I'm looking for a Klingy purp who can help crit the Help Refugee's from Fed Aggression mission.
Must have Honourable/Spiritual/Tactful without Aggression. Also must not be Medical or Civilian off the top of my head as that "adds" to success and I don't want that at all.
Anyone know of any they care to share the names of? Mail me ingame
@Kurgis if you don't want the price gougers to strike.
I have had a quick check of the store (the guy at the academy) but didn't seem to see any that fitted the bill but could of missed one.
Double crit(Hon/Spi) is reasonable, but Tactful is hard to find on non-civilian Klingons. Orions often have it but they typically don't have Spiritual.
My character Tsin'xing