I recently got my Risa corvette (and can finally put that saccharine island of the damned to my rudder!), and now for the experimenting!
I've been building a ship based around Defence value for some time. So you can see why I'd be interested in the Risa corvette. On a Defiant at full throttle without any buffs I'm running a 90% defence.
Then I saw the Risa corvette, "want that!" thinks I.
Well today I got it, transferred all my gear across and whacked the engines into drive. 90% with a Defiant, all I got was 95% bonus defence, no matter where I had the power setting. down at a minimum of 18, 95%, up at full beans 95%.
This seems odd considering the stats of the corvette, which is listed as:
Increased Defense based on speed, up to +15%
In a test right now.
Impulse 53.something: 95% defence
Impulse 25.something: 95% defence
So how fast do I need to be going to get the +15%?
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
There is a cap on how much defense can be derived from ship speed. However, there is no cap on how much defense can be combined from other sources (ship type, boff traits, boff abilities etc.).
Just out of interest, how did you get to 97.6? I'm guessing Romulan BOFF's?
Never heard of an escort getting a 10% bonus. Small craft (IE: Fighters) do I believe though. My numbers tallied without that ten % though.
65%: engines
10%: elusive
10% Aegis set
=85%, and I had maxed out relevant captain skills, which accounts for the missing 5%.
If you go with all purple Subterfuge boffs from the Embassy, you can get 18.75% defense added to that.
So, if you go:
9 points Maneuvering Thrusters and impulse speed above 24 (70%)
Elusive trait (10%)
5x Subterfuge boffs, purple (18.75%)
You can get 98.75%.
If you add:
Aegis set (10%)
Piloting a Risan Corvette (5%)
You can get 113.75% defense.
Thanks, thought it was those.
=o.o= !!!