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My Adapted Battle Cruiser

thewolfsterthewolfster Member Posts: 75 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Firstly, the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser is not a cruiser. Well... on it's own it's a cruiser but if you have both the Battle Cruiser and the Destroyer then it is really kind of a Science Vessel, and possibly one of the best Science Vessels in the game. Certainly as -interesting- as the Vesta - if for different reasons.

This all revolves around the three-piece set bonus: Multi-Spectral Particle Generator. This adds a DoT effect to your exotic particle science abilities (and the Indocrination Nanite console ability) as well as some engineering abilities such as Aceton Beam, and it's a significant DoT (500 damage per tick is pretty achievable with power boosting, while 350-400 is more sustainable) that completely bypasses enemy shields.

This leads on to the ship's second neat trick, as the Shreapnel Missiles also have 50% shield penetration. Combine this with a 5% shield penetration Nukara reputation power added in the same update, 2.5% shield penetration procing disruptors found in the very same lockboxes as the destroyer and the shield penetrating kinetic proc Omega reputation power and you can build a ship that's capable of ignoring enemy shields to a much larger degree than most (though this is also true of the Destroyer).

To capitalise on both of these, you kind of need to think of the ship very much as a science vessel hybrid or potentially a very pointy science vessel. It has a couple of other bonuses that help it perform the science vessel role:

It's warp core comes with a bonus ability, a small temporary aux power level boost that also counts as a battery power (and is affected by battery skills), as well as granting a bonus to your weapon power level equal to (I think) 7.5% of your aux power level. This helps you run with an aux-heavy distribution without too much sacrifice in other areas - and aux of course determines your science ability effectiveness but also scales the Multi-Spectral DoT. I found that the engineer trait that grants 10 to all power levels on use of a battery skill is great here - you can run EPtS for survivability and improve your DPS every time you have to use it. I also found that the Plasmonic Leech console (again from Tal Shiar Lockboxes) granting an effective +15 to all power levels whenever you're in combat is a great addition to the build. My power levels during combat, without boosts but with the PL console run at approximately 120 90 50 90. Those are pretty solid numbers. Solid energy weapon damage, solid tank, solid aux for those science abilities.

More than any other ship build I've run, this one's performance is really tied to maintaining high power levels. Hopefully I haven't bored you yet.

There's a concession I made to 'roleplay' that influences my choices in gear. So if you are a little more picky about your gear you almost certainly can find more optimal choices. Specifically, as a lifetimer since beta I have access to the Liberated Borg, and given that the Tal Shiar ships are 'improved' with Borg tech, as is the captain, I decided to run with the Borg tech theme.

I went with Nanite Disruptors both for the shield penetration and the Borg nanite link, and chose beams. I pretty much bottomed out my engine power level and this thing is a bit of a whale, but you could run with cannons (and given your science abilities are so important and often front-facing you may wish to do so). The Adapted Borg three-piece sets; cutting beam, module, omega launcher. The Adapted Borg shields, engines and deflector. There is good synergy here - bonuses to aux and engine power levels and further regeneration and tanking procs that will be useful given the AoE science abilities can annoy groups of enemies.

Particle generators is your science stat of choice. It improves the damage of the relevant powers themselves but also the Multi Spectral DoT - I chose to stack -threat romulan particle generator consoles in all three science slots. Engineering slots took are taken up by an EPS and Neutronium Alloy console and I have a single +disruptor tactical console with the rest taken up by the various universals already mentioned. If you were willing to sacrifice some tank you could make more of your disruptor DPS for sure and that may be the better choice with a cannon build. YMMV.

Your BO options are awesome:

UNI ****
SCI ***
ENG **
TAC **

For survivability, and because I still want to fly what feels like a cruiser, with a solid tank, I put an engineer in the top slot. You could have a lot of fun with a science officer there instead. I'm running Aceton Beam 3, Tachyon Beam 1, Charged Particle Burst 1 and Gravity Well 1(?) - each of which applies the Multi-Spectral DoT. CPB even applies it to every target hit, while GW only appears to apply it to the primary target. As mentioned, Indoctrination Nanites also applies the DoT, and also effects all targets hit.

I won't detail the other BO abilities, they're fairly predictable and you have a lot of scope to change them up without having an impact on the core of the build. Run with what works for you. There are also some alternative options for your sci abilities that I haven't experimented with - if anyone tries these I'd be interested to know if you found any to be particularly successful.

