My Romulans have basically every possible advantage they could want in combat over my standard Fed & KDF characters - on top of this they have 50% more core varations available at T1?
There are 12 Adv Fleet M/AM Cores vs. 18 SING Cores.
In addition, the SING cores come in all types of combinations of +power bonuses, Shields & Eng, Eng & Aux, Shield & Aux, etc.
The M/AM cores only have Aux as a secondary power on every single core.
Why the disparity in options?
My Romulan has a decloak ambush +25% flat damage bonus for 15s out of every 18s with up to an extra +6% to +8% chance to crit that but they also get superior core variety options from the only reliable place to purchase MK XII cores?
If this is the case, there does need to be some serious looking into, as there have already been numerous issues that I've read, that are showing Rihan characters are somewhat overpowered compared to the other factions.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
My Romulans have basically every possible advantage they could want in combat over my standard Fed & KDF characters - on top of this they have 50% more core varations available at T1?
There are 12 Adv Fleet M/AM Cores vs. 18 SING Cores.
You know the answer as we all do. Romulans were designed to be superior in every way to get more sales. That's all there was to LoR, releasing superior stuff to get more sales and trying to smokescreen it with a heavy handed story about the Rebel Alliance in STO.
I can only hope other players do the same as me and refuse to spend a dime on anything romulan. No shinies for me I guess, but I hate, HATE rewarding bad behavior.
My Romulan has a decloak ambush +25% flat damage bonus for 15s out of every 18s with up to an extra +6% to +8% chance to crit that but they also get superior core variety options from the only reliable place to purchase MK XII cores?
I don't see these options as properly balanced.
Singularity Charge (Singularity Cores, Uncommon and above)
[SingA] - +20% Singularity Charge Rate
[SingC] - -10% Singularity Cooldown time
[SingS] - -20% Singularity Power loss rate
Singularity Ability (Singularity Cores, Rare and above)
[Jump] - +100% Singularity Jump Accuracy
[OLoad] - While Singularity Overcharge is active, you gain +20% Crit Severity.
[Res] - Your Singularity Shielding also provides you with 20 resistance to all damage.
[Shad] - Singularity Warp Shadow will confuse all High - Yield Torpedoes in a 5km radius.
[Wave] - 10% chance to disable 1 subsystem for 5s with Plasma Shockwave.
My take on this game is they create slight imbalance from a gear standpoint to create a desire to buy something, then they swing the pendulum the other direction as a counter.
Now this imbalance is not that significant, and the singularity powers are on the extreme end, but it drives sales. If they did not give the Romulans something very shiny that the feds lack currently then there would be less interest in Rom toons.
I expect more of a balancing in the coming months as far as gear goes, this means more sales for Cryptic.
The other problem is Romulans do not rely on as many of the broken systems to be more sustainable in PvP. It seems a few Boff abilities have been abandoned over the years and the singularity core provides a work around to new powers that are more functional without addressing the boffs.
With Reputation being a motivation gate there has to be some kind of carrot to allow you to submit to the beating another rep grind will give you. I do feel that LoR has great potential, but it just seems like there is so much scar tissue from previous content that it is impairing function.
PvE Jem'Hadar motto:Participation Ribbonsare life.
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
You know the answer as we all do. Romulans were designed to be superior in every way to get more sales. That's all there was to LoR, releasing superior stuff to get more sales and trying to smokescreen it with a heavy handed story about the Rebel Alliance in STO.
I can only hope other players do the same as me and refuse to spend a dime on anything romulan. No shinies for me I guess, but I hate, HATE rewarding bad behavior.
Singularity Charge (Singularity Cores, Uncommon and above)
[SingA] - +20% Singularity Charge Rate
[SingC] - -10% Singularity Cooldown time
[SingS] - -20% Singularity Power loss rate
Singularity Ability (Singularity Cores, Rare and above)
[Jump] - +100% Singularity Jump Accuracy
[OLoad] - While Singularity Overcharge is active, you gain +20% Crit Severity.
[Res] - Your Singularity Shielding also provides you with 20 resistance to all damage.
[Shad] - Singularity Warp Shadow will confuse all High - Yield Torpedoes in a 5km radius.
[Wave] - 10% chance to disable 1 subsystem for 5s with Plasma Shockwave.
AM warp cores don't have these abilities so not as many variations :cool:
Enjoy the Journey
Now this imbalance is not that significant, and the singularity powers are on the extreme end, but it drives sales. If they did not give the Romulans something very shiny that the feds lack currently then there would be less interest in Rom toons.
I expect more of a balancing in the coming months as far as gear goes, this means more sales for Cryptic.
The other problem is Romulans do not rely on as many of the broken systems to be more sustainable in PvP. It seems a few Boff abilities have been abandoned over the years and the singularity core provides a work around to new powers that are more functional without addressing the boffs.
With Reputation being a motivation gate there has to be some kind of carrot to allow you to submit to the beating another rep grind will give you. I do feel that LoR has great potential, but it just seems like there is so much scar tissue from previous content that it is impairing function.