Fellow Citizens of STO,
A while ago we were told PWE was developing their own launch platform named Arc. Overwhelmingly we cried out that we didn't need it or even want it, and some very serious concerns were brought up by a number of us. We even said if you really insist on making it that's fine if it isn't mandatory.
We were told that when/if they planned on making it mandatory we would be told, they lied.
If you look on the Star Trek Online main page it now has the "download button" replaced with the "play on Arc" button. Obviously this only effects new players at the moment, but more than anything it's a matter of principle.
Multi-game launch platforms have been and continue to be notoriously favored targets for hackers. All the major platformers (ie Steam, etc.) learned this very early on and in a very hard way. The amount of devastation a hacker can cause via one of these "one password to rule them all" platforms in immeasurable, especially if you have a saved payment such as a credit card. Despite the most advanced security, hackers can and do find ways to infiltrate these platforms, which leads to another point.
STO already available on Steam as I'm sure other PWE/Cryptic games probably are, so really why do we need Arc as well? The answer is simple, it's all about marketing. If you're constantly seeing these other PWE/Cryptic games eventually people will become curious enough to try them, and even possibly spend more money on them.
Okay from what has been said this was actually made mandatory on Monday, not today so my apologies as I haven't been on the sto main page this week with the exception of today. It's also been said that there was an announcement that it was going to be mandatory for new users, however that was conveniently tucked away in one of the several Arc threads, NOT in an appropriately dedicated thread as it should have been.
Begs the question all the more, why is PWE trying so hard to sneak it in? My guess is because they are tired of all the negativity regarding this controversial decision that yet again player feedback obviously has no influence over. Just one more piece of evidence of the continuing and widening rift between players and devs.