I realise this is an 'expensive' ship/setup and you're not going to compete on DPS with the better escort builds, and you won't have the versatility of the Vesta, or the tank of the Oddysey, but you're gonna do well at all three - few ships can do that and nobody can match your shield penetration that I'm aware of.
Post edited by thewolfster on


  • vonhellstingvonhellsting Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm calling hax no one can a afford Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser and destroyer at the same time.:P
    The Lobi Crystals are Faaaakkkkee!
  • thewolfsterthewolfster Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm calling hax no one can a afford Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser and destroyer at the same time.:P

    Actually I was lucky. Two destroyers in 10 keys. Converted one into EC and then into the Cruiser :)

    Not something I'd like to wager on ever repeating.
  • arctcwolfarctcwolf Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Have you considered running the romulan beam/torp/console with it? Combining the rom hyper and omega causes the omega to fire every 2 secs constantly when using purple projectile doffs. Add in the zero energy draw of the rom plasma allows u more energy to redirect elsewhere.

    Being a tac captain like many, I'm planning on using tac in commander slot. However...I'm looking at it as a torp/control boat. Adapted maco shields and engines provide an automatic 25% torp damage buff...helping all your torps...

    If u decide to keep the Borg items then also look into a tractor doff for added shield drain with the Borg tractor.

    When u gain access to dil mine consoles be sure to get the neut elite consoles with turn rate bonus.

    Its too bad they won't have elite mk XII Borg warp cores for the destroyer or BC. I already see great eng and sci apps for the dual bonuses provided by the elite cores available
  • raslekx626raslekx626 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    arctcwolf wrote: »
    Have you considered running the romulan beam/torp/console with it? Combining the rom hyper and omega causes the omega to fire every 2 secs constantly when using purple projectile doffs. Add in the zero energy draw of the rom plasma allows u more energy to redirect elsewhere.

    Being a tac captain like many, I'm planning on using tac in commander slot. However...I'm looking at it as a torp/control boat. Adapted maco shields and engines provide an automatic 25% torp damage buff...helping all your torps...

    If u decide to keep the Borg items then also look into a tractor doff for added shield drain with the Borg tractor.

    When u gain access to dil mine consoles be sure to get the neut elite consoles with turn rate bonus.

    Its too bad they won't have elite mk XII Borg warp cores for the destroyer or BC. I already see great eng and sci apps for the dual bonuses provided by the elite cores available

    to do what your saying makeing your omega torp fire evry 2 seconds would make you always be facing forward on him which in the long run would lower your all around DPS since your not hitting him with all your beams mroe DPS in turning for that second and fireing torp and moving back to all your beams.
    To understand the underlying philosophy of the Sith. The dark side offers power for power's sake. You must crave it. Covet it. You must SEEK POWER ABOVE ALL ELSE WITH NO RESERVATION OR HESITATION.
  • arctcwolfarctcwolf Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    honestly as I look more and more at the cruiser, the more ideas I get in terms of playing with it. particle generators, flow caps, tetryon weapons, plasma weapons, torp boats, control cruisers, beams, cannons...just so much to play with.

    I agree it should be a sci focused build, but even then, its hard 2 nail down what would be most effective considering the set bonuses and different ways to do damage.
  • thewolfsterthewolfster Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I've tweaked the build a little to add more tank and swapped to +threat consoles - The ship has pretty good regeneration potential, and while I'm not flying as many healing abilities as I do on my fed's Odyssey I get a pretty awesome tank out of it.

    When I get to my PC later I might post the full build.
  • thewolfsterthewolfster Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    arctcwolf wrote: »
    honestly as I look more and more at the cruiser, the more ideas I get in terms of playing with it. particle generators, flow caps, tetryon weapons, plasma weapons, torp boats, control cruisers, beams, cannons...just so much to play with.

    I agree it should be a sci focused build, but even then, its hard 2 nail down what would be most effective considering the set bonuses and different ways to do damage.

    I think you have to capitalise on the multispectral dot if you've got the three piece set, but otherwise you're absolutely right. There's a lot you can do.
  • corvallecorvalle Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sorry OP, it is NOT a science vessel. Just because it has sensor analysis does not make it science...

    you can not even use GW3 with it.

    nuff said
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,695 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    corvalle wrote: »
    Sorry OP, it is NOT a science vessel. Just because it has sensor analysis does not make it science...

    you can not even use GW3 with it.

    nuff said

    Yes you can, it has Universal Commander BOff you can set to Science. I think you're thinking of the Adapted Destroyer instead.
  • capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm actually thinking of revisiting this ship, as i had totally forgotten about it. I wanted to make a Sci oriented Beam cruiser, asi prefer hold and Control abilities on my Tac.

    The Battle cruiser will suit me nicely.......
    Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
    I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
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