I have bought the Romulan Dreadnaought 3-pack, the scimitar is my active ship. I am able to buy the the BLUE Romulan Drone ship BUT i cannot buy the "Advanced Romulan Drone" at the dilithium store!
Secondly i own ALL three Jem'Hadar ships. The Escort Carrier, Dreadnought Carrier and the Jem'Hadar ATTAC SHIP. Yet when i truy to buy even the BLUE Jem'Hadar attack ship HANGAR PET or the Jem'Hadar fighter ships IT SAYS THAT I DO NOT OWN "TRIBBLE REQUIRED JEM'HADAR SHIPS" EVEN THOUGH I OWN ALL THOSE! Never mind that i do not even see the Advanced Jam'Hadar Attack Ship & Advanced Jem'Hadar Fighters in the dilithium store.
PLEASE FIX THIS BUG ASAP! THIS IS ANNOYING! I am life time subscriber and my toon is Romulan / KDF tactical lvl 50 Vice Admiral!
PS. I have sent multiple bug posts, WITHOUT ANY REPLIES! Also i know that i am NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH THESE ISSUES OR BUGS!
This is very annoying and has not been even ADRESSED BY THE DEVELOPERS! I kills the fun from playing Romulan since i have all these ships but NO HANGAR PETS FOR THEM TO BUY!
Make a bug ticket. And if you haven't, try and make a help ticket too. It took over a month, but they finally fixed an issue I had with a reclaim, maybe they could help you.
There is a few threads about this and it's not just RR. On one of them (it worked for me) the workaround is to dismiss the Scimitar, go to the ship vendor and reclaim it. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT use it on a lockbox ship or a ship that won't let you reclaim it. This workaround can work. I've also had this issue and would like a fix.
This problem is not unique to the Romulans, there are people who can't buy BoPs for their Vo'quvs, Stalkers for their Atrox and other issues with trying to get unique ships that you need to own a ship for.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.