair.

Multi-Mission Explorer (Science focused)
3/3/4 - Strategic - Engineering (3 console slots in engineering)
2/3/5 - Surveillance - Science (5 console slots in science)
4/2/4 - Reconnaissance - Tactical (4 console slots in tactical)

Now we see that the engineering variant has only 3 engineering console slots. To maintain parity with the Andoran Escort, it should get 4 engineering console slots.

Odyssey Star Cruiser
2/5/3 - Operations - Engineering (5 console slots in engineering)
2/4/4 - Science - (4 console slots in science)
3/4/3 - Tactical - (3 console slots in tactical)

This time we see that the tactical variant has only 3 tactical console slots. Again, to maintain parity with the Andoran Escort, it should get 4 tactical console slots.

I've like to propose that the console slots for Multi-Mission Explorer and Odyssey Star Cruiser be changed to this:

Multi-Mission Explorer (Science focused)
2/4/4 - Strategic - Engineering (4 console slots in engineering)
2/3/5 - Surveillance - Science (5 console slots in science) //no change
4/2/4 - Reconnaissance - Tactical (4 console slots in tactical) //no change

Odyssey Star Cruiser
2/5/3 - Operations - Engineering (5 console slots in engineering) //no change
2/4/4 - Science - (4 console slots in science) //no change
4/4/2 - Tactical - (4 console slots in tactical)

This should match the approach used by Andoran Escort, which is makes more sense compared to the current console layout for Odyssey Star Cruiser and Multi-Mission Explorer.

For this fix to happen, all you need to do is adjust the console layout for Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer and Odyssey Tactical Cruiser.

Post edited by lasre on


  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited July 2013
    Your numbers seem to imply talking in an Eng/Sci/Tac method but that doesn't seem to always be the case.

    Can you perhaps make it clearer of what changes your trying to impose. Not everyone has every ships Console layout memorised.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
    If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
    When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
  • lasrelasre Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hmm...perhaps my earlier post was too wordy. I just wanted to give some background. :)

    What I meant to say is that for some Vesta and Odyssey variants, the variant specialization doesn't match the number of consoles.

    Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer is the engineering variant for the Vesta set.
    - It currently has 3 tac consoles, 3 eng consoles and 4 sci consoles.
    - I propose the console layout be changed to 2 tac consoles, 4 eng consoles and 4 sci consoles.
    - This allows the engineering variant to have 4 eng consoles instead of 3 eng consoles.

    Odyssey Tactical Cruiser is the tactical variant for the Odyssey set.
    - It currently has 3 tac consoles, 4 eng consoles and 3 sci consoles.
    - I propose the console layout be changed to 4 tac consoles, 4 eng consoles and 2 sci consoles.
    - This allows the tactical variant to have 4 tac consoles instead of 3 tac consoles.

    The main reason I'm proposing this is to further differentiate the variants from one another. Right now I feel that some of the variants are too similar to one another. Both ships are top-tier ships and I think they deserve another look to ensure that they're competitive in performing their specific variant role.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,907 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If you want a Sci ship with no teeth and a lot of defensive ability I think the Sci ship you're looking for is the Nebula and if you want a cruiser with a lot of of offensive ability I think the Ships you're looking for are the Advanced Heavy Cruiser or Assault Cruiser.

    There problems solved.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • lasrelasre Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Fleet Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit and Fleet Assault Cruiser are both completely different ships compared with Vesta and Odyssey. While they are useful ships, my current discussion is about the Vesta and Odyssey variants.

    While my proposed change matches the console layout of those two ships mentioned, in terms of handling and playstyle, they're very different creatures. Vesta is much more nimble than Nebula while Odyssey is considerably more sluggish than Sovereign.

    What I want is the Vesta and Odyssey variants to perform their chosen specialization better and follow a consistent console allocation.

    Ship is a science vessel with a focus on engineering? Have 4 sci consoles since it's a science vessel and 4 eng consoles since it's engineering focused.
    Ship is a cruiser with a focus on tactical? Have 4 eng consoles since it's a cruiser and 4 tac consoles since it's tactical focused.
  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited July 2013
    lasre wrote: »
    Hmm...perhaps my earlier post was too wordy. I just wanted to give some background. :)

    I understood what you meant, but I had to go to the Wiki and check the layouts to understand you. I was suggesting making them clearer, which you've done.

    The Tac Oddy change I like, although I don't fly an Oddy.

    But I feel I would get more use out of a Tac console on the Strategic Multi-mission than I would from a 4th Engineering console. While it doesn't have a Hanger and the same BOFFs the Fleet Advanced Research Vessel (Fleet Nebula) has that Console layout.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
    If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
    When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
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